Harley and I have found a new pass time. We search the computer for pictures of other mommies and their panty boys. We look up make up sites and find out different ways to make ourselves beautiful. We have searched for wigs and pretty panties and even bought a few things that Harley really liked. But more recently we have been searching naughty sites. Phone sex sites and porn sites. Harley gets to read the bio’s to me, it helps with his reading and it is fun for both of us. We have found lots of fetishes that he has never heard of and we have made a list of things we are going to try together in the near future. One that he seems most interested in is an enema fetish. He says he wants something in his vagina like mommy gets when her boyfriends come over and he gets to watch. We have been talking a lot about how mommy is going to fill his little vagina full of water and then make him hold it while she plays with his clitty making it hard. He knows he isn’t allowed to spill a drop of water until mommy gives him permission just like anything else we do. Harley never does anything with out permission. My pussy gets wet every time we talk about his enema and I think that this weekend will be the time we are going to do it!
Category: Cougar phone sex
Computer Fun
Darla and The Dragon
A friend of ours created this wonderful cartoon picture of me and a dragon. so we got together and wrote a bed time story for Harley called Darla & The Dragon And this is our tale:
Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman named Darla. Her skin was creamy like sweet milk and between her legs was a golden nest that was warm and wet and could bring a ray of sunshine to the gloomiest day.
Darla had a closet full of the most beautiful silky underwear and lingerer. Handsome men would come from all over the world bringing her the finest silk panties and bras in exchange for spending time with her.
Darla loved the beautiful underwear but was sad because when the men would leave she was all alone.
One day while walking through the forest Darla came across a fire breathing dragon. He was horribly nasty and no one could make him happy. But when he saw Darla in her beautiful panties, he stopped and gazed in wonder.
As Darla got closer and the wind shifted, he could smell the sweet and musky scent coming from that golden place between her legs.
His heart instantly softened and he wanted to be near her, he needed her to sooth the savage beast with in him.
He approached her cautiously and she smiled at him sweetly slowly taking off her skimpy undies, showing him her perfect body. He took her in his claws and gently held her close, caressing her and loving her like no other ever had.
Darla came to him everyday and it wasn’t long before Darla’s belly began to swell. Soon she and The Dragon had a beautiful little one they named Harley.
Harley loved to wear his mothers panties and would dance and sing close by when his mommy and daddy were together in the woods. Darla was never lonely again.
And they all loved happily ever after. ~~~~The End
Work Mommy over Good!
I went to the gym today and pulled something in my back. My back was hurting so bad my son offered to give me a back massage. How can I turn those big strong hands of his down. I stripped right out of my clothes and lay down on my big bed. And I waited for my big boy to come take care of mommy. When he came in he was carrying the baby oil and my heart just jumped. I let David rub that oil all over my body. I’m sure that massage was supposed to relax me. But all it did was turn me on. My nipples were so hard they could’ve poked someones eye out. Davids big hands never stopped. He touched every part of me. And just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore. I felt him slide right up between my legs and finger fuck me till I came so hard. Then David let me ride his cock till he filled me up with his own cream!
Working Under Cover
Working under cover is fun if its working on a sweet pussy! Everyone knows I love my little ones. But times when you have a party it’s nice to spread the love around. This last weekend I had one hell of a get together. My little ones were busy sucking dick and licking pussy, just like mommy taught them. And I decided to have some fun with a sexy little drop of chocolate Briona. I’ve seen her at my parties before. Always eager to suck on her brothers dick or show her father what a good fuck she is. And I just couldn’t resist the urge to suck on that tiny little teen pussy of hers. She had already fucked a few cocks and was dripping wet. So I climbed right under the sheets on the bed and started working on that sweet little body. Her tiny little nipples got so hard in my mouth and she did taste good. I knew from watching her she was going to be amazing but I had no idea what a good fuck she really was. When she wrapped those beautiful long legs around my face and started pumping that pussy against my mouth . Mmmmmm It was fucking delicious. I made that sweet little chocolate pussy melts all over my face four time. Her daddy was waiting patiently there stroking that cock of his watching me lick her sweet pussy. So I decided to let them go ahead and fuck her in front of me. I could tell that sweet little pussy needed to get pounded after I woke it up. But I did join in and help daddy make her come over and over again because that’s what a good mommy does. I can’t wait till I get to taste that delicious pussy again
Luvin My New Neighbor
Recently a new guy moved in down the street, I love to exercise at the gym, and job or walk around the neighborhood in the evenings. The other night on my walk I noticed a moving truck and it appeared someone was moving into the home that has been vacant for a few months now. As I passed by and noticed there were only men there and wondered about who my new neighbors would be. I waited until the next day and decided to bake one of my favorite casseroles and take it to them to welcome them to the neighborhood.
An extremely good looking man who looked to be about the same age as myself answered the door. I introduced myself and welcomed him to the neighborhood and handed him the casserole. We chatted for a few minutes then as I turned to leave he asked if I would stay and enjoy the meal with him as he lived alone and had no one to share the casserole with. I gladly accepted his invitation and went inside. As you can imagine there were boxes everywhere and we ended up eating off of paper plates and the conversation just seemed to flow so easy.
