The Twins had a play date today. We usually have them over here but today I had some errands to run and they wanted to play over there. I have known the other mom for a while and she has always seemed level headed and open minded. So I agreed.
I got a phone call in the middle of my errands that I needed to come right away and get the twins.
This woman sounded frantic, like there was an emergency, yet she assured me the twins were not injured or sick.
I rushed over and they were sitting on the couch all alone, heads down and the other little ones were no where in site.
She took me aside and began telling me that my twins needed help and that there was hope for him. Looking at her dumb founded I listened as she rambled.
She found the twins and her little ones in the room playing house for real! “This isn’t normal you know” she kept saying over and over.
I tried to calm her down by telling her they were playing make believe and it wasn’t the end of the world.
It took everything in me not to laugh at her.
I took the twins home and held them close letting them nuzzle my breasts to feel better before we played house for real ourselves. Mickey loves having sister wives like the guy on TV.
Category: Cougar phone sex
Play Date
Young voice phone sex with Victoria is Better than a Hot Work Out!
Young voice phone sex is one of the hottest things ever and it makes my pussy so wet to hear some young voice, on the phone, in person, wherever and whenever. After all I am a cougar and nothing gets me off more than a young one, one I can teach and mold and fuck his brains out. I Love to take a young cock and lick and suck and tease it until he unloads his wad of cum into my mouth. Then is nothing tastier than the juices from the loin of a young one.
Yesterday I was at the gym on a weekday and there were not many people there when I arrived. However I did spot a hunk of a young man working out and as soon as the place emptied out to just he and myself I went up to him and ripped his pants down and began giving his nice young hard cock the workout of its life. This young man filled my mouth with so much cum I thought I was going to choke, but I managed to swallow every last drop of his sweet cum.
I invited him over and he didn’t hesitated, once we were at my place we gave each a great workout, my pussy was so satisfied by his young hard cock! I guess that’s why when I hear a young voice my pussy instantly become all wet and juicy.
Cougar Phone Sex is an Experienced Fuck!
Cougar Phone Sex for the Cougar is the hottest fucking thing ever! I think the young men enjoy it too, after all I have so much to teach them and they are like little sponges wanting to soak up all they can and gain all the tips and techniques an older woman has to offer and teach to help them become the best lovers to any woman no matter what age she is. I started by teach my own when he was coming into his manhood, and from there it has expanded to his friends, neighbors, and now pretty much any young man I meet.
After all, who better to learn from than someone with years of fucking experience. I have taught them where and how to please all women. How to pay special attention to the nipples, clit, the G spot and so much more. I have taught them all about the sex toys that work best on both men and women. There is nothing hotter or sexier than teaching a young man how to get a woman aroused and tease her to a point that drives her crazy before allowing her to explode with cum all over his nice big juicy cock. It really pleases me to see one of my young men learning and practicing on how to not only make others cum but to cum themselves so hard they almost pass out!
Giving The Dog A Bone?
Today I decided to do a little housework and I was horny when I woke up, so I decided to open up all the window blinds and drapes in the house and clean in nothing but my panties and heels so that one of my many neighbors might see me and need a cup of sugar or some other household item. It didn’t take long, my house was only opened up about an hour before there was a knock on my front door. It was my neighbor from down the block who was out walking his dog. He has visited before and just I love his his fat long cock! All I kept thinking was “I have got to get his dog a bone as a reward!”
He asked if there was anything he could do to help me around the house. I told him I could use some help in my bedroom, he smiled and said he would be delighted to be of service. We went into the bedroom and I took off my little black panties and it took him no time at all to strip off his clothes. We licked, sucked and fucked the morning away. My wet pussy was so completely satisfied by the time he left, I just love my helpful neighbors!
Cougar phone sex is Fucking Hot
Cougar phone sex is like having butterflies in your stomach, so hot and exciting! This week I went out to play some pool with a girl down the street just for something different to do. I ended up having such a great time, we met a lot of guys there, I am really going to have to start hanging out at pool halls more often. We were hit on by so many guys of all ages and sizes. We began playing a four some game with a couple of guys, we were all drinking beer and having a great time. While we played the talk became quite sexy after all we were discussing stick sizes and balls!
When the pool hall closed I invited everyone back to my house for some drinks and by the time we got there we had paired off and went to separated bedrooms. My guy and I ended up taking a bubble bath and he licked and cleaned my pussy and paid close attention to my clit, it made me cum so hard, we got out of the tub and continued the foreplay in the bedroom, he turned out to be such a good fuck, his cock was quite large and very hard and he went forever, I came four or five times before he shot his huge load of cum into my already dripping pussy!
Cream On The Cookie
I am always looking for new ways to teach the little ones how to improve and perfect our incest family fun games in ways that thrill and delight all of us. My old pussy stays so young, wet and happy when we play these games. So when I was baking a big batch of chocolate chip cookies for their visit this weekend I came up with a wonderful game for us. I have been wanting the girls to practice their skills at jerking the boys off for a while now. We have had lots of practice sucking and licking each others special places. But caressing a mans cock and not just jerking it back and forth. It is not only an art but a skill. Once a girl has learned the art of making a young man happy with her hands she can gain all kinds of control, and this is what I want to pass on to my little students. So I invented a new game….cream on the cookie. I had to stop baking so that I could fuck myself as I thought of the rules and how we would play. As I pumped my pussy I imaged the scene. All the boys lined up with their pants around their ankles holding a delicious chocolate chip cookie under his dick. The girls on their knees in front of them, hands wet and glistening with flavored oil stroking her partner with care. Nana walking up and down the line watching and giving advice and tips on adjusting pressure, and paying attention to what is more sensitive to each boy. All the while rubbing my nipples and coaxing my clit out of hiding. As the boys cream on the cookie they get to share it with their partner. The one that lasts the longest gets to share the cookie and gets a fresh one too. Of course, we are timing each one and when the game is over we will switch partners. Just as I am cumming the door bell rings and the first of the little ones have arrived. We finished baking the cookies together and the game began. It was so much fun for all of us!
