It’s so fucking hot outside that I just had to have a little family fun phone sex and go swimming with my girls to beat the heat of the summer! When it’s 100 degrees in the shade and the air is so thick I feel like I can’t breathe, I can’t settle for a hot and wet mommy cunt. I gotta moisten my entire body and cool myself completely off and the sun has heated my swimming pool far beyond a comfortable level. I need cold ass water and there isn’t a colder and more cum filled body of water around than Venus Lake.
It’s been my favorite spot to swim since I was young and it isn’t really a lake, it’s an old rock quarry turned nude swim beach. I love it, though! It’s filled with rain and mountain spring water so it’s so fresh and clear that you can see everyone’s naked bodies as they swim around you just as clearly as you can when they’re standing next to you on the sand. It’s amazing!
Of course, I spent the first hour or so after arriving planning and making sure everyone had the necessities: towels, sunscreen, water resistant lube, the usual lake stuff. I knew there was no way in hell all of my buoyant bimbos would stick together for the day, so I let the older ones run off to do what they wanted and went down to the water’s edge with my youngest little darling daughter.
I was scorched and wanted to get wet right away, so I stripped down and waded into the smooth rock bottomed water and laid back in the liquid relief. I don’t know if she was a little shy or If she was just trying to lure in a long and luscious cock to use as a beach toy, but my daughter stayed up on the shore sunbathing on her towel while she eye fucked every fat prick that strolled by, just like a good girl should.
I looked around a bit to see if I could catch a glimpse of my other girls and, after a minute, saw my two older daughters jumping off of the cliffside diving dock. It’s not very high up so the sight of their plummeting bodies sinking toward the water was brief, but beautiful. Everyone watched them wriggle their long, skinny legs in the air as they squealed and fell into the lake. There were plenty of people there to make sure they could make it back to the rocks, they were so nice. Just then I spotted my fiery redhead Raga walking off toward a secluded rocky inlet with a couple of long haired, horse cocked hippie boys. She was obviously having a good time too, so, with them all entertained, I felt like I could actually relax a little and I laid down in the water and just floated on my back.
I don’t think I dozed off, but the cool water and slight sensory deprivation definitely had me in a trancelike state. When I snapped out of it and stood up to do some mother henning, I could tell I was chilling in the shallows for a little longer than I thought! My youngest daughter was still on her beach towel only now she was on her knees blowing what looked to be a super tanned father/son combo while a group of girls played with each other’s pussies and watched it all, so she was perfectly fine. I could hear the moans and wails coming from the dive dock before I ever turned to see what was going down.
My girls were both being banged doggystyle on the edge of the dock by a bunch of black boys, centimeters away from being fucked off of the thing and into the lake below, which is exactly what happened. They flew through the air with thick loads of cum leaking out of their little cunts leaving cummy tails trailing in air behind them as they fell. Once again, everyone in the water made sure they were okay and helped them over to the rocks, only this time they started eating their tiny teen twats for them and cleaning out any remaining jig jizz that was still trapped in their perfect pussies. They were fine, too. The only one I couldn’t see was Raga and, though I knew she was probably fine, I took a little stroll over to the inlet to see what she was up to.
When I reached her, she was hitting a crazy bong and laughing her ass off as the two hippie boys were on the ground, each with the other’s cock buried all the way in their throats, balls to noses, pubes to chins. I sat down beside her and she offered me a rip from the binger, which I gladly took, and said that these two brothers wanted to get high and spit roast her and she told them they’d have to blow each other before she let them fuck her. She said that the part that made her laugh the hardest was that they decided to 69 all on their own!
I love having family fun at Venus Lake and being able to cool the fuck off for a little while. It’s definitely my favorite way to stave off the blazing hazy days of a super hot summer. Hopefully my girls will be as fond of the place as I am when they get older. Even if they aren’t, they’ll always know where they can go for some ultimate summertime fun and get cooled off, drilled out and filled up!