My How It Grows!

grandma phonesex camilla1Nana Camilla loves her little boys! I have always measured their little dicks like some people measure height. I measure them soft and then hard and we record the progress. I measure them at least once a year, some times twice if it looks like they have hit a growing spurt.
I have the cutest little saying that I recite when it is time to measure.
“Two and two is four,
Four and five is nine,
I can tell the length of yours,
But you can’t tell the depth of mine”
As soon as they hear that they know I am going to the closet to get Big Blue, the elephant. His big blue trunk is what we use to measure them.
One of them is in a huge growing spurt. I just measured him 3 months ago, but he is going through puberty and developing fast, so I wanted to measure him again today. When he came in today, I recited my little ditty as I walked to the closet, he had a ditty of his own in response.
“Two and two is four,
Four and five is nine,
I can piss in yours,
But you can’t piss in mine”
It stopped me dead in my tracks. I couldn’t stop laughing and I told him after we measured I was putting that to the test. he just grinned like a Cheshire cat and said “That was the plan Nana”
I love it when they start to get their own ideas for incest family fun with Nana!

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