Family Fucking Cums First in My Life Always

family fuckingFamily fucking is all I ever want to do. Although I do have a boy toy boyfriend who I have been fucking for almost 10 years, he will never replace my family. My boy toy thinks we should live together. And I thought long and hard about it, but I nixed the idea. Not because I like living alone. I really do not like that, but I do not want him to get jealous of my family time. Although he knows some details, he does not know them all.

Plus, I like my space and having bedrooms free for whomever might need them or want them. My boy toy and I see each other once or twice a week. And I am good with that. I am not looking to get married a third time. Plus, my plate is full with 6 offspring and 7 grand angels.

This weekend I took all my granddaughters, all 4 of them, to see Mean Girls the reboot. Although it stays true to the original content, it’s more of a musical in the style of Grease. Fun chick flick. Just like Barbie. But its more about sexy granny and granddaughter time for me. After the movie, we grabbed their favorite pizza and came home for family time.

Family Always Cums First in My Life

Are you jealous? I got to eat 4 schoolgirl cunts. And let me tell you how good those taste. Comparable to a really juicy watermelon on a hot day or maybe cotton candy. Sticky, wet and sweet. And very pink. I made each girl squirt on my face. Now, some of the girls give me piss orgasms, but I like those too. But my oldest granddaughter can have a real orgasm now. And let me tell you how sweet those are. I get to make her entire body quiver and shake.

I love my incest sex time with all my family. Having an empty house means more alone time with my offspring, and their offspring. I am not willing to give that up or share that time with my boy toy lover. He can keep seeing me once or twice a week. My family cums first.

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