Tag: Sexy Granny

Sexy Granny Sammy Wants to Play

sexy grannySexy granny Sammy got some young dick this morning. Not from my grandson either, but from his little friend. It is a school boy I made a young man earlier in the month who now can’t get enough of this old slut. Could you? I mean once a young boy gets his dick wet, he wants more. He tried to get his own granny to fuck him, but he got a belt to the ass instead; so he played hooky from school today to get some pussy. He paid me a visit this morning after I got my little brood on the bus. While his mommy thought he was on the school bus heading to school, he was walking around the block to grandma’s house. I greeted him with my soaking wet pussy. His dick is so small it doesn’t stay in my cunt very well yet, but he loves eating my cougar pussy, so I let him live between my thighs for awhile before I had him mount my ass. The ass, even on an old broad, like me is still pretty tight, so those younger cocks have a nice snug feel. I am such a dirty old whore. I usually try to keep my P desires to my own grand angels, but when horny young boys show me their hairless willies, I’m like an addict at Pablo Escobar’s house. I can’t say no to the plat of coke in front of me. With his boy batter up my ass, I drove him to school and acted like his grandma to get him excused for being tardy. You can be late a hundred times if excused back before lunch without any bells or whistles going off to the school police. I think I may be taking young Charlie to school a few times a week now. I love having a young boy to train.

This time of year everyone needs a sexy granny!

sexy grannyIt’s the holiday season and you know what that means right? Family time and lots of food, shopping and presents and so much togetherness, it’s wonderful isn’t it? What you really need this time of year though, is a sexy granny like me. Grannies cook for you and spoil you rotten and that is wonderful but I’m a very special kind of granny… I’m the kind of granny that won’t just spoil you with presents and food, I will spoil you with blowjobs and a nice wet pussy to fuck! Just ask my grandsons, I made sure to spoil them yesterday. In between basting my turkey and getting dinner ready, I was on my knees sucking their little cocks and letting them crawl up under granny’s dress to lick this pussy too! Oh it was so much fun having the family over all day long, I hope that you got to have fun with your granny too!

I’m Thankful for Family Fucking

family fuckingFamily fucking is what I am thankful for. One of my granddaughters had to do a school paper on Thanksgiving. The paper included interviewing as many of her family members as she could to find out what they are thankful for too. Now of course, she had to leave off the fucking part for the school project, but she is grateful that she has a dirty family who believes in the motto “a family that plays together, stays together.” This holiday we have a fucking tradition. Everyone in my big kinky family including all 6 of my offspring, all 7 of my grand babies and my brother will be under one roof for 5 days for the stuff the best incest phone sex calls are made of. Each year the youngest members of the family get inaugurated into the family way. This year that is a baby girl just learning to crawl and a baby boy whose balls still have not dropped yet. As the matriarch of our kinky clan, I always get to decide who has the honors of which little virgin; but before our family time is over, we all enjoy a go at the newest inductees into our incest way of life. I think my oldest son is going to fuck my youngest granddaughter, his niece. He fucked her mother all the time growing up. He is 9 years older than my youngest daughter, so I know he likes tight little cunnies. Do you? I think I want my baby grandson’s hairless dick all to myself. He is so young, that when he cums he will sound like a little girl still. I love teaching the boys in this family how to take care of their women. I may be greedy in that I sometimes want first dibs at the boy cock, in the end, this sexy mommy shares all the little ones in the family with the not so little ones.

Bath time is always fun here!

gilf phone sexBath time is always fun at grandma’s house! I fill the tub with lots of bubbles and we all get naked and get in there together and play, play, play. My grandson especially loves it because after I wash his sweet lil peepee, I dry it off with my mouth… he gets so fucking hard when I do that! He giggles and tells me to suck it harder, he even will ask me to finger his lil bottom while I’m sucking his dick too! I always get rewarded for my efforts too because he always squirts his little boy milk right down my throat! Mmm it tastes so good! Now, don’t get the idea that we leave my sweet granddaughter out of the fun, we always include her too. She helps me suck her cousin’s dicky and always begs me to let him fuck her… she is young to be a slut but I couldn’t be prouder of her! I wish they could be here every day because our visits are just that much fun!

