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This past weekend I was made to attend a birthday party for my Aunt Trisha. I hate going to older people’s Birthday Parties because for the most part they are super lame, but I was really glad I went to this one. My Uncle planned the whole thing, and I have to say he did a pretty good job. It took place in a nice restaurant, and she received a new ring from my Uncle. Being poor I didn’t get her anything. Actually, I thought my Mom would put my name on the family gift, but she didn’t. I sat there looking like an idiot because she received something from every other single person at the table. Talk about awkward.
When it was time to leave I gave her a hug as I apologized for not having a gift for her. She smiled at me and told me that I could give her a gift still and it wouldn’t cost a penny. She told my Mom and Dad that her and my Uncle David would be giving me a ride home that she had something at the house for me. Hearing that made me feel extra bad because again, I didn’t get her anything and she was taking me to her home to give me something.
Once we got into the door she took my coat then told me to sit down in the living room and I could turn on the TV if I wanted to, that she and my Uncle would be right back. I went in there and sat down, I flipped though some channels and waited for them. When they came into the room they were both naked! I had a serious WTF moment running though my head. I think I said, “Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh…”
My Aunt came over and sat next to me, I moved over a little bit. She leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips. She said, “Okay, you feel bad because you didn’t get me anything right?” I just nodded my head still stunned. She said, “I want you to do something for me. Your Uncle and I have had a fantasy for a long time. I want you to play with your Uncle David. I want to see his cum on your face.” I didn’t say anything. My Uncle started to leave the room saying, “See I told you this was a horrible idea, she is our Niece Trisha!”
I stood up and said, “No, no it is okay.” I smiled at my Aunt and Uncle and told them that I would be happy to give her this Birthday present. My Uncle David’s cock twitched a bit. I watched as my Aunt stretched out on the couch and started to touch her pussy. I had to admit, now that the shock wore off and I was really getting a good look at her, she was fucking sexy as hell. She has a great body.
I got undressed then got on my knees right next to the edge of the sofa she was laying on so she could get a good look at her niece going down on her husband’s cock. He came rather fast the first time, so fast that he couldn’t pull his dick out my mouth in time and I ended up swallowing the load. The second time however was a direct hit. I have never heard a woman cum as loudly as my Aunt did. I am not sure how many orgasms that she had, but I know for a fact that my Uncle ended up having five.
Daddy you know Mommy just got me these big girl panties and I want to show them to you! I am so excited! Would it be okay if I pulled up my dress and showed them to you? I am so proud to finally be a big girl! Do you like them Daddy? You look like you do! You have a big smile on your face, and you are chucking at your little girl. Do you want me to sit on your lap while you watch Football and Mommy goes upstairs to take a nap? Can you feel them on your leg Daddy? Aren’t they soft? No? I will wiggle a little bit so you can feel the cotton on them, and look Daddy they have flowers on them too!
Do you want to touch them so you can really feel them? Ut oh, did I do something wrong Daddy? You look weird. It’s okay Daddy, I won’t tell Mommy, I promise because she would think you were silly for touching my panties. It’s alright Daddy, go ahead, I’ll lift my dress up again for you. Oooo Daddy, you are pressing your finger against my private place. No Daddy it doesn’t hurt, but it makes me feel funny in my tummy. Sure Daddy, you can stick your fingers in my big girl panties, that way you can really feel them like I feel them.
Sometimes my Daddy treats me just like he did when I was little. He will have me speak in little girl language and giggle and pretend that I do not know the words for his body parts or mine. Sometimes he even calls me by another name because one of the neighborhood girls looked good to him.
During these times my Daddy will go back to the very first time that he gave me my first toy. I still have it and when I was little it took some doing getting it in my pussy because I was very very small and very very tight. But this is what had to be done to get ready for the day that my Daddy and Brothers would plunge their big cocks into me.
