Daddys Girl Phone sex Tales to stroke to

daddys girl phone sex

 Daddy’s Girl Phone sex because I take his load of cum down my throat. I swallow Daddy semen like the good little incest whore I am. My daddy loves that I share all of my cock sucking daughter stories with you horny men. Long ago when I was just a teen slut I helped my daddy out in the garage. I would hold his tools and always end up sucking his tool. He always patted my head after wiping his jizz from my mouth and tell me what a good helper I was. I was always ready to lay between his legs when he was under a car and needed me to keep his mind straight.

I know Daddy told his friends about his special little helper. Because I heard so many of his friends tease me about being Daddy’s big helper. Laughing and grabbing at me. And not just once did my mouth find its way onto a dick back then.  But I got the last laugh because as my body bloomed, I began fucking all of his friends.  It’s a good thing daddy never minded his little whore spreading her legs for his buddies.  I still love to go help daddy with an “oil change”, and I always end up getting my chassis lubricated too!

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