Category: Incest phone sex

Mother / Daughter Phone Sex With Hot Mommy Susan

Mother / Daughter Phone SexMother / Daughter phone sex is so hot as I loved training my daughter to be a whore. It was both empowering and arousing for me, watching her blossom into the beautiful young woman she is today. We started with some basic lessons on how to please men – teaching her about different types of strokes, positions, and techniques. As time went on, we became more adventurous; introducing her to anal sex, double penetration, and even gangbangs.

At first she was hesitant but under my guidance she quickly learned to embrace her newfound desires. She would often come running to me after one of our sessions excitedly recounting all the dirty details while begging for more tips or advice on how to improve herself as a slut in training. Our bond grew stronger through these intimate experiences as we shared secrets and explored each other’s bodies together.

The day finally came when it was time for her debut into the world of paid sex work – nervously yet eagerly anticipating meeting clients who would pay top dollar just for access to this innocent looking piece of ass that belonged solely (for now)to me! Together we prepared: selecting outfits tailored specifically towards enticing potential customers while ensuring maximum comfort during long hours spent servicing them; discussing safe practices such as using protection against STDs/pregnancy etc.; setting boundaries regarding what services were off-limits at first until she felt comfortable enough handling them independently down the line… And then there they were…the johns lining up outside our door waiting their turn with my precious little whore-in-training!

As I watched my daughter perform her first few tricks, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of pride and lust swelling within me. She was truly magnificent; taking control of each situation with ease while maintaining an air of innocence that only added to her allure. It warmed my heart knowing that not only had I taught her how to please men physically but also mentally – understanding their desires before they even spoke them aloud.

Over time, our roles began shifting slightly as she became more confident in herself and less reliant on my guidance during sessions. However, we still maintained our close relationship by discussing client feedback post-encounter or practicing new skills together when time allowed it. We even started bringing in other girls into the business under our tutelage – expanding our little family business exponentially!

Now here we are today: two successful madams running a highly profitable brothel filled with beautiful young women trained personally by yours truly…and occasionally sharing some choice clients amongst ourselves for old times’ sake.

Incest Sex Lover MaryAnne Enjoys Alone Time with Her Niece Too

incest sexIt is no secret that I am an incest sex loving whore. And I have my siblings to thank for that. Without them, who knows, I may still be in a boring, loveless marriage raising three sons never knowing the joys of young cock. My brothers were young when we played, but so was I. So, that does not seem as taboo to me as fucking my schoolboys when I am in my 40s.

Although I only have sons, I am raising my youngest niece. And she is younger than my youngest son. But she is growing up so fast. When she first came to live with us a few years ago, she had no tits and ass yet. She had not even started her period. And now she’s fertile, with tits, hips and a cute bubble but. A hot young teen slut.

She and I have become super close. Her mom died of an accidental drug overdose and her father, my oldest brother, flies commercial airplanes for a living. He is almost never home. So, I agreed to help raise her and give her some stability. And now she is like the daughter I never had. This sexy mommy spent some quality time last night with her young niece. And it was long overdue. My boys went to spend the night with friends last night, leaving her and I alone.

I Love Quality Girl Time with My Niece

We both looked at each other when my sons left and said, “Girl time.” I drew us a bubble bath. I love taking baths with her. Reminds me of when my boys were younger, and I would get in the tub with them. I used to love to wash their hair and tug on their little chubbies. With my niece, I get to rub her bald slit and finger it too. After a kinky bubble bath, I painted her toes and fingernails. We watched one of her favorite movies, ate cheesecake and finger banged each other on the couch.

Just her and I, enjoying quality time together. And it felt magical. She slept in my bed with me. When she woke up this morning, she licked my pussy to wake me up. Once she saw my eyes open, she crawled onto my fucking aunt face so I would eat her bald cunnie. She woke up horny, wanting more oral pleasure from me. I really do love to eat pussy. My two big sisters taught me how when I was younger than my niece. Even though I missed my boys, it felt great to have some quality girl time with my niece.

Grandma phone sex the demons are mine to control.

Grandma phone sex            Grandma phone sex the demons are mine to control. Everyone has that one grandma that they love and fear. I am her. Incest with granny will have you obeying me. Without delay going to sit down on your face and make you eat out this pussy. Look at these perfect tits that your daddy sucked on, now you are going to suck and fuck them.

            Going to dominate you. Make you mine. Corporal punishment is in order. Beat your ass at the same time I beat your balls. Turn you into my slave. All in the hopes getting to suckle these massive tits that your daddy fucked and sucked.

            Family fucking is a time-honored tradition among us. Granny is going to beat your cock, until you are quickly ready to fuck your granny. Give me the cock deep up inside of me. Fill me all up my little demon. You are mine to control. To command.