He pulls the chair that I have in the corner of my bedroom up to the edge of the bed and tells me what to do. I try my best to do it like I did way back when. I tell him that it hurts a little bit, and that I don’t know how to use it. He smiles at me and tells me exactly what to do until I get it in my cunt just the way Daddy wants it. Then he instructs me how to bring myself to orgasm with it. He tells me that I am doing so good, and that Daddy is is happy with his good girl. He also reminds me that this is a special secret and that Mommy nor anyone outside of him and my Brothers can ever know about it.
He waits until I cum then Daddy climbs onto the bed and removes the toy and replaces it with his cock. I tell him that it feels so much better than the toy and he asks me if I like Daddy fucking me like this. I always say yes, what girl wouldn’t?
My younger Brother has a girlfriend. I actually like her. This is the only other girl that my Brother has ever been with besides me. You would think I would be jealous but I’m not. I have no reason to be because I know my shit is fantastic and he will still fuck me sometimes. See, it’s all good.
After hearing him with her a few times I became curious as to how sister fucking is different from girlfriend fucking. I mean is there a very distinctive difference other than I’m his sister. lol I asked him about it and this is what he said, “Hell yes it is different. It is hellz different. She is only fuck meat to me because I can always get another one if this doesn’t work out, but you are mine for life. Plus, I actually really love you, like mad love. I think it is too bad that all guys don’t try sister fucking because other bitches will come and go but a sister is for life.”
I guess that explains that. He isn’t very eloquent that’s for sure not that it matters. It made me feel really good to know that he sees me in that way, that I will always be his number one fuck for life.
I don’t know about you all but I am so FULL! I have a huge family and they all came over here this year to eat. As a matter of fact, most of them are still here due to Turkey Coma. It’s just not the food that I enjoy, it’s that my cousins and my Brothers come to our house for this Holiday. That means that when my Mom goes and takes food to a couple of people in the neighborhood who do not have family with my one Sister-In-Law we can slip away for a little bit while the football game is on to have some awesome family fucking.
This year one of my cousins was talking to me and she said, “I know what you and Uncle Jamie and Grandpa do.” I was like, “Ummm, what??” She laughed and said, “It’s okay I play with my Dad also.” I almost died. She told me that she mentioned it because she always wanted to talk about it with someone but it’s not something you can put up on facebook or bring up while you are at your friend’s house. I agreed with her.
We talked for awhile then; and I don’t know why but, I leaned over and kissed her. She was surprised, but in a little bit she started to kiss me back. I told her that we needed to go upstairs to my room before someone came down here and caught us, she said that that made it more fun. She told me to stand up, so I did. She played with my ass a lot. She ran her hands over it and kisses it. She asked me if I liked it, I said, “Hell yes!” After a few more times of her lips pressed against my ass cheeks she said she would be right back. She went upstairs and called my Brothers and my Dad down. It took a little bit but they came downstairs.
She walked back to me and pulled up my skirt again and started to lick my skin. It felt amazing, I could hear my one Brother say, “Jesus Christ!” I could tell they were all opening up their jeans to play with their dicks as my cousin pulled my panties down. She licked my asshole so well! Then she spanked me. It make me yelp because I wasn’t expecting it and we all laughed. I bent over the sofa and told her to warn me next time, but she didn’t and she really spanked my ass hard. I had to bite my lip so I wouldn’t yell out again.
I could see that the cocks of my Dad and my Brothers were rock hard, then I felt a really sharp pain. My cousin was biting my red ass cheeks. It hurt like hell, and she wouldn’t stop! Luckily my one Brother (her Dad) told her to come over to him otherwise I would of had permanent teeth marks on my ass. He pulled off her shorts and started to fuck her. I went over to my other Brother and sat on his cock. My Dad stood up and went between her and I to face fuck us.
I think that if getting spanked causes my Brother’s and my Dad’s dicks to get this hard. Then maybe the next time we have a family feast together, I should have my cousin spank me again. This was the best Incest Thanksgiving Feast Ever!
