Tag: Sexy Granny

Grandma Phone Sex Gets Young Cocks Hard and Ready to Fuck

grandma phone sexGrandma phone sex might not be what you think. I will not bake you cookies. But I will fuck you. And I will suck you. I love being a dirty grandma. The only benefit about my grand angels growing up is that they have friends. Young, hot friends. My middle grandson wanted to have a party Friday night. Not like a rage party or anything. Just a few guys from school over for dirt biking and video games. Since I live on a farm with lots of acres for dirt biking and 4 wheeling, I agreed.

Why would I say no to bonus boys in the house, especially teenage ones. I put on a sexy outfit. One that let these lads know I am a sexy gilf. However, according to my grandson, I could wear a sack and all his friends would still find me sexy. I think it is because of my big tits and perhaps my healthy attitude towards sex. I think sexual women ooze a confidence that frigid women just don’t.

A Sexy Grandma Always Appreciates Bonus Boys in the House

After the boys rode bikes on the dirt roads for hours, I greeted them in a long nightgown with no bra or panties. Not completely see through but tight fitting.  That nightgown highlighted my hard nipples and the roundness of my ass. My grandson gave me a shit eating grin because he knew what I was thinking. I had his friends’ hard cocks on my brain. How could I not?

Even though I had snacks and drinks for the boys, they only wanted to snack on me. Sort of the response I had hoped for. You never know how a young boy will respond. And mature women possess fragile egos. One rejection can send us into a spiral of self-doubt. But luckily, I have not faced rejection from a young boy yet. My grandson gave his friends permission to grope his sexy granny.

And after that I had hands on my big boobs and up my cunt. But my hands and mouth explored those teenage hard cocks too. Soon, I was on all fours letting teenage boys gang bang me. I love it when my grandsons bring me friends to play with. Even when they do not mean to, they bring me the best looking teenage boys.

Sexy Mommy Samantha Loves Fucking Her Daughters Too

sexy mommySometimes I forget I am a dirty sexy mommy. I started my incest life technically with my older brother when we were horny teens sharing a bedroom. But once I got older and started a family, I got the incest bug again. Now, I am twice divorced with 3 daughters and 3 sons. And a small army of grand angels. Most of my days get filled with the grand angels.

However, that is not a complaint. Not at all. I love their energy and neediness for their grandma. But I need to make time for their parents too. And I do my best. Although I love those little bald pussies, and young stiff dicks, I love my offspring too. No one ages out for this sexy granny.

Last night my daughter came over with a bottle of wine and a double-sided dildo. This is my middle daughter, and I don’t see her enough. But last night she spent the night. And I cannot remember the last time she did that. Her work schedule interferes with our mother daughter time. We started in the hot tub drinking wine and finger banging each other. I feel like finger banging is a lost art form.

This Sexy Mom Loves Her Daughters Too

We love to finger bald pussies and mature pussies in this home. But we all sport bald pussies. Natural blondes often wax or laser off that fine hair. A blonde bush is an odd sight, LOL.  Most blondes are not real blondes and that’s why they shave. But we are natural blondes in this family. But we prefer the smooth look.

My daughter and I finished in my big bed. But we felt a bit drunk. Never a problem for women to perform when drunk though. Unfair, right? We spent a few hours in the 69 position. And passed out between each other’s legs. I am not a huge drinker, so three glasses of good wine and I am anyone’s.

We never used that double sided dildo last night. However, we took care of it this morning before she had to leave for work. My face still smells like her cunt. She loves mommy sex. And I sure as fuck love daughter sex. A dirty mommy never forgets her offspring just because they grow up.

Incest Sex Keeps Me Looking and Feeling Great

incest sexIncest sex is good for the soul and the body. Perhaps I do not have a chiseled body. Or necessarily the most toned body. But I do have a sexy grandma body. Big tits. Ample ass. And thick thighs. My body is real.  Real tits. But no injections. And the only substance ever shot into my body is cum. And I would not want it any other way.

Honestly, men and women ask me how I can be in my 60s and look like I am in my 40s with no extra help. Well, I can thank my mother and grandmother for my Nordic genes. Sweeds age well. But it would be remiss of me not to mention all that family fucking. I swear by cum. It does my body good. Better than milk if you ask me.

