Old School Kinky Phone Sex Family Fun

kinky phone sex

Kinky phone sex stories are something I have plenty to share. I went to see Jack White with my sons last night. I love him too, but I was likely the oldest woman in the club. It was a sausage fest. When we came home after being in a music bubble, most of our town was without power. The boys did not want to leave me and my daughter alone with no power. We had an old-fashioned orgy by candlelight. It was a lot of fun. No TV. No Music. Just the sounds of cocks slapping on asses and wet pussies getting pounded. When my sons and daughters were younger there were a few storms that turned us into the Little House on The Prairie clan. We have become spoiled by modern technology. But we do not need it. We just need each other. My daughter was happy to have three cocks. She is a brother fucker, but it has been a while since she had all three boys at once. The boys and I were on a music high. Fucking just enhanced that. I love fucking my boys. Bu when I get to share them with my daughter, it just brings back such fond memories of my early incest sex days. Back then, streaming was not really a thing. We had cable TV and stuff, but we were not yet spoiled by iPhones and streaming TV. Sometimes, I miss those days. For twelve hours we were just into each other. Sucking cock, fucking, eating pussy and enjoying quality time together. It was pretty amazing. I woke up in bed this morning with my three boys. My daughter got up earlier to feed her girls. Power was still out, but we had each other. This time, my little granddaughter joined in and sucked some cock and ate some pussy.

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