Tag: Incest phone sex

Sexy Granny Porn with the Littles

sexy grannySexy granny Samantha found herself in a predicament. I had a few unexpected expenses this month. Business has not been as good because of the virus and I got behind in some bills. My grand angels were eager to help me out. Now, I thought they just wanted to empty their piggy banks for me. They had a much more elaborate plan in mind to help me get out of debt. Porn. The homemade kind that could get me arrested if caught. Daily, I do something that could put me in an orange jumpsuit lol. My teen grandson wanted to direct the film with my help. We filmed a kinky family fucking porn with just the littles. Brothers and sisters and cousins all fucking and sucking and touching. It is not like my grand angels are virgins. They are no strangers to incest. They are no strangers to being filmed either. It is just that the home movies I make are not for profit. They are for family viewing only. My eldest grandson has a computer geek friend who knows how to maneuver the dark net and hide IP addresses. That level of technology is over my head. He was happy to do it for us for a price of course. He did not want money. He wanted some sexy gilf pussy. I was happy to fuck the lad. He was helping me out. He set it up as real-life home-made littles porn for instant download. He found a chat room full of dirty old men into little girls and boys and he baited them. For his age, I was impressed with his knowledge level of the perversions of men. For $500 men could purchase the video we made but for a limited time only. Over 30 guys bought the video with something called Bit coins. In less than an hour, I was out of debt. My tech savvy pervert teen assistant pulled it off the net an hour later to prevent us from being caught. In a week or so, he is going to do it again. I may be fucking this boy for life, but it is so worth it to never be in debt again.

My Daughter Needs Domination Phone Sex

domination phone sexHow about a little domination phone sex? I am an equal opportunity domme. I will rule a dude or school a bitch like my daughter. Morgan is an unruly brat. You know the type. Cute coed who thinks she is superior because gravity is her friend. The kind of girl who uses people to get what she wants; cock teases all the boys for free meals, drinks and expensive gifts. She clearly needed taught a lesson. She thought she could steal my lover. Well, I stole her dignity. I caught her in my bed blowing my boy toy lover while I was in the shower. He is a man; he is weak. He is mine, but she tempted him anyway. She got sassy with me when I stormed into the room. “Don’t get mad at me cuz you can’t satisfy him, mommy,” she said with attitude. I yanked her off my lover’s cock by her blonde hair, threw her over my knee and spanked her until her bottom was bright red.  Then I grabbed my glass dildo from the nightstand and jabbed her tight cunt with it. I showed no mercy on her tiny fuck holes. When I shoved it up her ass, she screamed. She did not like it one bit, which of course made me fuck her ass harder.

rape phone sex fantasiesWhen I was done, I shoved the dildo that had been in her ass down her throat. I tied her to my bed with daddy’s silk ties and ordered my boy toy to fuck her ass. “You like young pussy so much, let’s see how you like young ass,” I seethed. I knew he would love it. I should not have rewarded him for being a cheating asshole, but I looked at it more as punishing my baby girl. He ruined her puckered ass. It was swollen and gaping open once he was done.  Cum oozed down her thighs. She looked broken, which was my goal. I was pleased. I told her she better keep her cunt off my cocks in the future because I will not be this easy on her in the future. She ran out of the house crying.  She came back. She has nowhere else to go. Let’s punish her some more with your rape phone sex fantasies.

He had to be my sissy

incest phone sexMy son was being a brat yesterday, like full on screaming and crying because I made him clean his pigsty of a room. It was honestly ridiculous and I was about ready to just beat his ass and move on but then I thought of an even worse punishment. I told him that if he wanted to act like a little bitch I would make him a little bitch. I made him dress up real slutty, I’m taking makeup and heels and all and then I put his little disrespectful ass to work in my strip club. He had to get up there and dance like all the other girls… and he had to do all the other stuff the girls do too. He was sucking dick and getting that pretty little rosebud fucked all day long and you know what? He learned a damn lesson on how not to treat his mother that’s for damn sure!

