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  1. Grandma Phone Sex — 18 comments
  2. Sexy Grandmas and Teen Boys — 16 comments
  3. Family Fun Phone Sex — 10 comments
  4. Sexy Granny Sammy Loves Anal — 8 comments
  5. Sexy Mommy Sam Loves Incest Sex — 6 comments

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Sexy Grandmas Know How to Have Fun with the Little Ones in The Family

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas still know how to enjoy life. My grand angels keep me feeling young. Yesterday I took the day off to enjoy some Fall fun. First, we went to the pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins for pumpkin carving. We dropped the pumpkins off at my place then went to a Haunted House. We will likely hit a haunted house every Friday this month. The younger generation loves scary shit. Me not so much, but I am the cool grandma, so I do it.

The haunted house turned out to be super fun. We went back to my house to make a bonfire. I live on a huge farm. We made S’mores. But I know you don’t want to hear about the vanilla fun we had. Because of the bonfire our clothes smelled like smoke. So, I made everyone take off their clothes. This sexy granny loves looking at bald pussies and hairless cocks. Although some of them have hair now. But I do not mind. I love my angels no matter how old they are. I have young ones and teenagers, plus one 20-year grandson.

As the Fun Grandma I Do Anything for My Little Angels

We love to play naked games. Especially me. I ate a lot of pussy last night. And it will be a while before the smell of cunnie disappears from my nostrils. But that is never a bad thing. I love that smell. Bet you would too. The boys fucked me. Well, most did. I have one grandson whose cock is not quite big enough yet to stay in my pussy or even get inside my pussy. But he still gets lots of oral from me. They all do. I am an oral granny.

Family fucking Friday nights like last night do not happen as much as they used to unfortunately. I see my offspring and grand angels often, just not all together as much as we used to get together. But last night all 7 grand angels spent the night. We had PG fun and X rated fun. And we will try to do this every Friday night in October.

Sexy Grandma Pics Make Me Feel Like a Porn Star

sexy grandma picsMy sexy grandma pics are so many places that I feel like a porn star. Obviously, I do not mind being naked on the Internet. Never have been shy about my body. But I grew up in the 60s and 70s. Those eras were all about women’s liberation. I burned a bra and everything, LOL. Free love generation. I miss those days. But I still practice free love. Just ask my family.

I fuck everyone I am related to and they do not even need to buy me a drink or dinner. My oldest grandson visited me this week. He was supposed to go to a festival with his uncles, but storms and rain canceled one day. But before he leaves each day, he fucks me. He’s the reason I feel like a porn star. When he still went to high school, he took naughty photos of his sexy granny. And he sold them to his horny high school friends. But eventually he started selling them to online outfits. And the rest is history.

Perhaps a grandma of a different generation might never be comfortable naked let alone comfortable enough to pose for photos. My grandson has not taken many pictures of me lately, but he snapped a few this time. He knows not to sell my pictures to anyone now. I scolded him a bit for not getting my permission first. But now he just shows his frat brothers so they can beat their meat to his sexy grandma.

Sexy Grannies Like Me Love to Flaunt Their Bodies

Since it rained most of this morning, the boys left late for the festival. And that gave me a extra few hours to polish my grandson’s knob while his iPad took pictures on a timer. Some of the pictures will be for his personal spank bank. He turned my belly into a sperm bank.

I swallowed three loads of cum before noon. Clearly, those coeds cannot drain him like I can. Few women can compete with sexy grandmas like me. I should have joined my boys for this festival like I have for the past 10 years, but I think my back-to-back festival days are over. I will save my energy for you guys and my grandson when he comes back each day.

Sexy Gilf Samantha Attracts Young Girls Too as a Bisexual Granny

sexy gilfBeing a sexy gilf keeps me busy. While my daughters and I attended a music festival last week, I made some friends. People came from all over for this show, including many folks from my city. We met this one girl who just finished law school and took a break from practicing for the bar exam to enjoy some music. Her friend backed out of going to the festival with her, so she went solo.

I admired her for that. Not sure any of my daughters would do that. However, I would. Back in the day I went to concerts by myself often because my friends did not always like some of the music I did. But now any of my offspring or their offspring will go with me. We asked this young girl, April, to hang with us and she did. Turns out she went to high school with my youngest son. Small world.

