Kinky phone sex with mommy Aileen

kinky phone sex

Kinky phone sex with Mommy Aileen is the only cure for that hard, aching cock of yours. A kinky p-daddy like you didn’t find my page by accident. I know exactly what you need. I know how bad you want to hear about the sweet taste of my naughty, little sluts or how tight and hot their tiny cunnies are. Mommy just finished getting them worn down before bed by fucking them and has plenty to tell you about. I was pounding them from behind and making them cum over and over, and didn’t stop until they were on the verge of passing out from exhaustion. That might sound a bit extreme for such tiny brats but these little sluts have been getting their cunts pumped since they were old enough to walk. They’re already mini cum dumpster sluts and they love it when Mommy puts on her big, thick strap on and tells them to bend over. Tonight, I walked in on them licking each other and Mommy just had to join in! I pushed my oldest back, spread her legs and started tonguing all over her sweet, bald cunnie! I had my middle slut eating mommy’s juicy cunt from behind and my littlest whore licking her cunnie at the same time. I almost forgot that they had been at their daddy’s house earlier until I started to taste the cum that my oldest had leaking from her little, bald pussy. I licked it all up and then had her straddle me so that I could watch her work that tiny cunnie down on my huge strapon. I held her little hips and bounced her softly up and down until she was able to take the whole thing. Her little fuck hole was gushing and she was soaking mommy’s fuck rod. My other two brat sluts watched, finger fucked each other and begging for their turn riding mommy’s big dick. It’s too bad that we didn’t have a kinky daddy like you to play with us tonight…


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