I ended up with more than just groceries

pregnant phone sexI went to the grocery store this morning looking like crap, I still had my pajamas on and had barely brushed my teeth so I was definitely not looking for men if you know what I mean. Apparently they were looking for me tho cus as soon as I walked in the door it seemed like everyone there was hitting on me! I swear I couldn’t go down one aisle without someone giving me that look, I really didn’t know what to do. Well, by the time I got to the freezer section there was a group of men following me, they were being really obvious about it and cat calling me and everything so I just turned around and asked them if they wanted to fuck right there and then. They were shocked but all about it, one even started pulling his cock out right there! Well I wasn’t going to let that go to waste so I just started fucking them right there in the freezer section and fuck who all saw. By the end we even had a crowd around us cheering us on, it was awesome! Turns out that my favorite pajamas had a huge hole in the front under my belly so I was flashing the whole store my pussy the whole time! Oh well, at least it got me laid right?

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