            In other words, grandma has the little crotch goblin demons and controls them as I please. Going to wear a strap-on and peg your ass while at the same time you are eating out your sister. Grandma does like the incest with her second set of demons.

            To control, to command. All mine.

Sexy GILF Samantha Still Needs to Cum, Even When Down with the Sickness

sexy gilfThis sexy gilf even when sick, still needs to cum. I’ve been down with the flu since Tuesday. Although I am feeling better, the doctor says I am still contagious for 5 days after the severe symptoms end. So, what is a horny old woman to do? I have not seen any family for several days, and my pussy has been jonesing for some action. Luckily, I have some medical professionals in the family. And my physician’s assistant daughter gave me a great idea.

Wear a mask, have my partner wear a mask and mutually masturbate from across the room. So, yesterday, my middle grandson and my middle son came over to entertain me safely. The flu does not keep this sexy granny down for long. Sometimes, I think orgasms are the best medicine for anything like illness or stress. No matter how crappy or down I may feel, a good cum always makes me feel better.

The Best Cure for Sickness is a Good Hard Cum

Yesterday, I came several times. And I am certain that’s why today, I woke up feeling a lot better. Although I really wanted to feel a stiff cock up my cunt, I settled for a dildo up my cunt while watching one of my sons and one of my grandsons stroke their cocks. I hated not being able to suck their throbbing cocks or even touch those stiff beauties. But I do not want anyone else to get sick. So, mutual masturbation was my best case scenario.

Even with masks on, we could still hear each other moan. And of course, we could see each other too. Not the family fucking I wanted. However, I miss watching boys be the master of their domains. Before I became a dirty mommy, I will confess that I sometimes caught my oldest sons jerking off in their bedrooms and peeped through the keyhole. So, this encounter last night took me back to those days.

But even if I did not get to feel a dick, finger or even a tongue yesterday, it was still a hot encounter. And just what the doctor ordered. I am already feeling better.

Teen Mommy Sonya has some sick fantasies!

Snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex happens when I think about y little fuck tots in demented scenarios.  I’m not all incest and lollipops on pops cock! I have these brutal thoughts that keep me awake, playing with my pussy. Likewise, I think of all the wee ones who have been kidnapped and tortured on the news. We could have a home invasion and men would scoop up all the littles here and have a field day with them.

Teen mommy Sonya think about what if they were sold to a cartel and made to fuck until they died! Do not be confused about how sweet and innocent I look. This pussy pops out a brat for my family because I love to be a preggo slut. Breeding young has made me want something darker, more intense and as some say, a little sick! I do sound adorable but evil lives in my brain and I love to share some sick dark fantasies about littles, girls and even mommies!

Snuff phone sex teen Mommy Sonya has some sick fantasies!

What Only old ladies can think like a sick snuff mommy! I’m experiencing the nightmares of those around me, making me horny! Plus I have a couple of years of you sicks fucks making me a sick Angel face!  More victims are lured to their deaths by the sweet, innocent young mommy or sister. I like my family littles as victims to be clueless!

The poor  babes have no idea about our evil twisted desires. The thing I like the most about you is who you are. I know, I know you never imagined a teen mom with a sweet voice would want such atrocities!

Only a Kinky phone sex whore like me would say such terrible things and bring you close to hell. If you try to fight it I’ll just want it that much more. I’ll have you eating out of the palm of my bloody little hand. My young Mommysdictic side is going to have you addicted! So even if we might enjoy most depraved acts we can get off. My cunny is throbbing for your eveil sick p daddy snuff fetishes!

Mommy Sex Makes Everything Feel Better

mommy sexEveryone in my family loves mommy sex, even my daughter. Sometimes, she just needs her mommy. And last night appeared to be one of those nights. She came over without my grand angels. My son watched them for her. Work has been stressful for her. And she wanted to escape all the stress with some TLC from her mother. How could I deny her?

So, she came over after work, and my husband slept in the guest room so she could spend the night in bed with her mother. He is the best husband. My girl ate dinner with us. We talked about work, and I gave her some ideas for managing the stress of work. But we ended up in bed for dessert. She just needed her sexy mommy licking away all her stress. And nothing I enjoy more than eating my daughter’s shaved pussy. Her smooth mound resembles the mound of a young schoolgirl, not a 31-year-old woman.

Nothing Makes My Daughter Feel Better Than My Mouth on Her Mound

And she tastes sweet like strawberry wine. I licked her into a few intense orgasms. A good cum releases a lot of stress. No one feels like they will explode or go off on their boss after a few good orgasms, right? I managed to lick out all the tension in her body. But she could not just take. She wanted to give back to her mommy. And you know I never say no to a good tongue lashing.

