Daddies Cheer whore

pregnant pussy

I know how daddy is overprotective. I was sure that he wasn’t going to be okay with his sweet baby girl flaunting her sexy body for the whole school and faculty to see. I had to convince daddy that I wouldn’t get knocked up. Daddy wanted me to have a pregnant pussy one day but it would have to be from his doing. I had to convince my daddy I was going to stay in my best behavior. That came with a lot of time alone and showing him my uniform and riding his dick with it on. I am a daddies girl anyways so I will always look for his blessings in everything that I do. I know he owns my pussy and I will only do whatever is okay with him. Of course I can blow some of the guys in campus as long as daddy knows the truth. My pussy is for him but I am allowed to get off as well.

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