Category: Mommy sex

Sissy Phone Sex Training Johnny

Johnny is mommy’s good boy and he loves to go pumpy pump. But the other day Johnny came to mommy with her panties on but pulled down partially and he had a q-tip in his pee-pee hole and a jar of petroleum jelly. Johnny wanted to see my younger boys pee-pee and play connect the pee holes. So like a good pervert mommy I put some vaseline on the end of the q-tip not in Johnny’s pee hole and put it in little sammy’s pee pee hole. They giggled and soon the two pee pee holes were kissing.

While those two were being naughty little sissy came in, their sister, and she giggled at them and whispered in my ear that she wants to play. I went and got the little strap-on for sissy and one for me. We put them on and pumped both Johnny and Sammy in the bum bums. They squrited cummies and became disconnected.

Sissy phone sex

family fucking all night

family fucking

Family fucking all night! Oh god, don’t I love to have daddy big old cock deep in my ass? It makes my twat leak whenever I have him fucking my bum. I guess I was given the perfect name because, boy, do I love fucking anal. Whenever I get daddy and grandpa’s cock in my shitter, I go crazy. You know I begin to pant like a little slut. It’s no doubt that I have grown up in this nasty family because whenever I get around to incest fun, my pussy will not stop twitching. Grandpa and daddy love to tag team me and give me a good pounding. When I get them in my holes, they both don’t go slow. They each build up plenty of momentum and give it to me like there’s no tomorrow.

Sexy Neighborhood Boys


mature sexy women

I watch the young boys play outside while I finger my cunt. Their little bodies running around in the summer heat makes my pussy drenching wet. I want to lick the sweat that’s trickling down their necks as it trails to the forbidden fruit in their pants. I bet those young boys would love a chance at to have kinky mommy sex with a horny milf like me! I’ve shown plenty of young men the perks of dealing with a grown ass woman! First, the tits. These young bitches have cute little perky tits but most boys want big juicy milk making boobies to suck on! The second thing is the pussy. I can turn trick with this twat that a young bitch will need a few decades to learn! I make little cock vanish in this nasty p-mommy pussy! Lastly, the blowjobs! I can make a maturing cock and balls disappear at the same time. I should call one of their young fine asses over here so I can run down the list and show them what mature sexy women can do for a developing young man.

Sexy Grandmas

sexy grandmasI think sexy grandmas are the new It girls. I was not ready to be a grandma when my daughter told me almost 3 years ago, she was pregnant. I was happy to have an addition to the family, but I struggled with the name grandma. My image of grandmas was not sexy. I suddenly thought people would think I was this blue haired lady with saggy tits who stays at home in her housecoat and slippers watching game shows all day. I may be a grandma, but I do not look old, and I will never act like the stereotypical grandma. I am going to be a sexy granny. Look at me? I bet you agree. My daughter came over last night. She wanted to talk to me. I was hoping that was code for wanted to fuck me. I am always horny for my baby girl, but we get less time together because of her mom duties. I understand it. Does not make me want her less though. She wanted her mommy to eat her pussy.  When I did, I knew what she wanted to tell me. I could taste it on her. A woman’s pussy tastes different when it’s pregnant. My daughter wanted to tell me she was making me a grandmother for the second time. I can handle the news much better now. I was thrilled. I ate her pregnant pussy until she exploded all over my face. Now, I asked her about the baby daddy. But like always there are a lot of suspects, LOL. My daughter is such a slut. She fucks her brother. He fathered my first grand angel. She fucks occasionally my boyfriend, and his son. Sometimes she fucks her first cousin who is my nephew. And she still has lovers from grad school, and she meets guys on Tinder. She cannot remember all the folks she has fucked in the past 16 weeks. I hope it is a family pregnancy, but it does not matter. We will love the next little one and raise him or her to be a family fun fan too. Maybe this time she will have a boy just for her mother to enjoy!

Hottest Cougar You Could Hunt

Cougar phone sex


The thought of having cougar phone sex with a hot ass mommy like me really turns some guys cum loving crank!  What can I say?  Some men just like the pussies they pound to be more experienced and have some mileage on them.  Nothing wrong with that.  My cunt has definitely seen more than its fair share of helmet heads, girthy shafts and shiny spunk from guys much younger than myself.  They love me!

It’s because I’m really fucking hot and not afraid to show it, there’s no mystery to it.  Just like fat girls, cougars are a dime a dozen, that’s just how it is.  There are horny older whores looking for young boners to bang everywhere you go, but very few of them are as fine and freewheeling as I am.

Most of my younger gentleman callers like me so much because I have no problem letting them play with my little girls whenever they come over to bust a nut or two.  I don’t care how hard they bore out my dirty daughters horny little holes as long as they drill my dick drainers just as hard.  If you’re going to throat them out and make them gag, you’re going to have to do the same thing to me.  That’s not a bad deal, right?

Go ahead and try to find another cougar as crazy and cum loving as I am.  I guarantee, it will not happen.  You can settle for a standard slut with some extra experience or even one of the beached whales over at the 24 hour buffet, but why would you?  This cougar and her cubs are ready for all of the goop you have to give us.


Mature Sexy Woman

Mature Sexy Woman Kathy

My young ones are always asking when I’ll let them play with new friends. Ever since they tasted mommy’s juices combined with other misters they can’t get enough. Most mornings I wake up with them already between my legs testing new curiosities and I love it! I don’t think any momma would complain waking up to some warm lips sucking on he big perky nipples. Better yet when you feel that hot wet tongue sliding between my wet pussy lips I can’t help but want more. I admire the enjoyment my rugrats ask for throughout the day- it gives mama some time to release the tension we have built up. I always think of their reliefs first because they know all I ever want is for them to learn all the pleasures their body has in store for them to explore. Afterall the best people they always enjoy watching my brother and I do detailed demonstrations.