Nothing makes a mature woman cum harder than a tongue on her clit and a few fingers hooked inside her cunt. Before long I was the one drenching the bed and her face. But she did not mind. Even after I came, she just kept eating me until my entire body shook and convulsed. This mommy phone sex whore felt selfish. She came to me for stress release. So, I convinced her to let me fuck her with the strapon. And she agreed. She came again several times until we collapsed in bed and did it all over again this morning when we woke up.

Daddys girl phone sex with Little Bella

Daddys girl phone sexDaddys girl phone sex with your sweet and spicy daughter! I know what it takes to please a nice daddy dick! My daddy was a mean man who had a scrumptious little blonde bitch all to himself. What can I say? He taught me how to please any man by forcing himself on me time and time again! I will never forget the night he decided to penetrate me. And if you’re one of my guys you know this story well. After months of playing with my cunny and teaching me how to suck cock, daddy couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t let him date because I was so attached to him. Women didn’t want a little bitchy girl to deal with.

Daddys girl phone sex with your sweet and spicy daughter!

Daddy was drunk and mad at me. He said I had been teasing him. And he was so drunk! A bad date With no pussy again! It was a brutal assault of daddy ripping my panties off and plunging all 8 inches of his balls in me! I was violently deflowered with his Incest sex! But even as I cried, all I wanted to do was make daddy happy. When he passed out after filling me up, I just got up and went to clean myself up. I undressed daddy all the way, laid out his water, and some aspirins and curled up next to him. I was his princess, and would do whatever it took to keep daddy as my man!  


Fucking Aunt Maryanne Polishes The Knobs of an Entire Frat House

fucking auntFucking aunt Maryanne is always a wild time according to my nephew and his frat brothers. When I go to visit him, the frat locks the doors and gives me all their attention. College boys crave milf pussy. And milfs always crave young cock. The more the merrier with me. I have no limits. As the youngest girl in the family, I am the wildest too. Always have been. When I lived at home with my siblings in Canada, I would fuck my brothers and all their friends.

According to my brothers, I made them popular at school. And my nephew says the same thing almost 30 years later. Whatever I need to do to help my family, I will do. And I do not even look at it as taking one for the team. I enjoy helping family. This sexy mommy fucks a lot of my sons’ friends too. At least the ones I know will keep their mouths shut.

A MILF Gone Wild is Wildly Popular on Campus

Fucking my nephew and his frat buddies will not get me arrested. Some might consider it immoral, but it is not illegal like fucking my sons and their friends. But no one tells when they get pussy. Would you? So, Saturday night, I entertained about 20 college boys, drank stale beer and took a lot of cum and cock. Just me and a frat house. I got to show off my bedroom skills.

My nephew brags about his sexy aunt who loves to guzzle cum. And take cock in the ass too. The frat boys love me because I take cock in the ass, I swallow cum, and I beg them to fuck me hard. When I woke up in the twin bunk bed with my nephew the next morning, I knew I went wild. Not only did I smell like cum and stale beer, but I was also doused in cum too. Mature sexy women take care of horny boys. Just ask my nephew and his frat brothers.

I’m the fucking aunt she needs. Girl wants to learn eating pussy like a pro

Fucking Aunt

Family reunions for my tribe of sex obsessed whores is always a fun time. We do what normal families would do mind you. Food, drink. The whole nine.

But, there is right of passage that takes place. Every reunion we do that basically will deem one of our lovely blossoming teens to become a “woman” so to speak. We teach this little hooker how to eat pussy.

With instructions from yours truly.

This year, it was my lovely nieces turn.

She’s been really wanting that taste of this sexy mommy for a while now. She was super excited when she was chosen as she has always had a taste for pussy. Considers it a delicacy.

She’s right though.

So, this auntie showed her how to tease the clit, suck the lips, and tongue the hole. Making sure to hit every nook and cranny with the taste bud muscle to get that nectar she’s wanted for so long.

Of course, it’s only fair if I reciprocated, so of course everyone gets a ride from me.

A family that stays together, fucks together.

Sexy Mommy Roleplays Are The Best Incestuous Pleasures

Sexy Mommy roleplays are an exciting form of phone sex. Kinkier fun is a bit of my specialty. As a sex therapist I am very open minded and love all things incestuous.

Once in a while I enjoy having a special kind of call. These calls are exciting and entice me greatly. They are often about being a brother / sister with a little one. And this little one we both love to play with. It’s just such a sweet treat that bald little pussy.

In fact I am very fond of all types of incestuous fun. Anything from the littles to my daddy, uncle or even big brother. To simply enjoy sucking the cock of a relative is hot.

Finally I need to emphasize on just how wet my pussy gets when I think about having my own brother fuck me. In fact I think about having a son and molesting his cock inside of my mommy holes as well. I just adore family fun.

Sexy mommy