Halloween Family Fun with the Grand Angels

family fun phone sex grandma big titsLast night was my annual family trip to the pumpkin patch farm. Every Halloween I take my grand angels and they each pick out a pumpkin and we come back to my place to carve them and have some pre Halloween fun.  I have 6 grand ones, so we got 6 pumpkins. Because pumpkin carving can get messy, I insist we are all naked when we do it. Clothes are rarely worn inside my house anyway. We had “It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” on the TV, M and M’s to snack on while we decorated our pumpkins. My oldest grandson started joking about how my breasts were as big as the pumpkins. He came over and held them for me while I leaned over to help my littlest angel carve her pumpkin. My boobs are so big they were dipping into the pumpkin!

Well,  he was getting a hard on while cupping them. I could feel it pressing into my back. It was so hot too.  I wanted his cousins and siblings to see his big hard young cock. I had them all touch it. My youngest grand girl instinctively put it in her mouth. She sucked on it like it was her bottle and before we knew it he shot a load in his sister’s mouth. She giggled and said, “Yummy.” She gonna be a future cum junkie for sure.

Since things were getting more playful, we stopped carving pumpkins for awhile and went over to the couch. I had my oldest grandson put M and M’s in all the girls little cunnies. The girls were instructed to stay still and hold the candy inside their love cannels. I then had the boys lick the melted chocolate out of their sweet pink little pussies. It was so hot to watch my grand angels playing like that. They were squirming and giggling and just having a great time with their bodies. That is the way family fun should be. Open and playful.  The grand girls wanted to play more games, so I went into the kitchen and got out the pumpkin cake donuts with orange icing I picked up earlier. I had each girl put a donut on their brothers’ pee pee. Just like a ring toss lol! The girls nibbled off the donuts, getting their brothers very aroused.

I sat back and rubbed my bald old beaver watching those sweet innocent girls eat donuts off their brothers’ cocks. I squirted all over the place too. So did my grand boys. They shot their little loads all over their sisters’ faces.  Everyone just laughed and enjoyed themselves. It was just a big family game.  Do you have family games you play with your wee ones? I have been doing this for decades. First with my own offspring, now with their offspring.  I love helping horny daddies with incest on the mind find ways to explore family fun with their brood!.

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