Sister Fucking is How it Started

sister fuckingSister fucking was my introduction to incest. I am glad for it because if I had not known my brothers’ cocks when I was a schoolgirl, I might not know my sons’ cocks as an adult. Incest is a gateway to more incest. Although I never fucked my parents, I had 5 siblings. There was plenty of cock and pussy to keep me busy. I grew up thinking all siblings fucked they just did not talk about it to their friends. I raised my sons similarly. We fuck. Most families fuck. We just do not discuss the dirty details outside of the family. Everything my sisters and brothers taught me about incest sex, I passed on to my boys. My sons want to keep getting mommy’s pussy, so they will take our secrets to the grave. You would do anything too to protect the family secret, wouldn’t you?

My sons are on summer break now. I will have them most of the time, but their father will get them some too. They love their dad, but they cannot even jack off there unless they are in the shower. There is no privacy. My husband will have them this weekend, and they have been wanting to fuck a few times a day to get ready for when they must go a couple days with no mommy pussy. This morning they asked about my brothers and sisters and I when I was their age. I was happy to tell them stories of the family fun I had before them. They love hearing about my early family fucking before they were born. I love telling them too. I know they wish they had sisters. But they get to fuck mommy, their aunts and their cousins. That is more than most boys ever get, right? We spent the morning in bed. If I did not have to work, they would have kept me in bed all day. I do not think they will survive three days without mommy’s pussy.

Mature Sexy Women and Their Daughters

mature sexy womenMature sexy women are the hottest women around. I never use to believe that, but I get hit on more than my daughter when we are out together. She is in her early 20s. Her boobs are bigger than mine. She is in better shape than I am too. No wrinkles and gravity is her friend. Yet, when we are at a restaurant or a club, the men are flocking to me. Not just the younger guys either. Older men like me too. In my 40s, older men did not want much to do with me, so I did not expect to get into my 50s and have that change. I think becoming a sexy granny somehow changed my vibe. My daughter and I went to a concert Sunday. We were on the lawn of this venue, getting high and jamming. I was in a maxi dress. She was in short shorts and a tank top with cute cowboy boots. She was shaking that ass of hers and her big boobs were bouncing. I was just sort of swaying to the beat. She was putting out fuck me vibes. Yet, guys were hitting on me. My daughter thinks I ooze confidence and experience and men of all ages are attracted to that. What do you think about that? It was not like my daughter wasn’t getting any love. She did have some men flocking around her, but I had more, and I had many men my age and older. I do not look a gift horse in the mouth. My girl and I went back to a motel with two guys. They turned out to be father and son. They could not believe we were mother and daughter, but they felt like they won the lottery. So did we. We fucked both guys. We snowballed their cum together while they were recuperating for round two. It was a girls gone wild night. Just a sexy mommy and her sex daughter sharing cum and cock. I love mother daughter date nights.

Sexy Mommy for Her Boys

sexy mommyThis sexy mommy got all dolled up last night. Not for a hot date though. My boys never really care how I look. They are horny boys, and they just want to appreciate a warm wet pussy and some nice big tits. They have seen me dressed up though on a few occasions, and they always tell me how pretty I look. They also comment about why I never look like that for them. The issue is time. Having three boys and a young girl in the house as a single mom takes a lot out of a woman. I also have a job. Now, I do get to work from home as a mommy phone sex slut, but I still have a ton of stuff to do to maintain the house. I am constantly at the grocery store. I am always doing laundry. A mother’s work is never done. I do not mind. I would do anything for my three horny sons and my niece. It just does not leave a lot of time to get gussied up for them though. My sons were with their daddy this weekend. They came home a few hours ago, so that is when I dressed up for them. I highlighted my Asian features. They love it when I tell them stories of my Geisha grandmother and how she came to Canada to serve my grandpa. I am not submissive like a typical Geisha girl. I do not even talk like one. I do like to serve my sons though. I love to polish their knobs and drain their balls. I knew they would be extra full of cum because they have no privacy to jack off at their father’s house. When they ran into the house to see me, their dicks sprang to life in their shorts. I took care of my boys like a mother is supposed to and I did it looking sexy as fuck. I love to make my boys happy with incest sex, but I like to take time to look extra sexy for them when I can too.

Bring The Pain, Please!

Pain slut phone sex


Sometimes a fine foxy mommy like me needs to have a little hardcore, pain slut phone sex.  The pressures of parenthood can get a little hard to take so I need something to remind me, every now and then, just how good of a life I truly have.  A few bruises and a little blood usually does the trick, somehow snaps me back into reality.

I was feeling overwhelmed by being a mom the other day, so I called up my most heavy handed fuck friend and asked if I could go to his place for a visit.  He’s always happy to hear from me and welcomed me over with open arms and a closed fist.  I gotta admit, I was not expecting that first gut punch but, after that, nothing else he threw at me was a shock.

He yanked me up by my hair and led me to a bedroom by the handful of my lengthy locks.  My face got pushed down hard on the mattress as he plugged my pussy up with a good sized dildo attached to some sort of fuck machine.  I was instructed to stay in position as he wrote “Pain Slut” in big letters on my ass cheek then switched on the cunt gaper 3000. 

As my pussy got endlessly drilled my butt took a never ending beating.  From rods to rose bushes, my dear friend delivered the thrashing of a lifetime, letting out all of his pent up aggression while chopping away at mine.  When he got tired of mangling my butt meat he whipped out his chode and crammed it into my crapper really hard, no lube, no spit, no nothing!  He knows how much a hefty load of cum in my rectum makes me feel like a completely renewed woman.  Well, that and the pools of blood on the bed.