Category: Sexy granny

Sexy Mommy Victoria Heats the Boys Up on Those Cold Winter Days

sexy mommyBeing a sexy mommy and sexy stepmom keeps me busy, especially when school and work get cancelled. Yesterday and today, we have had below zero temperatures. And because of the cold, school got cancelled and so did my son’s job for a couple days. His boss told everyone to stay home until the temperature gets above zero. My daughter got a two-day hall pass too. So, my son, my daughter and my two grand angels packed a bag yesterday and came to hibernate with me, my stepson and my husband.

When it is this cold out, body heat I think might be the only thing that can warm me up quickly. Luckily, we have power. But half the city seems to be in the dark because of heavy ice on the wires. If we lose power, we will survive. My husband cut up plenty of wood for the fireplace, and a generator will keep the refrigerator running. Plus, I have some wood in the house to keep me warm too, LOL. But even though we feel toasty in the house, family fucking seemed in order. No school. No work. So, lots of fucking.

This Hot Mommy Loves Having Everyone Under the Same Roof

Thankfully, my daughter helps entertain the boys. Two women, three boys. Three very horny boys. My pussy got a workout yesterday. And today will be the same. My stepson and son can fuck all night long. My husband does a good job keeping up too. When we first started dating, he seemed hesitant to fuck my daughter. I think he thought I might get jealous. But I cannot be the only one in the family having extra fun. If I can fuck his son, he can fuck my daughter. That’s fair, right?

Now, he fucks her a few times a week. And my baby girl loves his dick. She loves her stepbrother’s teenage cock too. Any woman would. He can out fuck his daddy, and my son combined, LOL. My daughter and I keep up though. We have three horny males in the house. And my grand angels get to watch all the hot incest sex too. I am hoping everyone stays at mommy’s house for a while. I have missed having my son and daughter at home with me.

Cougar Phone Sex Sluts Prowl for Young Cubs

cougar phone sexI have been a cougar phone sex slut for a few decades now. When a woman turns 40, she becomes a cougar. Some women that age never act on their desire for a young, hard cock. But not me. I know younger men have what men my age lack. A stiff dick and stamina. No need for Viagra. Their cocks grow in my presence at hello. Perhaps, my big boobs cause those instant erections. But I enjoy arousing younger men.

My grandson helps me with the snow. At least for one more week before he must return to college. We got a few more inches last night, but I wanted to give my grandson a day off from shoveling snow. So, when this strapping teenage boy showed up at my door asking if he could shovel some snow for me, I took him up on his offer. Maybe I had myself on my mind more than my grandson.

A sexy granny like me craves those young hard cocks. I love fucking my family, but my libido just needs a variety of cock. And I am sure you can relate. Just fucking your wife gets boring after a while, I would imagine. Turns out the boy knows me.  Attends school with my middle grandson. This boy told me I am somewhat of a legend at his school because of my huge boobs.

A Granny with Huge Tits Attracts Those Young Cubs

I took his statement as a compliment. He does not know I fuck all my grandsons, granddaughters, sons and daughters. But he did know that I like young hard cock. Perhaps all young boys know that, or one of his buddies fucked me and told him. I did not care. The older I get the less I worry about folks knowing that I am a perverted old woman.

Although I paid the boy to shovel snow, he never shoveled snow. He did not need to really. The salt my grandson laid down last night melted most of the new snow we got last night. I paid him, but I think I paid him to fuck me. Sexy grandmas never need to pay for sex. Horny teen boys will always fuck them. 

Perhaps my pussy and ass seem like reward enough for a young boy. But he did come all the way out to check on me. Fucking my cunt, I needed more than snow removal. He plowed my pussy better than my snow anyway. But I think any young cub could.

GILF Phone Sex Fever Proves Younger Guys Love a Sexy Grandma

gilf phone sexI guess when you announce that you are a grandma, boys want gilf phone sex. One of my nephew’s friends told me that the only then sexier than a milf is a gilf. Likely why I am almost 20 years older than my second husband. He appreciates an older woman too. So, does his son. And so does my son, my nephew and all their friends.