Incest Phone Sex with a Sexy Granny

incest phone sexThis incest phone sex granny didn’t get much sleep last night.  I am not complaining, however. My middle grandson spent the night as did his little school friend whose parents are out of town. That little friend has been staying with my daughter and her husband, but they had to go out of town for a funeral, so I have the boys through Monday. My grandson’s school pal has discovered the joys of masturbation. Not sure if it is from being in my house, or just the right age, but that boy was slapping his little meat stick so loud, it woke the dead. My grandson slept through it all. I was trying to ignore him. I knew if I saw his little pecker I would commit a crime. I am weak for young dick. Normally, I have no moral compass when it comes to young boys, but this boy I know nothing about. Didn’t want him telling his folks granny Sammy molested him. I put the pillow over my head and tried to sleep. Didn’t work. The jack off sounds got louder. As it turned out, they just got closer. I took the pillow off to see my grandson’s friend standing next to my bed with his dick out. He told me my grandson told him I would know how to take care of him. That I did. I blew that little boy bedside. I got a healthy dose of boy protein before I even started my day. I let him take a pair of my sexy granny panties to school. I made sure  to get him a really ripe pair. I told him to jack off in my panties while at school. I promised him a good fuck when the boys came home. I don’t think the lad will tell anyone. What was I thinking. Boys never tell. They want dirty old women to molest them. I bet you did too.

The Sexy Gilf and the Little Pro

sexy gilfThis sexy GILF was very naughty this weekend. My daughter was out of town, so she asked me to babysit my second youngest granddaughter. She is such a little doll baby. She is a P magnet too. Anytime I take her out in public, all eyes are on her. She looks like a little beauty pageant girl. She has lots of blonde locks. She loves to wear the cutest little frilly dresses. She is a cock tease. Her mom says she doesn’t know she gets all the men hard, but I disagree. I think she knows exactly what she is doing and loves it. Men give her “prezzies” and money according to her. I asked her what she does for those things. “I’m just adorable, granny. That’s all,” she replies with a smile. That is most certainly true.  I decided to take her to the mall on Sunday wearing her Sunday best dress. She had on white frilly underwear too so when she bent over, all the dirty old pervs popped wood in their pants. We walked around holding hands as she licked an ice cream cone. The men were going crazy. So much head turning.  My granddaughter acted oblivious, but she wasn’t. When one guy stood right in front of us boldly asking her name, she winked at me and asked him if he wanted a special date. I was in shock and awe. At her age she knew how to milk men. It is an inherited trait I guess. The gentleman looked at me with a boner in his pants in disbelief. “Make your deal with her, she is in charge,” I informed him. She negotiated like a pro for top dollar. I let him escort her to  the family bathroom. I so wanted to watch. Is that wrong? I listened at the door, however. She was in pain from the noises she was making and he was happy from the ones he was making. She emerged a little messy, smelling like sex , but a smile on her face and a wad of cash in her hands. I was impressed. My little angel is a little pro.