Nana Camilla’s Dr Seuss Poem
I love my job I love the pay
I love it more and more each day
I love the pervs they’re the best
I love the kinky little tests
I love the little ones big and small
I love them, love them one and all
I love our toys and how we play
I love to play every day
I am happy here I am I am
I love p because I can
I love the fact that it’s taboo
I love that I can share with you
I would do it here or there
I would do it any where
I love that you can come to play
I love to see you every day
Nana Camilla
Fucking In The Hotel Pool Is Hot
It won’t be long before the guys winter break will be over and they will have to head back to college so I thought I would do something really special for us and I booked us a suite at a local luxury hotel so we could get pampered as well as pamper each other. I set up a manicure and pedicure appointment for me and spa treatments for all of us as well as massages. I wanted us all to have a very enjoyable relaxing few days. Not to mention the great fuck sessions I planned for each night.
Since it was in the middle of the week the hotel seemed to be fairly vacant, we pretty much had the place to ourselves which I didn’t plan for but worked out to our advantage. Every night at around nine o’clock the hotel seemed to become totally quite with no one in sight, so we would head down to the indoor pool and jacuzzi area and the guys took turns on my pussy.
My guy started it off with fucking me from behind in the pool. He pushed me gently to the edge so I could hold on because we were in the deep end of the pool. He moved my bikini to the side and slid his hard cock into my wet pussy then moved his cock in and out so slow at first, then a little quicker and before long it felt as though I squirted cum across the pool. Then one of the other guys took me to the jacuzzi and sat me on the edge and ate my pussy until I came all over his face. Then it was my turn to please the guys so we headed back to our room and I sucked each and every one of their cocks dry, I got every last drop of cum from all of them.
Cougar Phone Sex with Tinkerbell?
As you know the guys have been home from college for their winter break, well we all decided to head to Disneyland to have some fun since it was a gorgeous bright and sunny day. Well we ended up staying for quite a while, much longer than expected and when the sun went down they did this thing with Tinkerbell where she flies off this mountain and I had never seen that before and got really excited. So the guys tried to find her in the crowd so they could bring her close to me because I so wanted to meet her. Well that didn’t happen so on our way leaving the park one of the guys stopped in a gift shop and I was tired so I headed to the car, I didn’t need anymore souvenirs.
On the ride home we were all tired so no one was talking much. When we got home they guys had a present for me, first they gave me a little glass figurine of Tinkerbell and I was really happy that they were so thoughtful, what a sweet gift. Then they pulled out this tiny little Tinkerbell outfit and asked that I put it on, so I did, but my version of it, I put on a cute little pink panty and bra set along with the Tinkerbell wings and went our into the living room to show off my little outfit.
Well, they guys took one look at me and we were on the floor, I had a cock in my mouth, another cock in my pussy and another cock in my hand. We spent the entire night on the floor licking, sucking, fucking and making each other cum until the sun came up and we all headed to bed because we were exhausted. Thank you Tinkerbell for such a wonderful day and night too!
Happy New Years!
Well it finally New Years Eve morning and I am walking up my college guy the way he enjoys most, I am sucking the cum right out of his morning wood! Once I have drained every last drop of cum from his hard cock I will go out and make the guys a nice big breakfast to make sure they have all the strength they will need to satisfy Mommy’s needs over the next twenty four hours. Tradition is though, my guys gets the first and last cum with his Mommy each New Years and that tradition will continue on!
After my guy shot his load of cum down Mommy’s throat and I sucked up every drop I headed to the kitchen to make the biggest breakfast ever, streak, eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, pancakes, fresh fruit, biscuits and gravy. Of course the drink to go with this great breakfast will be mimosa’s and lots of them! I have already stripped down to my panties and bra and of course put on my highest and sexiest stilettos to ensure I have the best look to turn them on as they come out to the breakfast table.
The center piece I chose for the table was Mommy’s favorite remote control clit vibrator. I wanted to see exactly which one of the guys goes for it first to strap it on me. Of course it was my guy, he said come here Mommy and take off those cute little panties and bra you have on, I think you would prefer to wear this while eating breakfast, he strapped it on me perfectly in place over my wet little clit. Throughout breakfast the guys took turns with the remote control, I could barely eat a thing because they wouldn’t let me catch my breath between orgasms.
The day went better than planned, we had a drunken orgy all day and all night long, only taking breaks to eat, shower, and take short naps. Then we were back up drinking and they guys took turns, teasing, eating, fucking my pussy and ass so hard. There was a time when I had two cocks in my pussy, one cock in my mouth, one cock up my ass and another cock in each hand. I was in heaven! By eight o’clock this evening my pussy was so swollen and my ass was so sore I could barely get out of bed to make us a nice dinner. What a great New Years we have had, I hope your was wonderful too!