Even at my age, I still have a libido. And zero issues getting wet. I know from talking to my callers that many women lose their desire for sex as they age, and it might take a gallon of lube to get their pussies wet. However, that is not the case with me. My grandsons and granddaughters keep me young at heart and keep me horny as fuck.

Incest Keeps This Grandma Looking and Feeling Great

However, yesterday, I woke up alone. But I did not stay alone. My daughter brought my youngest granddaughters to play with me. And of course, I never mind having company. When I get to eat and rub little bald slits all day, I know it is a good day. My angels just coo and giggle while I play little games with their bald slits. They love their sexy granny buried between their little legs.

Have you ever tasted a young girl’s pussy? Perhaps I should describe it sweet like strawberry wine. Honestly, it could be compared to eating cotton candy too. Sweet and sticky. And, very pink. I do believe that girl juice and boy batter keep me feeling and looking good for my age. Maybe I should advertise that I have a body crafted by incest.

Sexy GILF Samantha Woke Up Horny for Boy Cock

sexy gilfThis sexy gilf woke up horny this morning. However, I also woke up alone. I watched some porn and masturbated. But that did not take away my itch. So, I texted my middle grandson. Since he got his driver’s license, he can make booty calls anytime he is not in school. He wanted to see me, but he had a friend over. Another teen boy, I inquired. When he confirmed that his friend Todd spent the night, I suggested he bring him too.

Perhaps, I should have been more cautious or asked some questions, but I felt too horny for that. Plus, teen boys never tell anyone. They might brag about the sexy granny they fucked, but they will not name names. You can guess why too. They want more pussy and ass. Young boys never need condoms with me either. I enjoy the feel of hot cum splashing inside my pussy.

Sexy Grannies Prefer Young Cock in Their Old Holes

My grandson and his friend arrived about 30 minutes later. And they found me naked on the couch with my legs spread and ready like Betty Crocker. My pussy did not need any lube either. Even at my age, my pussy still drips because young cock gets my juices flowing. Both boys fell to their knees in front of me to worship the cunt that would soon be full of their sperm. Some days, I wish I could still get knocked up.

For a few hours this morning, I got crammed full of teenage dick. How lucky am I? I mean I have concert t-shirts older than either boy. I think those boys woke up just as horny as I did. My pussy and ass got filled up with boy batter. Before they left to go to the movies, I spit shined their cocks like a good whore. Mature sexy women always clean up their messes.

Mommy Phone Sex Can Make Everything Better

mommy phone sexMommy phone sex goes both ways. By that I mean not only does mommy make her boys feel good, but they also make her feel good too. I experienced a rough week, and it is only hump day.  Even phone sex mommies encounter days from hell, LOL. However, luckily, my youngest son and oldest grandson stayed a few extra days because of the winter storm.

We went to a concert together on Monday. No doubt, I was the oldest person there. But I enjoyed myself immensely. I was with my boys. How could I not. The snow hit yesterday so they did not leave like expected. And thank goodness. Because I needed them. Yesterday, they shoveled my car out so I could run some errands. The main roads appeared clear. And they were, but I blew a tire out on something. I steered in the right direction but had to swerve to avoid hitting a tree.

Incest Makes Everything Better

But that put me in a ditch I could not get out of. No one stopped to help a sexy granny with big tits. So, I called my boys. And even hungover, they came to my rescue and handled everything from getting the car unstuck to putting the spare on for me. We went home and fucked like wild animals. And I needed those hard cocks pounding me too. Just sometimes you have a week where you feel like the bug on the windshield. But nothing some good family fun cannot cure.

They ravaged my ass and my pussy at the same time. And they must have cum almost as much as I did. By our last fuck, only droplets of cum came out of their dicks. But me? I was still squirting everywhere. For this dirty old woman, the best days and the worst days improve tenfold with family fun. My son and grandson sadly left this morning to go back to Nashville. But they fucked me good before they left. Incest sex makes anything better. I promise.