After dinner we went out to the living room and sat on his couch and began talking more and we just seemed to click. The evening turned quite romantic, we must have sat on his couch for hours just kissing, fondling and cuddling with one another. I know I am a cougar and he is my age, however like myself he keeps himself quite fit and is very good looking. It was getting very late and he offered to walk me home. On the way to my place he thanked me for such as wonderful first date and asked if he could take me out on a proper date tomorrow night. I think this has potential and could lead to something more than just a casual friend with benefits. I am looking forward to our date and hope he is a good of a lover as he is a kisser.
Sharing is Caring
I’ve always believed it was a good idea to teach my little ones to share. But how do you do that? Sharing toys or stuffed animals is asking a lot. Then I thought of something that my sister and I used to share. Well that’s kind of a secret (hee, hee), but you will see what I mean…it had to do with Daddy.
So I decided that my oldest, Sarah, who is almost as tall as mommy by now, but still a quite away behind in another important area (hee, hee, again) would share something with Mommy that would teach Ariel and Lisa a nice lesson. Each of my male fuck buddies has a particular outstanding talent, so I chose Devin, who shots a load of cum to fill a champagne glass. We all got naked and waited for Devin to arrive. We were kissing and licking each other when he walked in. I had told him the plan, so he stripped and revealed his hard cock immediately. Sarah and I went down on his hard dick while Ariel and Lisa played with each others pussies. Devin can last along time, but Sarah’s and my talented tongues brought him to the brink in less than ten minutes of licking his shaft and kissing around it. Ariel and Lisa were squealing with excitement as they watched. Then Devin shot his enormous load of hot cum into my mouth. Now for the sharing lesson! I didn’t swallow, but rather held the super load of delicious hot cum in my mouth and tilted Sarah’s head back. She opened her mouth, and I let the entire cum load drop between her lips. We traded his cum this way several times, before it dissolved with our passionate kissing.
My two little daughters were so thrilled with their sharing lesson, that they couldn’t wait to try it themselves. Sharing is caring.
Ever Wonder What it would like to Fuck a Robot?
Last night I had the strangest dream ever! I woke up in a sweat, not sure if it was because I was scared that the dream seemed so real or if it was because I got so turned on my the whole thing. I dreamed that our community had been taken over by robots, some of these robots looked human, while others looked quite different. In my dream I got up and took a drive around town to see what was going on and to try to find someone to help. I was headed toward the local police department as I was sure they could and would help.
On the drive there I saw robots everywhere and they were all fucking each other, fucking women, both young and old. By the time I got to the police station and ran inside everyone in the station were robots too! I was so scared I wasn’t sure what to do at this point. Then one of the robots came up to me and said he should escort me home for my safety. I was so scared but really had no choice but to do as he asked. I went out and got into my car and he followed me in some sort of a robotic contraption.
Once at my house he said he needed to come inside with me to check my home to be sure all was clear and that I would be safe. He said he would stay with me until I fell asleep, I was scared, and did exactly as I was told. This robot took me to my bedroom and had me lay down, then this huge electronic penis came out of his body and he told me to stay calm it would be over in a few minutes and he assured me I would enjoy the experience. It was at this point I woke up in a sweat and ran out to the living room and looked out the window! I was so relieved to realize it was just a bad dream! I must be sexually frustrated and can’t wait for another date with my new neighbor!
Use your porn as A Training Guide
It was so warm today I had to go for a walk. I was just enjoying the sun when the skate punk down the street came running up to me. He had heard very nasty things about me and wanted me to know that he watches a TON of porn and would love to spend some nasty time with me. Well, How could I pass that up? I mean teaching a young man how much better life is in real life, than in the movies! I let him walk me home and showed him straight up to my bedroom. I let him watch me do a slow and seductive strip tease for him. And then I undressed him. I was about to suck in his cock when he threw me down on the bed and climbed right on top of me. He was like a jack rabbit trying to shove his dick inside of me then he licked my face. I had to stop him right there! I mean. NO! I was about to teach this punk what fucking was all about! I made him sit still as I licked his cock and sucked it! Then I climbed right up on top of him and showed him how much BETTER slow is. And I slowly rocked his world. I made him cum 3 times before I finally let him go home. And I hope he learns his lesson.
Happily ever After
I firmly believe that hair pulling is a requirement. Not an option. I want to feel you wrap your hands around my hair. Nice and tight. Call me mommy when you ram your cock deep inside me! Fuck me like I want. Give me that big hard dick and pound me like a little cum slut. I want to squeeze that shaft as you jab that massive head deep inside me. And I don’t want you to stop pulling my hair until you shoot your load inside me. And that better be after I cum over and over on your hard cock. I like it deep and nasty. I want your thumb up my ass and your dick is deep inside me. Ride me like your life depends on it. Fuck me like it is your last time to fuck. And fill me up like a starving whore. I need it all. My fairy tale ending is filled with cum in every whole! Now that is what I call happily ever after!
Whore it up!
I’m not saying I am a whore, but if my pussy was a video game it would be rated “E” for everyone! … oooh wait, I guess I am saying I’m a whore! And I am whore-a-lious! A Milf like me needs more that one dick. That is why my sons cock is just not enough for me. I have fucked all of his friends. And most of his friends little brothers! I just really believe that life is to short to not live it up! Like last night. I could have snuggled down in front of the fire and read a book or watched tv. But instead I called in one of the neighbor boys who was riding by on his bike. I paid him to bring in a big pile of wood for my fire place. Then I tipped him with his first blow job. He was knocking on my door this morning asking if I needed more wood. And I could tell by the bulge in his pants he didn’t mean for my fireplace!