I think it is every parent’s nightmare. Having to host a huge party for one of your little ones. People running all over your house, crying, fighting, cleaning up messes … and that is just the other Adults who attend. When my son came to me and said that he wanted to be the one to have the big Halloween Party for his friends this year, I couldn’t say no. He has become the best little pussy licker around, so I felt that I owed him a party for all his hard work. How hard could it be right? It was terrible! Finding a place last minute, coming up with a Theme, sending out invites, blah blah blah.
Once we all got everything worked out I was happy, before that though I was driving myself crazy. I have a bit of OCD in me, so everything had to be perfect. We decided that we would rent a place that could easily fit the Pirate Theme. We all got dressed and off we went. Since I am newly married, I do not know my Husband’s friends all that well. Meeting their wives for the first time was interesting. I have never received so many dirty looks before in my life. One of the wives I actually like, her name is Molly. She sat me down and gave me the dirt on every single one of the women there. I do not like gossip but these bitches were pissing me off. I spent all this money to give them and their bratty little asshats a great party and they give me attitude?
My son was having a great time so that was all that really mattered. Plus, my little girl was the most beautiful one there. After speaking with Molly I felt a lot better, what made me feel almost blissful was when I went into where the cooks were and saw that the Dirty Look Queen was having a go with another one of the wives Husbands. She saw me, and I saw her, I mouthed the words, “Gotcha!” Then ran out, like I was going to tell her Husband. Her and that guy came flying out of the kitchen area. You could tell they had been fucking, she looked at me and I sat there drinking a glass of wine. I raised my glass to her as her angry husband was approaching her. He grabbed her by the arm and yanked her aside. I laughed so hard.
After that the party died down. Nothing like a cheating bitch to break up a party, but all in in all it was a great night. I think when the ‘girls’ talked to each other the next day they must of decided it wasn’t a great idea to be bitchy to me, because when I saw one of them at the grocery store this morning she was sweet as pie. What a fake! I think the next time one of them gives me attitude, I will take it upon myself to give one of their offspring a lesson in sex. I think that is a much better way to get back at a snobby bitch rather then fucking her old husband.