Tag: sexy grandmas

Grandma Phone Sex Turns Boys into Cunt Pleasers and Girls into Cock and Cunt Pleasers

grandma phone sexGrandma phone sex keeps me busy surprisingly. And my grand angels think it is hot. The littlest ones do not know what I do. They just think I like to talk on the phone a lot, LOL. But my older ones find it cool that their hot grandma appears naked on the Internet. Plus, they enjoy the fact that other boys fantasize about me as their grandma. Sometimes, I tell them about a hot call I had involving them and our lifestyle, and it makes them super horny for me.

The other night, my oldest granddaughter spent the night with me. She wanted advice on boys. She’s at that hormonal age that makes her a horny little thing. Her crush at school asked her to the fall dance and she’s all nervous. Most girls do get nervous on their first official date with a boy. Plus, she still feels in shock that he asked her out.

My family worked to build her confidence. This sexy granny helped her shop online for a dress she likes so we can go shopping this weekend to try some on. But she’s big breasted for her age. Takes after me. So, getting a dress to fit her small frame with large boobs might be a challenge. After my little pep talk, she felt better about going to the dance with her crush. I’ll take her to get her nails and hair done the day of the dance.

All the Girls in My Family are Cock and Cunt Pleasers

But until then, I told her grandma wants to enjoy her bald cunnie. I am not saying she will fuck this boy, but we knew her days of family only fun would not last forever. She will never stop pleasing her family. I think she loves it too much. She’s a natural little slut. Loves to suck cock and eat pussy. She guzzles cum like I guzzled Tang at her age, LOL.

But I could eat her little pussy for hours on end. And I did enjoy it that night. My fingers and my tongue still smell like her sweet little snatch. However, she’s no virgin. But the schoolboy who gets to fuck her will blow his wad quickly. Her bedroom skills are advanced for her age thanks to incest sex. Natural little cock pleaser. Polishes knobs and balls. Every man and boy wants a cock pleaser. And a natural little whore. My family has more than one!

Sexy Grandmas Like Me Still Score with Teenage Boys

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas need cock. The more cock the better too.  I am the kind of woman that if I get a lot of cock, I want even more the next day. A little hair of the dog that bit me the night before sort of thing. However, I woke up alone this morning. My middle grandson came by after school yesterday because he missed his horny grandma. We fucked for a couple hours, before he headed home. Now that he can drive, I get to see him more.

And when I woke up this morning, I wanted more cock. Not just any cock though. I wanted teen cock. Although I have a long-term boy toy in my life, he is a far cry from his teen years. Plus, he works in the daytime. All my grand angels attend school during the day. So, this sexy granny needed to search for cock. Been awhile since I went looking for boys playing hooky from school. And I was not certain I still had what it took to pick up some random teen boy.

This Hot Granny Can Still Pick Up Random Teen Boys

Apparently, I do still have what it takes, LOL. Although I do not look my age, I still do not look young. But most teen boys see my huge tits and that’s all they care about. I had no luck at the mall. However, even though it felt chilly outside, I did find some school skippers at the skate park. And one boy caught my eye. Tall, mixed race, fit boy with a smile that made my pussy purr. And he had zero issues going home with a sexy gilf.

Not sure about his ethnicity, but I did not care if he was half alien. His cock looked so good. At least 10 inches, and so very hard at hello. His stamina seemed impressive for his age too. Although he made me cum like a dozen times, he kept calling me ma’am. And that hurt a bit, LOL. But I am old.  However, despite my age, I can still score with teenage boys, so the ma’am part did not faze me for long.

Sexy Granny Victoria Enjoys Naughty Time with the Little Ones

sexy grannyThis sexy granny loves it when her little angels come to visit. So, I agreed to take them this weekend because my son and daughter wanted to do adult things. Go out to eat and to a movie. Do some house cleaning projects together. Being a parent sucks the life out of you. Although a good mother never minds that, it can be a struggle to have an adult life too.

But my son and daughter know they can bring the littles to play at grandma’s house anytime. My stepson and husband never mind the extra mouths in the house anyway. Especially, not cute, eager ones. Although we did play games, watch movies and go shopping, we had some naughty fun too. What did you expect? Everyone knows how much I love incest sex.

We Love Teaching the Little Ones How to Please in This Family

So, when we finished having fun, this sexy grandma turned the focus on what she wanted to do. And that was lick a little bald cunt and suck a little hairless dick. When they are the age that my grand angels are, they just taste so fucking good. Plus, they trust adults and do anything we ask. We believe in open sexuality. By that I mean we do not hide sex from the little ones. They need to know that human sexuality is normal. We will not raise any frigid girls or men who cannot find a clit with a GPS, LOL.

My little angels cannot have traditional orgasms yet, but they can give me sweet piss ones. And I will take that over nothing. Those young cums still feel good to them. Both my grand daughter and my grandson learned how to please me awhile ago. And they love eating my pussy and licking my ass. Sexy grandmas do not know what they are missing by being good grannies. Naughty grannies have all the fun. And I sure did have fun with my angels this weekend.