This Sexy Grandma Attracts The Young Girls Too

She gave me her number since we live in the same city and suggested we grab dinner one night soon. Honestly, it never occurred to me that she was coming on to this sexy granny. So, when we went to dinner last night, I got caught off guard when she invited me back to her place. But the girl had a smoking hot body, beautiful face and a brilliant mind. How could I not? Turns out she identifies as bisexual. And she likes older women and men.

Even though I could be her mother, she wanted to eat my pussy. And I never say no to anyone who wants to eat my cunt. But I am not a selfish lover. I can eat pussy as well as I can suck cock. And I can suck the chrome off a doorknob. So, I licked the alphabet on her pussy. And that made her squirt several times on my face. I spent the night with her. We made each other cum all night. And she made me breakfast this morning before I came home.

I have had a young boy toy lover for a decade now. But now I can add a young girl toy into the mix. Sexy grandmas like me still got it.

Family Fun Phone Sex with My Daughters Provides Me with Many Orgasms

family fun phone sexI love family fun phone sex. In fact, I enjoy it every day with my kinky brood. Just got back from an out-of-town music festival with all three of my daughters. We do this every year. And boy did I get a beat down from the heat and standing in huge crowds for 8 hours a day for 4 days. But guess what? My daughters took such good care of me once we returned to our Air B and B nightly.

I booked one with a hut tub because I knew our bodies would need a little TLC afterwards. And I was correct. Me especially. Although I can fuck all day long, standing and walking all day in the heat, wears this old broad out. Each night we returned to the Air B and B, we stripped naked and got into the hut tub with a glass of wine to soothe our sore bodies. My girls bounced back quicker than their sexy mommy.

Quality Girl Time with My Three Daughters Needs to Happen More Often

But each night they fingered my pussy, gave me an erotic massage and ate my cunt until I had a powerful orgasm. And they never let me return the favor. Not once. They wanted to pamper their mommy. However, all three girls took care of each other, and I watched while masturbating. A good, hard cum makes anyone feel better. Your body relaxes and you feel euphoric. And your pain dissipates.

My girls take such good care of me. We rarely get together all at once, so this festival feels like special girl time. I know I share mostly stories of me fucking and playing with my sons, and my grand angels, but I enjoy my girl time too. I am back home now, and will be resting all week, but we created some hot and special memories this weekend. And I need to make sure my girls get quality mommy sex more often.

Sexy Grandmas Hold Their Own with Those Young Girls

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas like me stay busy. I’m not dead yet. And I will fuck until I die. Some positions get tricky at my age, but I can still handle a good fuck. This weekend I was in Nashville visiting my youngest son. When we are in his town together, we can hold hands and kiss in public. Sure, we get looks. However, those looks have more to do with my age than anything else. Older men bang young girls all the time, and nobody gives them those looks. But I do not care. I embrace my love for younger men and family.

Although I am not a country music loving woman, I enjoy Nashville. Last night we went to a honky tonk bar, and the house band played classic rock. So that made me happy. My son too. But I drank one too many beers.  And I got a bit wild. Some young girls got on top of the bar to dance to Aerosmith’s Dream On.  I thought this sexy granny might give them a run for their money. My son did not stop me. But I did well. My big tits stole the show. No young girl has boobs like mine.

This Horny Mommy Can Still Out Fuck Young Girls

Good thing my son drove. I had no business drinking like I did. But according to my son, I fuck great drunk. I woke up full of cum with a major hangover. My son made me breakfast and I gave me some Tylenol. We soaked in his hot tub on his back patio. And of course, I started to feel better. His fingers going in and out of my cunt helped. Of course, I stroked his cock. He gets so hard for his hot mommy. And I get so wet for my baby boy.

Suddenly, my hangover went away. He carried me into his house. And I am not a small woman. But he can still pick me up and toss me on his bed for some mommy sex. The best thing for a hangover appears to be hot sex with my baby boy that I can remember.

