Grandma phone sex

Grandma phone sexMy little ones love their grandparents, but they don’t understand that Mommy doesn’t always want them to come around.  My little one was begging for his grandma and grandpa to come over for a long time before I agreed to let him call and ask them to come over.  I know they feel the same way I do, so they aren’t looking forward to being here.  We all love the little ones so we try and be nice for them, but I can’t seem to keep my mouth shut.  I always wind up telling my mother a few things that upset her and make my dad yell at me, but I don’t really give a fuck so I will do it every time they come over I’m sure!

When my parents arrived I was already pissed off because they were late, but they think they are the only ones with a life I suppose. My Dad started in on me right away, so I took him in my room and fucked him really quick so he would shut up.  My mother went into the little ones room and read them a story, but she fell asleep in the rocking chair.  My little guy has been commenting for weeks about fucking Grandma, and I suppose he thought this was his chance because she woke up to him between her legs eating her out.  I never laughed so hard in my life, and my little guy was so proud of himself.  It’s always so stressful when my parents show up, but this time at least we had some comic relief.  I guess GILF phone sex will happen around here whether you want it to or not.

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