Sexy Grandmas Know How to Have Fun with the Little Ones in The Family

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas still know how to enjoy life. My grand angels keep me feeling young. Yesterday I took the day off to enjoy some Fall fun. First, we went to the pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins for pumpkin carving. We dropped the pumpkins off at my place then went to a Haunted House. We will likely hit a haunted house every Friday this month. The younger generation loves scary shit. Me not so much, but I am the cool grandma, so I do it.

The haunted house turned out to be super fun. We went back to my house to make a bonfire. I live on a huge farm. We made S’mores. But I know you don’t want to hear about the vanilla fun we had. Because of the bonfire our clothes smelled like smoke. So, I made everyone take off their clothes. This sexy granny loves looking at bald pussies and hairless cocks. Although some of them have hair now. But I do not mind. I love my angels no matter how old they are. I have young ones and teenagers, plus one 20-year grandson.

As the Fun Grandma I Do Anything for My Little Angels

We love to play naked games. Especially me. I ate a lot of pussy last night. And it will be a while before the smell of cunnie disappears from my nostrils. But that is never a bad thing. I love that smell. Bet you would too. The boys fucked me. Well, most did. I have one grandson whose cock is not quite big enough yet to stay in my pussy or even get inside my pussy. But he still gets lots of oral from me. They all do. I am an oral granny.

Family fucking Friday nights like last night do not happen as much as they used to unfortunately. I see my offspring and grand angels often, just not all together as much as we used to get together. But last night all 7 grand angels spent the night. We had PG fun and X rated fun. And we will try to do this every Friday night in October.

Sexy Grandma Pics Make Me Feel Like a Porn Star

sexy grandma picsMy sexy grandma pics are so many places that I feel like a porn star. Obviously, I do not mind being naked on the Internet. Never have been shy about my body. But I grew up in the 60s and 70s. Those eras were all about women’s liberation. I burned a bra and everything, LOL. Free love generation. I miss those days. But I still practice free love. Just ask my family.

I fuck everyone I am related to and they do not even need to buy me a drink or dinner. My oldest grandson visited me this week. He was supposed to go to a festival with his uncles, but storms and rain canceled one day. But before he leaves each day, he fucks me. He’s the reason I feel like a porn star. When he still went to high school, he took naughty photos of his sexy granny. And he sold them to his horny high school friends. But eventually he started selling them to online outfits. And the rest is history.

Perhaps a grandma of a different generation might never be comfortable naked let alone comfortable enough to pose for photos. My grandson has not taken many pictures of me lately, but he snapped a few this time. He knows not to sell my pictures to anyone now. I scolded him a bit for not getting my permission first. But now he just shows his frat brothers so they can beat their meat to his sexy grandma.

Sexy Grannies Like Me Love to Flaunt Their Bodies

Since it rained most of this morning, the boys left late for the festival. And that gave me a extra few hours to polish my grandson’s knob while his iPad took pictures on a timer. Some of the pictures will be for his personal spank bank. He turned my belly into a sperm bank.

I swallowed three loads of cum before noon. Clearly, those coeds cannot drain him like I can. Few women can compete with sexy grandmas like me. I should have joined my boys for this festival like I have for the past 10 years, but I think my back-to-back festival days are over. I will save my energy for you guys and my grandson when he comes back each day.

Sexy Gilf Samantha Attracts Young Girls Too as a Bisexual Granny

sexy gilfBeing a sexy gilf keeps me busy. While my daughters and I attended a music festival last week, I made some friends. People came from all over for this show, including many folks from my city. We met this one girl who just finished law school and took a break from practicing for the bar exam to enjoy some music. Her friend backed out of going to the festival with her, so she went solo.

I admired her for that. Not sure any of my daughters would do that. However, I would. Back in the day I went to concerts by myself often because my friends did not always like some of the music I did. But now any of my offspring or their offspring will go with me. We asked this young girl, April, to hang with us and she did. Turns out she went to high school with my youngest son. Small world.

This Sexy Grandma Attracts The Young Girls Too

She gave me her number since we live in the same city and suggested we grab dinner one night soon. Honestly, it never occurred to me that she was coming on to this sexy granny. So, when we went to dinner last night, I got caught off guard when she invited me back to her place. But the girl had a smoking hot body, beautiful face and a brilliant mind. How could I not? Turns out she identifies as bisexual. And she likes older women and men.

Even though I could be her mother, she wanted to eat my pussy. And I never say no to anyone who wants to eat my cunt. But I am not a selfish lover. I can eat pussy as well as I can suck cock. And I can suck the chrome off a doorknob. So, I licked the alphabet on her pussy. And that made her squirt several times on my face. I spent the night with her. We made each other cum all night. And she made me breakfast this morning before I came home.

I have had a young boy toy lover for a decade now. But now I can add a young girl toy into the mix. Sexy grandmas like me still got it.

Sexy Grandmas Hold Their Own with Those Young Girls

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas like me stay busy. I’m not dead yet. And I will fuck until I die. Some positions get tricky at my age, but I can still handle a good fuck. This weekend I was in Nashville visiting my youngest son. When we are in his town together, we can hold hands and kiss in public. Sure, we get looks. However, those looks have more to do with my age than anything else. Older men bang young girls all the time, and nobody gives them those looks. But I do not care. I embrace my love for younger men and family.