Sexy Grandmas Like Me Give Head to Family in the Mornings

sexy grandmas Sexy grandmas suck cock. Or at least they should. I got a surprise visit this morning. My middle grandson stopped by on his way to school so I could polish his knob. He jacks off most mornings like many teen boys. However, he prefers mommy or granny’s mouth over his hand. But I think most boys and men prefer the same thing. I am a greedy cock sucker, so my grandson came to the right house.

I woke up early. And I felt just as horny as he did. So, this dirty granny started masturbating thinking of young cunt and teen cocks. But when I heard the door, I stopped. No clue who had come, but I knew it had to be someone with a key. Usually if I get morning visitors, it is a son or a daughter, not a grand angel.

He knew he caught his sexy granny masturbating. He grabbed my fingers and smelled them. And then he asked me if I had been thinking of him. I am always thinking of family when I masturbate. He sat on the couch and whipped out his morning wood. His cock continues to get bigger by the day.  And my mouth always appears to make it bigger.

All Grandmas Should Take Care of a Boy or a Man’s Morning Wood

I bobbed my head up and down on his hard throbbing cocks while he finger banged my cunt. My pussy loves fingers. Well, it likes cocks and tongues too. But I taught everyone in the family, even the girls how to finger fuck. Few men do that anymore. Perhaps it’s a high school boy thing, LOL. You know, getting to third base. And once they grow up, they think they no longer need to do it. Not on my watch.

Not only did I cum on my grandson’s fingers, but I also came on his cock too. But I had to wash off his cock after he came to get rid of my scent. Cannot send my grandson to school smelling like incest sex, now, can I? What a great start to my morning.

Sexy Granny Samantha Enjoys Being a Two Hole Whore for Family

sexy grannySexy granny Samantha had a wild night. Both my youngest son and my grandson surprised me this weekend with visits. However, they did not plan it that way. Each boy needed me. They needed to fuck the hot matriarch of this family. Lucky for me, they always share me. I worked a few hours in the morning, then took a four-hour break to fuck my son and my oldest grandson. They miss me so much when they are away. And I miss them.

Most of the night, they took turns fucking me. At one point, I had cum all over my body, and inside my pussy and ass too. As a sexy mommy and granny, I am no stranger to cum. Now that I can no longer get pregnant, they can cum deep inside my cunt. And that’s a huge perk of fucking a woman my age. They took turns fucking me most of the day.

However, after my last call last night, they shared me. They just could not wait. Any woman can be a two-hole whore. Even a three-hole whore. So, my son fucked my cunt. The cunt that bore him. And my son pumped his throbbing cock inside my ass. Women do not know what they are missing when they do not fuck their family. Incest is the best. We keep it in the family, and it always makes all of us cum so hard.

No One Makes Me Cum Harder Than My Family

And somehow last night, we all seemed on the same page sexually. We came together. Well, almost together. As I came on my son’s cock, my grandson came in my ass. Apparently, his cock could feel my intense orgasm from deep inside my ass, and that made him shoot his wad. My son began to cum inside my cunt, but he pulled out before he finished so he could spray my big tits with his seed. As I laid on my bed, I felt like I could just sink into the mattress.

Eventually, we all fell asleep from exhaustion in my bed. But not before I licked my son’s cum from off my tits. Hot incest sex makes us all sleep so well.

Sexy Grandmas with Big Tits Fuck Any Boy They Want

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas like me never have problems seducing younger men. And I will be honest, on one hand I love living alone because the house remains clean and quiet. But I miss that easy access to cock or pussy. So, when I wake up early and very horny, I call up my boy toy lover, Troy. Or I go hunting for cock at the skateboard park or the mall. Even though malls seem to be dying out across the nation, I can still find young boys playing hooky from school there.

But yesterday morning, I went to the skateboard park first. In the past, I never struggle to find a young teen boy to fuck. Young boys gravitate to mature sexy women like moths to the flame. And yesterday, did not seem any different. They see my big tits, and they will follow me anywhere. The lucky lad to play 7 minutes in heaven with me yesterday attends high school with my second oldest grandson. And he knew who I was even if I did not know him.