Although it took me a hot minute to realize that being a grandma does not mean I am past my prime. I get more young dick than I ever could imagine in my 50s. And the more I get, the more I want. Last night, my nephew and one of his best friends who happens to suffer from gilf fever visited me after they went to a movie. However, they got snowbound. Seems to be happening a lot lately. I got trapped with them for a few days when they rented a cabin in the woods last weekend.

While I fucked my nephew’s friend, the snow came back. But I focused on the teen cock in my cunt, oblivious to Mother Nature’s shenanigans.  After fucking Aunt Victoria, my nephew commented on how much snow fell in the past 90 minutes. So, I suggested a sleepover.  Safety first, right?

The More Cock I Get The More Cock I Want

Mother Nature worked in my favor. Not only did I get to fuck my boy toy husband, but I got to fuck his son, my nephew and his friend all night too. I bed hopped. And no one seemed to mind the sloppy seconds. After I fucked my stepson, my nephew and his friend, my hubby went next. And he loved my wet sloppy pussy.

We woke up this morning to about 9 inches of snow covered with a layer of ice and below zero temperatures. This sexy granny thanked Mother Nature. No one will be leaving my house today. So, I get to entertain 4 cocks today too. Being a grandma, everyone wants to fuck turned out be a great thing for me.

My Sexy Grandma Pics Heat You Up on a Cold Winter’s Day

sexy grandma picsLike my sexy grandma pics? I am not one to brag but I think I look good for an old woman. My grandson took many pictures of me over the years. And he still snaps some. Plus, his baby brother loves to follow in his big brother’s footsteps. And posing nude proved to be the confidence booster I needed. My oldest grandson will go back to college in a week or so depending on our weather. We have wicked cold temperatures and tons of snow and ice.

More coming our way tomorrow. Having him with me during this winter storm is a godsend. He shovels snow, lays down the salt and chops wood for the fireplace. But most importantly, he keeps his sexy granny warm. Been over 40 years since it got this cold in my city. So, I appreciate his body heat. Boy, do I appreciate it.

Last night, we lost power for a few hours. Although I prepared for the worse, it came back this morning while my grandson’s body heated me up. We had to sleep in front of the fireplace last night as my old house is not insulated properly for this kind of extreme cold. So, with no heat, my home became cold quickly. But nothing to fear when you have a young stud in the house to warm you up with his body heat.

Nothing Warms This Grandma Up Better Than Body Heat

We fucked in front of the fireplace for an hour or so. And we both experienced intense orgasms too. We fucked for pleasure and survival, LOL. When the power came back, it woke us both up. So, we fucked some more to rejoice in heat again. Seriously, I would be lost without him here. None of my family can get to me because none of the back roads have been plowed or even salted. And I am too old to shovel snow and chop wood.

But mostly, I am glad to have him here for the body heat, incest sex and company. He keeps this old broad nice and toasty with his cock and his body. And prevents me from getting cabin fever.

Sexy Grandmas Assist with the Training of Little Ones for Incest

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas come in all shapes and sizes. Look at me? I think I look rather youthful for a grandma to a boy and a girl. But then, I became a mom in my early 20s. Initially, I resisted being called grandma. It just made me feel old. And I was enjoying my sexual prime years and my late sexual awakening thanks to my incestuous son and daughter. They played together for over a year before I joined the fun.

So much has changed since my divorce. Although I am remarried with a teenage stepson, I still enjoy my son and daughter. We just do not have incest sex daily like we did when they both still lived at home. But we still fuck several times a week since they live in my neighborhood. And I have two cute grand angels I am grooming for the family fun too. My son and daughter groomed me. So, I will groom their son and daughter.

I babysit my grand angels when school is not in session as both my son and daughter have day jobs. The holiday break extended into this week because of below zero temperatures. School gets canceled when the school board decides it is too cold for little ones to be outside. No problem with me. I love having them around.

