Category: Kinky phone sex

Family Fun

Aunt phone sexAunt phone sex and family fun go hand in hand around here. I had a client call about his aunt and uncle coming to visit him for a week, and they wanted to stay with him. He was concerned about this because he had a crush on his aunt when he was younger, and wasn’t sure if he could hide his erection around her anymore. We talked about it and he decided to let them come for a visit. Everything was fine for a day or two but then his aunt started leaving her robe open exposing her tits. He was sort of stressed and didn’t look, or make a big deal of it. Until yesterday when she walked out of the bathroom totally naked, and that was all he could stand. He walked over to her, bent her over and fucked the shit out of her. He told me he slammed his cock into her so hard he heard her gasp. He groped at her tits and just let her have all of his cock. He finished and they fuck all the time now, so he regrets not fucking her much earlier in his life. He could have been having family fun for years.

Daddy’s little boy

Kinky phone sex Jenny 5So my “Daddy L” has been calling me alot lately and I have been having a blast playing with him. Instead of the usual Daddy’s little girl, we pretend that I am Daddy’s little boy. I have to say that I thought it was pretty cool that I got to play a different kind of fantasy. We talked about how Daddy and I would play with each other’s pee pee sticks in one another’s mouths and hands. Then “Daddy L” would love it when I would lay on my back and spread open my booty for Daddy’s big pee pee stick. It felt so good being in my booty hole and Daddy just loved how tight it was too. But my favorite part was when Daddy would pump my booty hard while I played with my little pee pee stick until I squirted creamy goo on my face while Daddy came hard inside of my poo poo hole.

Oh, thank you so very much “Daddy L” for that kinky fantasies we play together! I can’t wait to be your Daddy’s little boy again real soon!

Spring Break Fucking!

incest phone sex passion

My son surprised me today! He is currently on spring break and decided to pay his mama a visit. I swear he gets sexier every time I see him. Of course he is chocolate like me packed with rock hard abs and a big 10 in dick. I took advantage of all that as soon as he put his bags down. I was in the middle of cooking dinner for a guest I had coming by…but I called him and put a rain check on our love connection that night. These huge tits and chubby pussy was all for my son! I got down on my knees and gave him the best blowjob only his mama could. Those college sluts can only please him so much. They lick the head, I gobble up the cock! It felt so good to feel his hard dick slide into my chocolate pussy.

You’re probably wondering why I’m not getting fucked right this minute. Well, at the moment my precious son is in between his mama’s legs sucking out the cum he just squirted. You can always join us… I love a party any day, even on a Tuesday!

Spring Break!

Mommy phone sex with PatriciaI am throwing a hot little party this weekend! It is the start of Spring Break. I am super excited about it! I have bought the girls new little bikini’s. And the pool boy is coming out tomorrow to clean the pool and fill it. It will be so warm and perfect for our first POOL PARTY. I emailed all the invitations today. And everyone has already committed. So I know it is going to be so fun! I have the games all planned out. We are going to ride sea horses. Or in this case it will be sea cocks! I am going to see if anyone can swim on their back while a little one is bouncing on their cock! Of Course the winner gets to cum inside my little whore! Then we are going to play ring toss. But in this version the little ones get to toss the rings on floating hard cocks. The winner gets the cock of her choice! And then we will play Cock fight. The little ones get on the shoulders of my guys. Of course the guys will have their face buried in my little sluts pussies. And then my little ones will be trying to DE-thrown their sisters! So much fun! I cant wait to see all my little whores soaked in cum, after a long day of playing! It is just what the family needs.

Suprise, Suprise!

I was going out shopping this morning. But I forgot my check book at home. So I did a few errands and then went home to get my check book. I was surprised to see my sons car in the drive way. He was suppose to be at school. And I am suppose to be shopping. So I decided to slip into the house and see what he is really up to. I was pretty surprised to see he had brought a date home. They were in his room. Completely naked. I was even more surprised to see it was one of my best friends Lauren. She is older than I am! And she was being such a whore. Of course my son saw me. He kept right on fucking Lauren. Pounding her! Really driving his hard dick in! I got so turned on I joined them. Of course Lauren had no Idea! But that made it better for me. I slide right in and started sucking on her nipples. I am sure she would have complained but she was so turned on she couldn’t. I helped my son fuck her good! I played with her nipples and stroked her clit while he was pounding her. I know she came over and over again. Of course that is not why I did it. I did it because I know my boy is so turned on. I know he will fuck me over and over again. And cum so much for mommy just thinking of this. I just love being his kinky mommy! And this was so much better than shopping.