He told me all the boys at school talk about Zachary’s hot grandma. I never need flattery, but I still love hearing that I make an impression on teenage boys. He buried his face between my huge breasts the moment we walked into my place. He wanted me to motor boat him. And I do possess the tits for that.

A Sexy Grandma with Big Tits Can Have Any Boy She Wants

However, I need to be careful. With my big tits, I can knock a boy out, LOL. While he groped and sucked on my tits, I pulled out his stiff cock. I went down on my knees so I could suck his boner while he titty fucked me. Very few boy dicks can break on through to the other side of my big knockers. But this boy did.

Before long, the boy started rabbit fucking my pussy. I think he might have left skid marks on the inside of my sexy granny cunt. Boys his age can only rabbit fuck. They cum quickly, but 5 minutes later they can fuck you again. One of the many reasons I love teenage lovers.

mature sexy women

Ageplay Phone Sex Never Gets Old for This Sexy Grandma

ageplay phone sexEveryone who reads my blogs knows I love ageplay phone sex. And that’s because I love young ones. The boys and the girls. Just something about those smooth cunnies, soft bottoms and hairless dicks that gets my motor running. But I was not always that way. When my offspring became teenagers, that’s when I started playing with them. Perhaps, this dirty granny is on what they call a learning curve. As I aged and became a grandma, I looked at the little ones differently. Now, I am getting older, and my playmates are getting younger.

And I am not complaining. My oldest 4 offspring thought they might be done donating little ones to the family. However, my middle daughter, ended up a pregnant slut again. Honestly, I thought my only hope for more grand angels lay in the hands of my youngest son and daughter who have yet to marry and are a decade younger than my older offspring. So, I am overjoyed that she decided to go through with the pregnancy. At 42, she has what doctors call a geriatric pregnancy. All of us feel grateful that a new bundle of joy will come at the end of the year.

Pregnant Women Act Like Cats in Heat

I fought brutal heat this past week. So, I rarely left the house. My callers entertained me all week. But my pregnant daughter came over for a surprise visit last night and stayed the night. Did you know that pregnant women feel super horny? My guess, if you have a family, you know this because your wife acted like a cat in heat while she carried your seedling in her belly. I take care of my offspring any way I can. A sexy mommy’s job does not end when her sons and daughters grow up.

So, I rubbed my daughters’ feet. I massaged her breasts. At almost 5 months, she has milk in her big titties. And the pressure building up hurts. But mommy released some of that mother’s milk and made her feel better. And I ate her pussy. Last night, I took care of my daughter like a mother should. And she knows she can come over for some mommy TLC anytime. Nothing hotter than a pregnant woman.

Mature Sexy Women Always Crave Family Fun

mature sexy womenMature sexy women masturbate more than you might think. As I age, society thinks women like me get less sexual. But the reality seems to suggest otherwise. So, never count out a mature lady as a sexual partner. My sons and daughters, and grandsons and granddaughters all know I am the horniest woman in the family. And they love that about me.

I am fresh off a mini vacation with my three sons and my oldest grandson. We enjoyed two concerts in a different city where no one knew we were related. That kind of freedom feels liberating to me. Adjoining rooms in the hotel too. I had a king-sized bed. And the other room sported two queen beds. We played musical beds.

Perfect weather for outdoor concerts too. So, this sexy granny and mommy never overheated. At least not outside, LOL. The heat can take a lot out of this old gal. But not this trip. The cool temperatures meant I had plenty of energy to fuck my boys. We rotated fuck holes too. Over the course of the 2 days, each boy fucked each hole multiple times. I have the best family. My only complaint would be we could not stay longer.

I Will Always Fuck My Offspring, Even When They Have Families of Their Own

But as soon as we returned home, my youngest son decided to stay the week with me. He can work remotely, and he misses his mommy. Sometimes, I worry he might be too addicted to mommy’s fuck holes. As much as I adore incest sex, I also want my offspring to get married and make me a grandma again. And honestly, I think my baby boy sabotages relationships so he can forever be my baby boy.

But all three of my sons will always be my baby boys. Spouses and offspring never changes an incest relationship. Sure, we might see each other less because of family duties and jobs, but my pussy will always remain open for my family. Just because your little ones grow up, does not make them any less your offspring.