Sexy Grandmas Like Trains: Boy Trains

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas are all over the place these days. In my generation, grandmas were little blue haired ladies who made you cookies and smelled funny. Nothing sexy about them at all. Times have changed. The Internet is filled with hot mature women who are over 40. Take me for example. I am in my 50s. I have 6 offspring who bore me 7 offspring. Would you look at me and think granny? Maybe you would think cougar or MILF, but a grandma is not the first thing that comes to mind when you look at me. Trust me. I get that all the time. I picked up my teen grandson from school yesterday. A few of his friends were waiting with him. One of the boys called me Mrs. Belmonte, which is his mother’s name. I just said, “oh how sweet, but I am his grandma.” They all gasped and looked at one another in amazement. One of the boys said, “Dude, your grandma is smoking.” Not going to lie, the flattery of a few teen boys made my pussy really wet. I asked if they wanted to come hang out at our house. I teased them with the lure of video games. I was secretly hoping being hot was all the lure I needed. I wanted a teen gang bang. Those young  boys could pull a train on this sexy granny any day. They did to. Almost as soon as we got in the house. Their book bags dropped to the ground and their cocks came out. I fell to my knees like a greedy granny whore. Did your grandma ever blow you and your friends? Well, I did a lot more than blow. I got trained by horny teen boys. Once I was filled up with cum, however, I let them play video games. I bet you wish I was your granny, don’t you?

Sometimes grandmas have to say no

sexy grannyI know that grandmas are supposed to spoil the little ones but sometimes even a grandma has to say no. I caught my grandson in my closet again today, he had my clothes scattered around everywhere and every single one of my sexy nighties were covered in cum and completely ruined! Was I supposed to praise him for that? Tell him that it’s ok for him to just destroy all of my pretty things? I don’t fucking think so! I was livid! That was not the first time that he had pulled some shit like that and I was determined to make it his last time! I don’t care that he wants to dress up in pretty things, he just needs to leave MY stuff alone! I made him sit there in the middle of his mess with his makeup smeared and cum all over him and I took lots of pictures. He was begging me not to tell anyone but how else was he ever going to learn? I posted all those pictures everywhere he has a profile online and invited men to drop by whenever they wanted to fuck my sissy grandson, I’m going to whore him out until he’s made enough money to replace all of my ruined things!

I know sexy grandma pics turn you on!

sexy grandma picsOhh baby, don’t be embarrassed, I know that my sexy grandma pics turn you on and I am not mad at you at all! Did you think that Granny was going to punish you for looking at them? I left them there on the table so that you could look at them, why would I be mad about that? I love seeing the way you look at my naked body… I know that it turns you on and that you always go masturbate after you see me naked, why don’t you ever ask me to help you get off? I’m not like most grandmas, I love exploring my family’s bodies and I would never ever leave you frustrated! Come here sweetie, let Granny suck that hard dick of yours, I can swallow every inch of it and it will feel better than anything you have ever felt before! Then Granny is going to let you fuck my pussy, have you ever fucked a girl before baby? It is the most fun ever, just let Granny show you!

GILF Phone Sex Halloween

gilf phone sexGILF phone sex the day after Halloween is filled with naughty stories. I always volunteer to take my grand angels trick or treating. I am a dirty old woman. A predator like you who enjoys the young ones. Going around town with my own little brood got me pretty worked up. I saw this little boy in a Spiderman costume. The red body suit hugged his little body so well, I could see his tiny little package. I licked my lips as I watched him go door to door with us begging for candy. My youngest granddaughter knew that look in my eyes. “That’s Zach, granny. He is my grade,” she informed me. When she added that  she could invited him over for a candy exchange, I thought to myself,  “I can’t love this girl any more if I tried.”  She went up to him and invited him over after trick or treating. He agreed. The little ones love to exchange candy. My baby girls love the sweet candy, while the boys prefer the chocolate bar candy.

When Zach arrived, I was dismayed that his dad was with him. I had to change up my game plan. Daddy, however, was eyeballing my little granddaughter so I thought, perhaps a trade like the candy? I started talking to him, pulled it out of him that he had fantasies about young girls. I made him an indecent proposal that made his dick rock hard. Would you let me play with your little boy if I let you play with my little granddaughter? Hell yes you would. I escorted my little Spiderman to my bedroom, while his daddy took my granddaughter to the guest room. The rest of my grand angels watched scary movies and exchanged candy. I made Spiderman a real man. He was my treat. My granddaughter got pumped full of man seed in her little cunnie. She was a trick for her friend’s daddy. She is so good to help her sexy granny out like that. She is my little wing man. How was your Halloween?