I’ll Help Train My Grand Angels for the Family Fun

Today, Mother Nature kept my angels home from school again. When my son dropped them off on his way to work, my stepson’s cock was in my cunt. So, they watched. Even my son watched too. Although he had to get to work, he still stroked his cock watching me ride his stepbrother’s cock. The little ones watched for a bit, but then got bored and wanted to watch cartoons. Eventually, they will be more active in the family fucking than just watching. And I cannot wait.

I will admit that I take some licks on my grandson’s hairless little nub and his sister’s bald pink pussy. Now, I love being a grandma and I do not mind being called grandma either. Because I know one day very soon, these two angels will join their parents and I in all the naughty family fun. Want to help me train them?

Mature Sexy Women Love a Snowstorm With the Right Company

mature sexy womenMature sexy women know how to weather a storm. I am in Kentucky and the snow is coming down fast. We already have like 4 inches in an hour. But I prefer more inches if you know what I mean, LOL. And luckily for me, my grandson is snowed in with me. We are under a shelter in place advisory. And I am okay with that because I have the right company.

My grandson helped me prepare for this storm. We have firewood, plenty of blankets and food if we lose power. And of course, we have body heat. There is something about a winter storm that makes me so fucking horny. I’m thankful to have my oldest grandson with me. A young, strapping lad can do things I cannot do like shovel snow and cut firewood. This sexy granny prefers to save her energy for fucking. And lots of fucking.

We still have power, but the net went down. I have a hot spot I can use though for work. But that’s not the only hot spot in the house. My grandson created one between my legs this morning with his fingers and tongue. He loves to eat my old cunt. And he even rims my asshole. He is a great grandson. Takes care of the heavy jobs like shoveling snow. And still finds time to warm up his ears between granny’s thighs.

A Snowstorm Does Not Seem That Bad with The Right Company

But we have a half foot of snow already, and it is still coming down. So it looks like a winter wonderland outside. Freezing outside, but inside everything feels nice and warm. My grandson chopped a week’s worth of firewood for us yesterday in anticipation of the storm and freezing temperatures. And we’ve been fucking in front of it on and off all day. I thought I would hate being snowed in. But I think it comes down to being snowed in with the right company.

And all sexy grandmas should be as lucky as me. He shovels snow. He chops wood. And he he keeps my pussy warm too. Best grandson ever.

Family Fucking Is The Way To Go

family fucking

Family fucking is something I believe all families should get into. I think it keeps the family unit stronger and closer together. After all, if you’ve seen someone naked and have touched and fucked their nude bodies, you’re going to be a lot less likely to become estranged from them, should something happen between the two of you.

I’ve always believed that incest is best. The people who should be teaching you about sex are your parents. Sure, there’s sex education in schools, but that’s not the same thing at all. The best way to learn is by doing, and the only ones who should be in charge of a person’s sexual education is their parents, in my opinion.

I took this approach with my daughter and son, and I take this approach with the grands as well. In my family, we’ll keep it all in the family, always. Is that how you view things, too?

Mommy Sex Starts the New Year Off Just Right

mommy sex Mommy sex started the year off right. I had a low key New Year’s Eve. My youngest son, my oldest grandson and I rang in the new year. My youngest granddaughters are both sick, so my daughter and those little angels did not ring in the new year with us as planned. So, I did not get some puss. However, I did get two cocks and a bottle of wine.

Going out on New Year’s Eve is in my rear view. I would rather stay home and fuck family. Safer and a lot more fun too. Before the temperatures dropped too much, we enjoyed some pre-partying in the hot tub. We could see so many stars that night too. As I drank wine and the boys drank beer, hands wandered. Two hands gripped my big tits. Some fingers probed my cunt, And, of course, my hands found their way to two stiff young dicks.

Starting the Year Off with Two Family Cocks Inside Me is a Good Omen

We came back inside, fucked in front of the fireplace. Although we could have fucked all night and never known when the new year started, we took a short break from the incest sex, to count down the New Year with Ryan Seacrest. Back in the day, I watched the Dick Clark Rockin New Year’s Eve special in my Flintstone pajamas, LOL.  Now, I ring in the new year with cock. Young cock.