Bad Girls Like Inez, Deserve to be Punished!

kinky phone sex inez doris

Mommy Doris and I do everything together. So when she walked in on me sucking cock without her, it made her very upset. I knew I was in big trouble because she called me a dirty little slut and told me to bend over so she could spank me. Mommy took out the paddle with the word “Slut” imprinted on it and spanked my ass until it turned red and you could see the word slut on my ass cheeks. All the while, Mr W was stroking his cock getting off to me getting punished! I have to admit I do love the way mommy punishes me. Feels so good when she takes her big thick strap on and fucks my tight asshole, and Mr. W was making me gag and choke as he fucked my throat. I kept screaming it hurts and it did but it felt so damn good too! I’m such a bad little girl! I deserve my punishment. Want to help mommy Doris punish me? All you have to do is show me your big incest loving cock and I’m sure to get in lots of trouble!

My Perfect Little Cocksucker

Family Fun Phone Sex

I have the perfect little cocksucker. She is the best. You want to know how she became the best? I have been training her since day one. I use the milk from my titties to help teach her things. Sometimes when she was a wee one I would take my nipple from her mouth when she was feeding and squirt some of my milk onto a nearby waiting cock and then put it in her mouth. She acted like it was still my tit and sucked and sucked until that cock gave her some more milk. I have been doing that ever since. She loves to suck cock now. Plus now that she is a pro I can charge more for it. Guys just love to cum all over her face. I think its cute and she knows that they pay mommy a lot of money to do it too. She knows I use that money to take care of us. Plus I think she really likes the taste of cum!

This Is Why…

…certain family members love to fuck me.  You see this pussy? Nice isn’t it? Too nice not to allow my favorite Uncle in the world to still play with it now and then.  Yes he is old, but I don’t care.  He was the one who introduced me to the whole world of fucking.  It would be seriously rude not to jump onto his cock every time we are alone, now wouldn’t it?

I still remember how he picked me up that first time.  I had to spend the weekend at his and my Aunt’s house because my parents were going away for the weekend.  That night when I was sleeping he came in, turned on the light, woke me up and got me out of bed.  I didn’t know what was going on.   He took me to the steps, put a finger to his lips; indicating that he wanted me to be quiet.  I could hear my Aunt talking to someone, and laughing.  Then it got sort of quiet, then other noises started.  My Uncle went down a few steps and looked through the banister.  He waved me down, so I walked down as quiet as I could and looked through the banister just like he was doing.

There was my Aunt, doing something with another man, and she was NAKED!  The man was sticking something into her and she was making this weird noise.  She looked like she was being hurt and I honestly started to get upset.  My Uncle looked at me, leaned down and whispered in my ear, “It’s okay, she likes it, it’s called Fucking, all the big girls do it.”  We watched them for a few more minutes, then my Uncle put me back into bed, gave me a kiss on the forehead and left the room.  I think it was my first ever “WTF just happened?” moment.

The next day, my Uncle took me outside and I was watching him weed the garden.  I sat there quietly, then after a little bit I asked him about what was going on with my Aunt?  Why did only ‘big girls’ do that, and what was it? That’s when he took me back into the house and him and my Aunt showed me exactly what it was, and I became their very own big girl that day.  He has been playing with my perfect pussy ever since.  Wouldn’t you?

Luvin’ Every Drop of Hot Creamy Cum!

Kinky phone sexSince you have been back in town I can’t seem to do much but think about sucking every creamy drop of cum out of your very large cock. It was really bad today so I had to call you to see if I could bring you some lunch to your office because I know how busy you are and you rarely take a lunch. You said that would be really nice, so I packed you a very nice lunch and headed to your office. When I got there you were pleasantly surprised that I would do something so sweet like bring you lunch to your office. You had no idea of my true motives.

So as soon as you came around from behind your desk I set your lunch on the desk, dropped to my knees and unzipped your pants and got my hands on your cock before you knew what was happening. I was so involved in licking and sucking your enormous cock until it spurt and then shot a huge load of cum into my mouth that I hadn’t even noticed a co-worker had come in and then quietly back right out of your office until you told me. I asked if you were upset, you had such a huge smile on your face when you said “OH HELL NO” I’ll be the envy of the office!

Sugar Baby Andrea

Kinky Phone Sex Andrea

Papi spoils me so much! He takes to me to the Grill and buys me lots of drinks I love.  Underneath the table, I am always rubbing his pants with my foot, slipped out of my sparkly-heeled shoe. It stimulates him so much that I can feel him getting hard for me. Sometimes I pretend to drop my fork so that I can crawl underneath. Papi releases his belt and his large erection springs out for me to suck. When his warm, wet splooge shoots out into my mouth, it is even better than the Margaritas! When we get back to the car, Papi takes me to the pier and we sit by the water. There are always benches up and down the boardwalk, and Papi sits down first. Then I get on his lap and rub against him. I give a subtle little lap dance that turns him on in all the right places. At the same time, I move my purse in front of me so Papi can grope my tits while everyone around us thinks we’re just an innocent couple. Public play is really hot! Finally, at the end of the night we go home and walk upstairs. I always find expensive jewelry and luxury lingerie in the bedroom. Lying across the comforter are bright red rose petals and there are candles lit on every surface of the room. Papi is so good to me, and I get so many gifts from him! That just inspires me to be an even better little baby girl for him!