Sexy Grandmas Love Fucking During a Winter Storm

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas never get bored. Not when they have family who want to visit and play. Although I enjoyed a busy week with family, my youngest son and my oldest grandson could not visit me during the week because of their work / school obligations. But they came to see me last night. And they will stay for the weekend. My son lives in Nashville and my grandson attends college in the same city. Works out well for them to visit together.

Both my boys had a rough week. My son had a major deadline for a new game he is developing. And my grandson had a huge project due Friday. Now, both boys want to celebrate with this sexy granny. Since we got hit with a bunch of snow last night, I was worried they would not be able to visit. But my son has a truck, and he was not going to let mother nature stop him from seeing his mom.

Nothing Heats Me Up Better on Cold Nights Than Family Cock

My power went out for a few hours after they arrived. So, perfect timing if you ask me. Why? Because we kept each other warm with body heat. We did not even make it to my bedroom. They dropped their bags, and the power went out. My boys made a fire, and we got naked on the rug in front of it. I sucked their cocks which felt so warm to me. Like I really enjoyed their hot cocks throbbing in and out of my mouth. Although I wanted them both in my mouth at the same time, they are both too big for that.

But I can fuck them at the same time with one in my ass and one in my pussy. The fire kept us warm. And their hard throbbing cocks kept me warm. Although I love family fucking with all my family, between us they are two of my favorite fucks. After a few hours of fucking last night, today my pussy and ass feel like I was involved in a gang bang. Their cocks are just that big, and they can jack hammer my fuck holes for what seems like an eternity. I am going to get a great workout this weekend.

Family Fucking Valentines are The Best

family fuckingFamily fucking was called for today. This is the most romantic day of the year. And although I treat every day like a holiday to celebrate with family fun, this was a day I needed some extra TLC. Been a rough week. I feel exhausted and its only hump day! Since I had a late start to my workday, most of my family paid me a visit this morning.

My oldest grandson and my youngest son plan on visiting me this weekend, but the rest came at various times today to spoil me. My youngest daughter stopped by first this morning. She brought me flowers and my two granddaughters. One of the granddaughters stayed the day with me. So, I got to eat her sweet candy box all day. Jealous? This sexy granny shares.

Family Fun Made My Day, and Makes Any Day for Me

My middle grandson stopped by next with his younger cousin. They stopped by on their way to school and tag teamed me. Next came my middle daughter with my two other granddaughters. They had Starbucks and flowers for me. And pussies too. Although I love cock, I swear somedays I could just eat pussy all day long. I rarely get to see my middle daughter because of her busy schedule. So, it felt like the best present ever to eat her horny cunt.

After they left, my oldest son came by to see his mommy. He did something so cute too. He put a bow on his cock. In his hands were more flowers and a few books I have been wanting. But those items paled in comparison to seeing his big hard cock. Oh, how I do not get to see that enough. He fucked his sexy mommy in front of his youngest niece. Then he bounced back for a second round watching the youngest member of the family eat his cum from my pussy like it was candy.

Today was just what I needed to make my long week feel magical. Family fun makes everything better. And will always be the best part of any day for me.

Sexy Grandma Pics Show off My Big Natural Boobs

sexy grandma picsMy oldest grandson tells me that when he looks at sexy grandma pics on the Internet, he never sees grannies with boobs like mine. Few women possess boobs like mine. I have been busty since I was a schoolgirl. However, motherhood boosted my cup size. I went from a DD to an E cup. Then after a few more pregnancies, I was a EEE. But I love motherhood and I love my boobs too. Breast feeding increases bra size too.

Knowing that so many boys like my grandson enjoy seeing me and women like me naked, makes me so horny. I spent yesterday alone. My family had to watch the Super Bowl at my oldest son’s house because I worked all day. Now, I suspected things would slow down for me once the game started. And I was right. I got to watch most of the game. My oldest grandson called me during halftime because he missed me and needed a stress release from his studying.