How you spend the first day of any new year sets the tone for the rest of that year. So, I suspect 2025 will be the year of double penetration for me. Although I am in my 60s, I find that I get hornier year to year. And as we counted down the last minute of the year, I had a cock in my ass and a cock in my pussy. Two cocks exploded in my fuck holes as we welcomed the new year with some family fucking.

Happy New Year, guys. May you get all the pussy you want this year.

My Sexy Feet Make Aunt Phone Sex Hotter for My Nephew Rick

aunt phone sexI enjoy being an aunt phone sex slut as well as a P mommy and grandma. My nephew Rick came to visit over the holidays. We share no blood. He is my nephew from my second marriage, but we stay in touch. Rick has a nice cock. Plus, he has a strong foot fetish. And I encourage all fetishes and kinks.

When I saw him at the door, I embraced him. Been awhile since he came to visit. Even as a young boy, I knew he loved my feet. He stared at them all the time. But as an adult, he still stares at my pretty feet. I never wear shoes in the house. In fact, I have a no shoes in the house rule. And my family respects that. But I am not trying to keep my carpet clean. I just want my family to see each other’s feet in case it inspires someone.

Well, Rick saw my feet before he saw my tits or my face. I could tell that the only thing on his mind involved fucking aunt Samantha’s pretty feet. So, we skipped the formalities of catching up, and I gave him a foot job. Although, we did end up fucking, I gave him one hell of a foot job first. Foreplay. My sexy, freshly manicured feet worked his cock up. He appeared stiff as a board for my pretty feet with freshly painted pink toes.

This Sexy Grandma Encourages Foot Fetishes

My nephew Rick fucked me hard too. I could tell his cock looked neglected. Too much cum backed up in those balls. And that suggested to me that my nephew does not get pussy or feet as often as he needs. My nephew monopolized my feet and my pussy that day making my youngest son and oldest grandson jealous.

But a little jealousy I do not think is a bad thing. It just makes family fucking all the better. My son and grandson get my pussy whenever they want, but my nephew lives far away from me. So, I rarely see him. My pussy and my feet missed my nephew. And that appeared evident by how hard I came on my nephew Rick’s cock. However, he came just as hard on his sexy aunt’s feet.

Sexy Grandmas Enjoy School Breaks with the Little Family Members

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas love school breaks. Holiday breaks allow a woman like me more access to those little ones because school closes for a week or two. Summer will always be the best because those little ones are home for a few months. But I can make do with a few weeks. Every day of winter break, I have a grandson or granddaughter over for a play date with granny.

Now, my oldest grandson stays with me for his college break. He does that because he has a job that is much closer to me than his parents house. Plus, he gets access to his sexy granny more. And he can have friends over with some privacy because he stays in the mother-in-law suite above the garage. So, he is around for me to fuck whenever I want. And I want his young, hard cock a few times a day!

However, I do have 6 other grands. Well, 7 more technically, but my middle daughter just had my newest granddaughter on Christmas Eve. I will enjoy watching her grow and grooming her for the family fun one day. But in the meantime, I have four other granddaughters who are already part of the family fun.

Date Nights with Grandma Equals Fun for Us All

My two youngest granddaughters spent the night last night. You might have noticed I did not work late. That’s because I spent the evening watching Disney movies like Frozen and Moana. And licking bald little slits. They love grandma’s tongue on their bald kittles. They tell me it tickles in a good way. But they always lick back too. They love their grandma.

We even hopped in the hot tub to relax. I showed them how to use the jets to make their little kitties feel really good. Any woman, no matter her age, needs to know how to get off using water force. Although it may be a quick cum, it is an intense cum. My little angels did not want to get out of the hot tub after I shared my hat trick with them, LOL. But I do not think the water jets of the hot tub can compete with family fucking. Those angels of mine will always prefer my tongue and fingers over water.