He just wanted to learn

incest phone sexMy grandson is a very curious boy, especially when it comes to naked women. He is fascinated by vaginas, he is always trying to look up my skirt and find pictures online so I decided that if he was that curious about it, it was time for me to teach him everything he needed to know. I got undressed and spread my legs and told him he could do whatever he wanted. He wasted no time in getting real close to my pussy, he was poking and prodding and spreading me all open and it was getting me so excited! He asked me why it was so slippery and wet and I told him that it was supposed to be like that so that a penis could slide right in there and he was so surprised. He had no idea that boys and girls fit together like that. He asked me if that was why his lil peepee was so hard and stiff and I said of course baby, do you want to try and put your penis inside me? OMG he was so eager to try it! His lil dickie wasn’t very big but he fucked me so good anyway, he even squirted inside me it was so cute and so sexy all at the same time!

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