Sexy Grandma Pics Make Great Christmas Cards

sexy grandma picsMy grandson took some sexy grandma pics of me yesterday. He knows I never mind posing for him. Perhaps, I once did seem nervous about it. But now that he is over 18, I do not think much about it if anyone finds naked pictures of his 60 something grandma on his phone. Most men would kill to have a grandma who looked like me. I bet you would like me to be your grandmother.

My grandson made up some Christmas cards on some app using a naked picture of me with my tits hanging down. And he sent that to his friends in texts. Although I was flattered, he did not ask my permission for that part. I guess it’s no huge deal. I mean my grandson’s friends all know about me. They call me the sexy granny. However, I guess I was a tad concerned since his friends might share it with folks I do not know and so on and so on.

A Sexy Grandma Will Always Be Popular with Teen Boys

But I soon forgot about my pic floating around in cyber space. When my grandson started licking song lyrics on my clit, I forgot about it all. It’s our little game. We share a love for rock music. I am not always good at figuring out the lyrics, but sometimes I get a song correct. The songs do not really matter though. I gush on his face every time.

However, I am not hedonistic. I can lie there forever trying to guess what Tom Petty song he is licking on my clit, but it is not because I cannot guess the song. It is because he is such a great cunt licker. I mean a great cunt licker. But I pull myself up every time to suck his young, stiff cock. Few men in my family have my eldest grandson’s stamina. He can out last an Energizer bunny, lol.

My grandson wore my pussy out yesterday. But sexy grandmas bounce back quickly. At least this one does. Woke up this morning with my naked grandson standing over me ready to fuck some more. I got some more of the hair of the dog that bit me, and it felt even better the second time around.

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