Although I am not a country music loving woman, I enjoy Nashville. Last night we went to a honky tonk bar, and the house band played classic rock. So that made me happy. My son too. But I drank one too many beers.  And I got a bit wild. Some young girls got on top of the bar to dance to Aerosmith’s Dream On.  I thought this sexy granny might give them a run for their money. My son did not stop me. But I did well. My big tits stole the show. No young girl has boobs like mine.

This Horny Mommy Can Still Out Fuck Young Girls

Good thing my son drove. I had no business drinking like I did. But according to my son, I fuck great drunk. I woke up full of cum with a major hangover. My son made me breakfast and I gave me some Tylenol. We soaked in his hot tub on his back patio. And of course, I started to feel better. His fingers going in and out of my cunt helped. Of course, I stroked his cock. He gets so hard for his hot mommy. And I get so wet for my baby boy.

Suddenly, my hangover went away. He carried me into his house. And I am not a small woman. But he can still pick me up and toss me on his bed for some mommy sex. The best thing for a hangover appears to be hot sex with my baby boy that I can remember.

Sexy Grandmas Like Me Give Head to Family in the Mornings

sexy grandmas Sexy grandmas suck cock. Or at least they should. I got a surprise visit this morning. My middle grandson stopped by on his way to school so I could polish his knob. He jacks off most mornings like many teen boys. However, he prefers mommy or granny’s mouth over his hand. But I think most boys and men prefer the same thing. I am a greedy cock sucker, so my grandson came to the right house.

I woke up early. And I felt just as horny as he did. So, this dirty granny started masturbating thinking of young cunt and teen cocks. But when I heard the door, I stopped. No clue who had come, but I knew it had to be someone with a key. Usually if I get morning visitors, it is a son or a daughter, not a grand angel.

He knew he caught his sexy granny masturbating. He grabbed my fingers and smelled them. And then he asked me if I had been thinking of him. I am always thinking of family when I masturbate. He sat on the couch and whipped out his morning wood. His cock continues to get bigger by the day.  And my mouth always appears to make it bigger.

All Grandmas Should Take Care of a Boy or a Man’s Morning Wood

I bobbed my head up and down on his hard throbbing cocks while he finger banged my cunt. My pussy loves fingers. Well, it likes cocks and tongues too. But I taught everyone in the family, even the girls how to finger fuck. Few men do that anymore. Perhaps it’s a high school boy thing, LOL. You know, getting to third base. And once they grow up, they think they no longer need to do it. Not on my watch.

Not only did I cum on my grandson’s fingers, but I also came on his cock too. But I had to wash off his cock after he came to get rid of my scent. Cannot send my grandson to school smelling like incest sex, now, can I? What a great start to my morning.

Incest Sex is The Best with Sexy Dominant Cougars

Incest sex is really something that is misunderstood by many. However it’s just another very sexual perversion that drives strong sexual urges.

Often I have guys with very hot sexual fantasies pertaining to older women. These are often Milfs that they found very endearing in their youth. Sometimes it’s just a trigger that overwhelms them. But most of all it’s their big throbbing dicks and the craving of an older woman.

Currently I am enjoying the idea of an dominant grandma controlling her big dicked grandsons. The two are often dominated together. Grandma and their mothers are all in on it. These two young men have rather endowed penises and these older Milfs cannot resist.

Sometimes their cousins are brough in as accomplices to controlling and assessing these young men’s penises. It’s really exciting in the scenes we get into from playing doctor with three young nurse assistants to a young hard dick. To just making the young man with the biggest and hardest cock get teased by all the women in the family.

Honestly, I am open to being that big clit grandma as much as I am to being mommy or aunty. The main focus of it all is that great big young cock.

Incest Sex

Sexy grandmas can party like a college slut

Sexy grandmas can party like a college slut! When I brought my grandma to Maryanne’s party, she blew everyone away with her dick-sucking skills. I mean, this woman can deepthroat like nobody’s business, and the partygoers couldn’t get enough.Sexy grandmas

We all joined in on the fun, and before I knew it, there was cum everywhere! I sucked on a bunch black cocks myself. It was so hot to be side by side with my grandma choking on black cock.  Maryanne was so impressed with my grandma’s skills that she couldn’t help but stop the dick sucking she was doing and just watch Granny at her best. Sexy mommy

My grandma demanded us girls lick and suck her pussy. Maryanne’s tongue flicked her clit while I was tongue fucking that hole and we got her old pussy to squirt like a geyser! The best part? All three of us got pounded so fucking hard by black dick, we actually we fucked all kinds of dicks, but the blacks ones stand out of course!Mommy sex

I had to thank Maryanne for inviting us over and sharing all her friends with us. I gave her the best Mommy sex she could ever have. I took my time massaged her big beautiful tits and slurped that pussy up. She even tasted sweeter than my bio mommy’s pussy. I made her soak my face with her pussy cream and then we both got pounded by the biggest stud there. She definitely needs to throw more parties!