When I was much younger I was introduced to Star Wars. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! It was the most amazing movie ever! I thought Princess Leia was beautiful. I thought that maybe when I grew up I could have my own Millennium Falcon and get Chewbacca to hang out with me. One Halloween my Daddy even bought me an outfit that he made to look like a slave girl, just like Princess Leia when she was with the Yucky Jabba the Hutt. We played that him and my brother were my captors. We had so much fun role playing that.
To this day I love this role play. I have since purchased my own belly dancer outfits. Sometimes I will wear them for my brother. He laughs when he first sees me and tells me that he cannot believe that I liked that role play so much. I thought it was sexy. I get to dance for him, serve him, and then have the most delicious fucking ever. How could I not love this role play fantasy?
When I was a small girl, my family lived in Philly. If you live anywhere near Philly you know that sports is almost considered a religion. One of the sports that my big brother and Dad love is Hockey. I could never understand what the fuck the big deal was when I was really little. All I knew was that for a few hours, my brother and Dad would be in the living room shouting at the TV and drinking beer, and they were happy. My Dad would pull me onto his lap and tell me to watch. This is when I was able to begin collecting my Family fun phone sex stories that can now be enjoyed by all of you.
It wasn’t until I was just a couple of years older that my love of Hockey grew. By this time I had been having a cock sucking great time with my brother and Dad, but we could only do it when my Mom was out of the house. Those times were few and far between because she was a stay at home drunk. But on Hockey nights? She would leave because she couldn’t stand it. I remember going down on both of them as the crowd roared in the back ground, they would pump their cocks into my small mouth in time to the organ music that was helping stir up the crowd.
When I became older still and our financial situation improved my Dad would take my brother and I to the games. I was already in love with the sport because it gave me play time with my guys, but now, NOW that I could understand and see the raw power of the players. The brutality of it, it made me fucking wet as hell. I couldn’t get enough. I would masturbate looking at pictures of Eric Lindross for Christ sake. My brother and father thought it was cute and even one year for my Birthday my Brother showed up wearing a signed Eric Lindross jersey with a goalie mask on (no Eric Lindross was not a goalie). Him and my Dad took turns wearing it and coming into my room to fuck me all night long. Now you can see why I love Hockey so much and also why I enjoy Family fun phone sex even more.
What is a school girl to do who needs school supplies? Fuck their family members for money that’s what. Some people open lemonade stands, I open my legs, and my mouth, or even my ass if they pay me enough. You are more than likely thinking why in the world would they pay me when they can get it for free any other time. The answer to that is that I need some fucking paper to write on for my assignments!
Actually we do this every year, we have done this ever since I was in the first few years of school. I had to earn the money for my school stuff, and what’s easier then giving them something they all like. My little pussy hole for them to drive their dicks deeply into. Some girls do not like when people give them money for sex. They say it makes them feel like a whore, who cares?! Money is money, no matter how you make it.
Plus since I earn my school supplies this way, every time I am sitting in class and I use my supplies, or get dressed for school it reminds me of what I did to get this stuff. Maybe there should be some type of school supply thing called Pussy for Pencils. I bet all the schools wouldn’t have to give us all those long damn lists because everything would be fully stocked already!
My Daddy has done so much for me, as well as my whole family. He works so hard, he fixes anything that breaks, he feeds us, he pays for our cell phones, he takes us on vacation, he treats us so well. I was having a very hard time trying to figure out what to get him. You can only have so much cologne you know. My two brothers were having the same problem. It was my grandmother who came up with a great idea. She told us that when she was small they didn’t have money and what they did on their Mom’s birthday was make her some coupons for like doing dishes, or a back rub, or foot rub. She said that my great-grandmother loved it!
My brothers and I sat down and tried to think of some stuff that we could make Daddy coupons for. We already do all the chores so we couldn’t make them for that, but what we came up with is even better than mowing the grass. We each gave him three coupons that can be cashed in at any time, on any day, with no expiration! We all put naughty things that we know our Daddy loves. Having his ass licked, sucking on my brother’s cocks, fucking me, or me fucking my brothers! Daddy said it was his best gift ever. I cannot wait until he starts to redeem them!