Everything is so fucking expensive nowadays, so I figured I should pluck my little girls off of our fairly profitable young voice phone sex line and turn them into a pack of hot, old prick pleasing P-prostitiutes. Inflation is a son of a bitch, I need my tiny tarts to pull in more than a couple bucks a minute if I’m going to keep getting my hair done and go for my customary Monday mani-pedi sessions. So to make sure I will keep being the hottest cougar around no matter what, I’m selling their slick little hairless snatches to every single old pervert who wants a piece.
It’s not like they care. My daughters lost their innocence at a younger age than I did, I made sure of that. I’ve been teaching them about pussy power and all the things they can do with it since the day they were born. It’s like a right of passage for the females in my family. We start fucking young to teach the little ones about harnessing their sexual magic and using it for their benefit.
I took one of my cum greedy daughter-whores over to this old geezer’s assisted living home last night. He’s been a regular for a long time, since back when all I did was sell naked pics of my nubile little nymphs for extra cash. Now he calls us almost every day and tips big, so I knew he’d be a great old guy to try to pump for some cash. He doesn’t care, he’s pretty loaded and loves little girls a shit ton.
Of course he had problems getting a hard-on, but my pretty little princess used her mouth perfectly to make his wrinkled old pecker excited and he was standing at full attention in no time. She straddled his hips and rubbed the head of his cock all over her sweet little clit and dripping wet teen fuckhole. I love to watch her play with a penis, she always looks so happy! After a while of grinding and sucking, she got down and jerked him off into her mouth, using her own pussy juice to lube the lucky elderly man up with both hands.
I’m so glad I had the bright idea to start a Rent-A-Teen young cunt fucking service. Hopefully we’ll all make a bunch of money from it. I do have a bunch of brats and every single one of them loves to fuck!