Incest phone sex slut Mommy Aileen

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Incest phone sex mommy Aileen had the best time ever last night and your big p-cock is going to be rock hard when I tell you about it. Mommy and the brats were invited over to my friend’s house to watch the big game. My studs had gone to a friend’s house so, it was just me and my tiny cum loving sluts. We don’t even watch football but I never miss a chance to dress my tiny whores up as cheerleaders and parade them around a bunch of drunk, older men! I made sure that their little outfits were tight enough in all the right places to show off their sexy, little bodies. A quick lift of their skirts showed off their little panties pulled tight up against those perfect, bald cunnie mounds. A few drinks into the party and Mommy was already getting offers on those sexy, little angels. They might look all sweet and innocent but my little fuck dolls are desperate cum junkie sluts and they know how to get what they want. I told them ahead of time that the men at this party would be willing to buy their tiny fuck holes from Mommy. They were eager to help Mommy come up with the money we need for bills and new fuck toys. I had my brats act all innocent until everyone was good and drunk. That’s when they started pulling each other’s panties to the side. They were fingering and tongue fucking each other, making sure the men could see everything that was going on. Seeing those pretty, pink cunnies gushing and dripping wet, had every man at that party stiff, bulging out of their pants and ready to plunge their hard cocks into those tiny, tight fuck holes! Give Mommy Aileen a call so we can talk about how I let the men at the party take turns passing my three little cum lover brats around.

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