Sexy Granny Samantha Loves Christmas Time

sexy grannyThis sexy granny loves Christmas.  Christmas shopping, Christmas movies and time with my family makes me giddy as a schoolgirl this time of year. We have a debate going on in my house. Is Die Hard a Christmas movie or not. I think it is and so do most of my sons and daughters, however, my oldest grandson and youngest son do not think it is a Christmas movie.

So, I took them to see Die Hard on the big screen yesterday. Hard to believe 35 years ago that film came out. I saw it when I was pregnant with my middle daughter. Since I was married to my first husband still, no hanky panky occurred in the theater. However, my life is very different now. And I go down on you in a theater. Hell, I even enjoy incest sex in a theater.

I Love Spending Kinky Time with Family During the Holidays

When we arrived at the theater, we were not the only ones in there. However, it was not crowded, and we sat way in the back. The seats are so high anymore, no could see us unless they stood up and turned around. The darkness in the theater helps to stay hidden too. Although I love this movie, I have seen it many times. So, it did not matter if I missed a few moments jacking off cocks or giving head.

However, for most of the movie, I sat in the seat with my legs spread. Each boy had a finger in my cunt. And I had a hand on each cock. By the time the movie ended, my fingers were sticky. Never a problem for me. Finger licking good cum, LOL. Both boys saw how Die Hard could be a Christmas movie, but they still believe it is just a movie that happens at Christmas.

At least they went to the movie with me and kept an open mind. We came home and engaged in more family fucking by the fire. I am enjoying this holiday season immensely. How about you?

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