Sexy Grandma Pics are Hot to See, Hotter to Make

sexy grandma picsDo you like looking at sexy grandma pics? I sure do love posing for them. My oldest grandson has been my primary photographer for years now. He loves talking pictures for his spank bank. That is how it started. Then he showed a few friends my pictures, and they wanted some too. Next thing he knew, he was selling my naked pictures to his friends. That led to him posing as me and selling them online to outfits that like mature naked women. I was mad at first, but then I calmed down. I mean I am naked already on my phone sex site. Most of the blog pictures I use, he took. When he visited this weekend, he took a bunch more naked pictures of his sexy granny. He took pictures of us fucking. He even took tried to take pictures of me engaged in sex acts that could get me arrested. I shut that shit down quickly though. Cell phone pictures and videos get uploaded to the cloud. It is how folks get busted doing illegal things. I explained that the person taking the pictures or videos would be in as much trouble as the person in the pictures. Modern technology is not a friend to P folks like me. I miss the days of Polaroid cameras and camcorders. I still have shoe boxes full of dirty Polaroid pictures. I pull them out and masturbate to them often. I have pictures of me blowing my oldest grandson when he was barley knee high. I showed him the pictures and explained this is what he needs. A shoe box of dirty incest sex pictures. I have dirty pictures going back decades. I always think my grand angels are schooling me because they have been raised in a technology driven world, but sometimes going old school is the best. My way keeps folks out of trouble while still allowing them to have dirty family fun.

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