Filthy pervert loves me and Samantha

2 girl phone sexWhenever our filthy pervert calls us up for some kinky 2 girl phone sex, I can’t help but giggle from all the devious shit he enjoys talking about. He really makes me wonder how someone can be so fucked in the head! Samantha and I can’t get enough of him though, he’s the nastiest pervert we have ever talked to by far! Her and I always compare notes and discuss the disgusting shit that he talked about on our call after we hang up with him… he loves knowing that he is the topic of conversation at all times! Those demented fantasies are quite the hot commodity! In truth, he is definitely not your normal everyday pervert, he really takes the cake! Both Sam and I agree that he is super fucking depraved and twisted. Nothing is off limits for him, nothing is too extreme. The shit that comes out of his mouth is unbelievable, so many foul fetishes and fantasies. He is unlike any other caller that Sam and I have talked to and loves being known as the most outlandish pervert on the site. His cock throbs harder when we tell him what a sick bastard he really is. All of the disgusting shit that he says stays imprinted in our minds, it’s difficult to forget such corrupt and immoral behavior! The fact that he gets extremely horny off being known as the most repulsive caller at the company just goes to prove how much of a sick fuck he really is! Samantha is the best GILF phone sex whore for us to play with, that yummy cunt has me and our filthy pervert always craving more and they love munching on my barely legal pussy!Gilf phone sex

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