Family Fun Phone Sex with Samantha: Sweet Rewards

I am a very “hands” on grandma. I potty trained all my offspring with a unique but effective method. A sort or positive rewards system that I am now using to train my youngest grand angel. My son said he needed help training him because he was not responding well to any of the techniques used at home. I asked him if he remembered how I potty trained him many moons ago. Suddenly, he told me his cock was hard. That tells me he remembered! You know how some parents keep M and M’s or other candy in the bathroom and their wee one gets a piece when they make a potty? Well I keep the candy in my pussy. I used M and M’s first, but I found that my babies preferred sweet tarts.

With my youngest grandson, I sit on the couch, with my pussy spread. The couch is in direct view of the bathroom. When he sits on the potty like a good boy, he gets to watch grandma use her pretty pink vibrator on her pretty pink pussy. Now, when he actually makes a pee pee or a poopy in the potty, I insert a sweet tart deep into my juicy cunt. He then gets to come lick it out of granny’s honey pot. Like all my offspring, he has a sweet tooth. See, my sons said that the sweet tarts melted in my pussy and mixed with my own hot love juices to create a special sweet sugary concoction that even Brach’s would want to market. My littlest angel boy can’t wait to use the potty with this method. After he uses the big boy potty, he runs right between my legs for his special reward. He takes long licks and buries his face between my milky thighs. I put my hands on the back of his sweet head and tell him what a good boy he is; how proud I am of him. I always end up giving him a little extra sweet tasty treat too. I told all my offspring and I tell their offspring, that getting candy out of my special candy dish is a reward for us both. It’s win win. My wee ones learn to potty train and I get off! I had my stubborn little grand boy potty trained quickly with this method. Sex and candy is the sweetest reward! How were you potty trained? I love to share my stories of potty training over the years; hear your stories or maybe even help you with your potty training!!!!

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