Nana’s Family Gathering

grandma phonesex camillaThe holidays are upon us and Nana’s first big event is Thanksgiving. I am already preparing for our huge family gathering which will include our family fun activities as well as a feast fit for all my lovelies, both large and small.
Shopping for the meal is complete and preparing will begin soon. As always the family eats as if they have not had a thing to eat since the last Thanksgiving get together. I always make so much food and our tradition is not to keep all the left overs for it to go to waste but instead we have a huge food fight which results in a bunch of naked bodies by the time it is over.
The little ones are always looking for something to do while the adults gather in the kitchen with last minute preparations and a few holiday cocktails. but this year I have a brilliant surprise.
An activity that will keep them occupied while the adults are buys and that we can use after our annual food fight.
Nana his preparing a scavenger hunt for the little ones to stay busy. Of course all items found are going to be used in our family fun festivities after the food tight. I have toys of all shapes, sizes and varieties. They will be hidden all over the house with little clues to find the next toy.
This Thanksgiving is going to end with lots of fun as we all discover new toys, enjoy some old ones and celebrate family by using them all together!
More then the turkey is getting stuffed at Nana’s house!

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