Sex With My Sister Sonya

sex with my sisterYour cock is craving that sex with my sister cum load. I can tell. My big brother has fucked me since I was a little girl and he was a teen. He was always so careful not to hurt me, but he still made my little cunny sore. And now knowing that he has a fairly large cock for a white boy I know why! We have the best sibling relationship though, I guess the sex helps. But I am still a naughty brat and mischievous little slut. He recently got himself a girlfriend outside the family and I am not too happy about it at all. I have been one of his main lovers for years and I decided to tease the fuck out of him and make him fuck me where she would catch us. It all started when he was paying for gas so I could take my oldest daughter to the doctor. I wore no panties and when his Girlfriend pulled up behind me, I was so mad! I made sure as I was pumping gas and he was talking to me with her in the car behind us to play with my pussy and flash the attendant inside as well. He got a little jealous. I told my brother if he wouldn’t fuck me then my little phone sex ass would fuck the gas station attendant! He was flustered, angry, and told me he would meet me at his apartment tonight. Happy with myself I made sure my daughter was buckled in, (and yes she got the sow too, I am no prude! And flipped my brother’s girlfriend off. Now to figure a way for her to catch us, maybe I would record the whole thing and send it to her, what do you think?teen phone sex

Sexy Mommy Makes Her work The Pole for Daddy

sexy mommy Now if I wasn’t a PTA mom, this sexy mommy would most likely have ended up being a stripper. I installed one of those stripper poles for a fun work out session a few years ago. My basement is my little whore nest so to speak. I keep my body up while feeling as sexy as hell. I keep tons of sexy lingerie, cute hand sewn sexy clothes for my princess and so many sex toys I would make porn stars jealous. These are things that happen when you are not a satisfied woman. My young daughter has become a fixation for me. I am by all rights a P-mommy. I love on her cunny and make her lick me and fist me. I also dress her up and give shows to her daddy. I don’t worry because of his cock so small and he couldn’t penetrate anything to hurt it. But last night as I had her working the pole to some sexy music with her little pasties and tiny G-string, I had her on video with a man who says he will pay big money to really pop her baby girl cherry. You can be sure his big dick will do some damage and fuck me the way I deserve! Now that’s the kind of family fucking this mommy and daughter need!

A Sexy Mommy with Big Tits

sexy mommy

A sexy mommy with big tits is popular with her family and just about any guy. You see my boobs are not real, but men never mind, especially young boys. To them tits are tits. Guys have been obsessed with my melons since I was a young girl. I was not as big as my sisters, but my brothers never minded. My mom used to tell me boobs were overrated. I think she was afraid if I had big ones, I would get unwanted attention. No attention is unwanted to me. As I grew older, I discovered that I wanted that unwanted attention, so I got a boob job when I was 18. It did not change things. Men and boys are just as obsessed with me. Feeling caged, I went for a drive yesterday. I have a convertible. I had the top down. Both tops down lol. I was cruising down the highway signing along with some song on the radio when I heard the sirens. When I glanced at my speedometer, I realized I was going almost a 100 mph in a 60-mph zone. When there is no one on the road, it is easy to be a speed demon. Me bad. Before the officer could get to my car door, I dropped a little ice water on my boobs to get those nipples standing at attention. I told myself chin up, boobs out, and I would get through this with no problem. Of course, he asked me if I knew how fast I was going. I apologized, explained I got lost in the song. He asked me why my top was down, and I was just like, “Me bad. I got lost in the drive.”

He was staring at my boobs. He was young for a cop. I was hoping he had a thing for mature sexy women. I asked if there was anything, I could do to show just how sorry I was. Like most men, he was mesmerized by my knockers.  I saw the bulge in his uniform pants and said coyly, “Did I do that?” He laughed, apologized, shifted his pants, but there was no hiding his trouser snake. I unzipped his pants to unleash the monster I created. I wrapped both hands around his tree trunk and stroked up and down until I had his full attention. That is when I leaned in to stick my boobs out my car window so his cock could slide right between them. It did not take long for him to explode all over my big titties. As l lifted each breast up to my mouth to lick up his cum, he said to me, “Consider this a warning ma’am. Please pay more attention to the road next time.” I went straight home to fuck the shit out of my three sons. The encounter left me horny as fuck.

