Sexy Granny Halloween Means Little Ones Get to Eat Candy, Just They Eat it From My Cunt

sexy grannyThis sexy granny loves Halloween. I’m taking my angels trick or treating tomorrow through my neighborhood. At least the youngest ones. We shopped for costumes weeks ago. And my youngest daughter made a few costumes too. She’s much more talented with a thread and needle than me. My skills lie elsewhere. But I enjoy checking out all the cute little ones. Although, young ones the ages we like the most rarely dress slutty. Usually, they are Disney princesses or superheroes.

But on Halloween we can look at all those cutie pies and no one thinks about the naughty things we are thinking about their offspring. They just think we are admiring their costumes. Last year, I caught so many men checking out my granddaughters. It takes a pervert to know a pervert. I would be a hypocrite if I got mad at a man for doing the same thing as me. Plus, it makes my pussy wet to know you fellow perverts want to do naughty things with my little angels.

A Dirty Granny Should Love Halloween Because We Get to See Cute Little Ones

My sons and daughters let me take the ones who want to trick or treat out in my the neighborhood. And they let them spend the night. My offspring knows what their sexy mommy does with their little ones. They encourage it. Last year, after the little ones collected their loot, we played the candy game. If you have been with me for years, you know what I do with candy. Candy in my cunt encouraged the boys and girls to eat my granny pussy. That’s a trick you can utilize too. Works like a charm.

Now the little ones know what candy is for. They get to eat it. But some of it they eat out of my pussy. This Halloween will be no different. Sexy grandmas like me might not like Halloween for he reasons most people do. But they should. So many dirty Halloween games P folks like me can play.

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