Few Women Have Boobs Like Mine, and That Makes Me Popular

In between the game and studying, he masturbated thinking of his sexy granny. But he wanted to hear my voice. I am glad he called me too. Watching Usher worked me up. Not my style of music necessarily, but the man looks great for 45. When he ripped his shirt off, I came. No lie. Now it was not all Usher. Part of the reason I came so easily was that my grandson was telling me how hot I am for a woman of any age. In a world that seems more interested in younger women, it made me feel special.

Plus, I knew I was missing the family fun because of work. But my grandson was in the same boat because he had a big exam today and could not miss it. We made our own incest sex on the phone. Neither of us had a pony in the race, so we did not care who won. But it was nice to get a little family action even if just phone sex.

GILF Phone Sex Sluts Get The Young Cock and Cum They Want

gilf phone sexGILF phone sex stories, I have plenty to share. I am a GILF in her early 60s with the sex drive of a coed. Young men love me for my age and experience. But they also love my need for cum. Lots of cum. It does my body good! Over the weekend, I felt super hungry for cum, but no one could help me out. So, I paid my oldest grandson a visit on campus. He has been swamped with schoolwork and has not had a chance to visit his horny grandma. So, I visited him.

He appeared happy to see him. And he wanted to show off his sexy granny to his fraternity brothers. I could hear the porn music playing in my head. But I am not a porn star. So, I have never had a gang bang. Family orgies yest, but I am a suburban grandma. Not like I can easily wrangle 50 guys and expect them to all come over to fuck me.

However, I thought a fraternity house would be filled with horny men down to fuck a horny grandma. I walked into my grandson’s frat house with him and met some of his brothers. My boobs had their attention too. Strapping young lads who looked very athletic like my grandson. My mind ran crazy with thoughts about all the cum I could get from these boys.

A Sexy Grandma Like Me Always Craves Young Cock

My grandson took me to a room in the corner of the house and told me this is where I would stay for the night. I’ve never spent the night in a frat house. I usually grab us a hotel for the night. Suddenly, I felt like a horny teenager myself. I pulled my grandson’s cock out of his pants, and it dangled in front of me like a carrot to a starving bunny.

As I started to swallow his hard cock, I felt a hand on my back that quickly moved to my boobs. Another frat boy I assumed. But I did not mind. Suddenly, I felt aware that more than one frat boy entered my grandson’s room. Perhaps, he planned it this way so I could get more cum. Although, I did not have the gangbang that I played out in my head, I did have a kinky threesome with my grandson and two of his frat brothers. And I do not think that is too bad for a sexy gilf.

Sexy Grandmas Like Me Love Valentine’s Day

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas love Valentine’s Day. And it is approaching soon. Will you be my Valentine?  I get 13 Valentine’s Day dates in February. Since it is a short month, I will be busy at least half of the month with special dates. I have 6 offspring and 7 little angels. And each one of them loves to make this day special for me. I have two ex-husbands who never did anything special for me on Valentine’s Day. Hell, I was lucky if they even remembered my birthday or anniversaries.

So, decades ago, my offspring decided to make a big deal out of holidays for me. They never want me to feel lonely or neglected. And they do not. They passed that tradition on to their offspring. My grand angels enjoy making their sexy granny feel like a queen. My oldest granddaughter wanted to jump start the month of love with me. Oh, how I love my angels. She came over last night with a gift basket of some of my favorite things.

I am One Lucky Grandma Because All My Family Loves Me

According to my daughter this was solely her idea. And she used her own money to get some of my favorite things like Starbucks chai tea latte, Twix candy bars and bath bombs. Plus, she cooked me dinner. She learned to make a vegetarian lasagna just for me. My heart swelled with love, and my pussy dripped thinking about how I was going to thank her after dinner. Did I start with a bubble bath with my angel, or did I dip a Twix bar into her bald cunnie first?

We had Twix bars for dessert. I fucked her little bald cunnie with one bar and she fucked mine with the other bar. My pussy melted that chocolate almost instantly. My cunt looked like a chocolate covered pussy, which my grand angel loved. She buried her face between my legs and licked it all up. I did the same for her. The chocolate only enhances her natural sweet taste. After eating each other’s messy pussies, we soaked in the bathtub for a while using one of my new lavender bath bombs. Mature sexy women should all be as lucky as me. My family loves me so much.