I enticed him over

incest phone sexI have a sexy neighbor a couple doors down from me and I have been wanting to get in his pants for weeks now. He is young and fit and just looking at him has my granny pussy juicy and wet. I decided to entice him by dressing up really sexy and making sure that he could see me from his front window. I was gardening outside, bending over and flashing my naked bottom to him for about twenty minutes or so before he just couldn’t take it anymore. He came down to me and asked me if I was aware that he could see my ass and pussy from his window, I just winked at him and asked if he enjoyed the view. He laughed and led me into my house so that he could show me just how much he liked it. He bent me over right there in the entryway and fucked my juicy wet pussy until I was cumming like crazy. He will be coming back soon too, I can’t wait!

Sexy Grandmas Masturbating on Twitter

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas masturbating is the latest hashtag in the adult word. I did not really know that; however, my grandson posted a video of me toying with my cunt on Twitter and made me a dirty sensation with a pound sign lol. He has a fake account. Well, it is just a fake name. It is him, but he is not old enough to post what he posts on Twitter, so he faked his name and his age. He is tech savvy and scrambles his IP address too. He is not posting anything illegal, but he is posting porn clips and pictures. He has amassed quite the following too. He has porn stars following him. This has been his quarantine project. He showed it to me the other day and I was surprised to see that it was full of pictures of his sexy granny. He even linked my pics and videos to my phone sex site. My high school grandson is brining me legal traffic lol. My high school grandson has several thousand followers in the adult industry. His secret is safe with me. Twitter is full of porn. I had no clue. I had to thank my grandson for trying to boost his grandma’s call volume and site traffic. What does every teen boy want? You got it. He wants some grandma pussy and ass. We watched porn on his Twitter account and looked at some hot photos from porn stars from 18 to 80. We made our own kinky home video. I told him as hot as it was to fuck him on camera, he could not post it on his site, or his grandma would end up in the slammer. He assured me it was for his own personal spank bank. I cannot link you to his Twitter site for obvious reasons, however, you can check out our company’s Twitter. You can get lost in all the hot porn clips.

sexy granny

Reminiscing with the grands

incest phone sexI was reminiscing with my grandbabies today, we were looking at old pictures of Grandma in her heyday and they just couldn’t believe how good I looked. My grandson in particular was loving my old pictures, his little dickie was rock hard! I was so flattered that he liked my pictures so much, it made me so happy that I leaned over and sucked that hard dick of his. He was such a little bossy boy about it too, he stood up and grabbed me by my hair and fucked my mouth like he saw a man doing in one of those pictures. He called me a whore and told me to swallow all his little boy milk like a good girl. He is so young to be so bossy but I have to admit I liked it. He was clearly taking his cue from the men in my dirty pictures, he could tell that they were using me like a whore and he wanted to do that too. I think he grew up a little that day, don’t you?

Let the Family Fucking Begin

family fucking

The one good thing about being locked down at home is all the family fucking that has been going on. At least here in my house. Daddy usually has to travel a lot for work, but now I get a little extra time with him and it has been amazing. With his work schedule it always seemed he didn’t have much time other than a quick fuck with his little princess, but now we are having all sorts of fun! In the shower, by the pool, in my bed, in his bed, in the garage and well I don’t think we’ve left any stone un-turned in the house. My uncles have been staying with us too and Daddy decided we call play a game called ‘Who’s in your mouth?’. I’m sure I don’t really need to explain that one too much, but it involved a blindfold, my mouth and all four of their cocks. I only got a couple pf them mixed up, but Daddy said that just means I need to get a little more acquainted with them this week. I’m pretty competitive and I don’t like to lose, so I intend on studying hard.