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HO… HO… HO… Merry Fucking Christmas!

Incest Phone Sex Devon-bts

Last night after midnight I heard a knock on my door so I got up out of bed and went to peek out to see who it was, I couldn’t tell who it was because the guy was wearing a Santa suit. I opened the door and the guy hollered HO… HO… HO… Merry Fucking Christmas! He had a bag of presents for me and the little ones and he put all the gifts under the tree as I stood there with my mouth hanging open, I had no idea who this was putting present under our tree! After he had laid all the present under the tree he turned around and took off the beard and I could see it was Frank, I was so excited because I had not seen him in about a year and I love his his enormous cock.

He took off his Santa hat and placed it on my head and then got undressed. he pulled me on top of his lap and crammed his rock hard cock up my ass to the brim. He fuck my ass so hard until he finally came and I felt like my ass was on fire! Then we went into my bedroom and I climbed on top of him because my pussy was dripping wet and throbbing and I needed to cum in the worst way. Frank has a huge cock, probably twelve inches long and almost as fat. His cock has always turned me on! I fucked him until we both came and then we fell asleep! In the morning the little ones forgot all about breakfast and ran to the tree and squealed with excitement over all the presents. Which is okay, because I know they will get hungry before too long and Mommy time will begin and Mommy will cum for Christmas, which is the best present a Mommy could ever get!

What a Day at the Circus

So this morning Zack was over again and he really wanted to spend morning time with the offspring and I and we did, he so enjoys my little ones, expectantly watching my little man and getting attention from my little princess, she loves Zack’s cock as much as I do. So after our morning routine Zack said there was a circus in town and he would love to take us, he wanted to treat the little ones because they have been so good to him lately and he wanted to return the favor and give them a fun day out.

So we packed into Zack’s pick up and took off for a fun day at the circus, I had no idea that we were going to have more fun that anyone would have dreamed of. We watched the acts, ate lots of popcorn, corn dogs, cotton candy, and then Zack asked if we would like a tour, so he took around introducing us to some of his little friends. They must have been only  a little over two foot tall. Zack explained to his friends that we were a very special family. So they took us into this tent that look like a nice living room and bedroom. My little ones got to practice on people their own size and smaller while Zack gave me the fucking of a lifetime while we enjoyed the watching the little ones suck and several cocks, pussy’s and tittles of all shapes and sizes, I was so proud of them.

By the time we left the circus my little ones were so content and exhausted from the days activities that Zack had to carry them into the trailer and put them to bed. My little princess kissed Zack goodnight and asked if he would please stay over to have morning time with her. We couldn’t resist, she is so cute, so we are all looking forward to tomorrow morning’s family time with friends.

All In The Family

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Gracie comes over and plays with the little ones every once in a while, and my little ones just love her.  I do to because she is so eager to please, and will do anything she is told.  Yesterday I woke up with 6 little hands all over me instead of 4, so you can imagine my surprise when I opened my eyes and saw Gracie looking up at me with those big blue eyes!  My little ones did their usual breastfeeding while Gracie played with my  little guys cock.  I was so proud of him because he was able to stay focused on what he was doing while Gracie worked on his cock.  He is learning to multi-task and I couldn’t be happier about this.  When we were done and everyone had been satisfied we headed to the kitchen to make breakfast, and Gracie is always such a big help in the kitchen.  She was getting all the ingredients out to make pancakes when my insatiable little man came up from behind and bent her over.  Gracie didn’t even flinch, and they had a breakfast snack right there on the kitchen floor.  I love it when we have sleepovers.

Mommy phone sex

Mommy phone sexMommy phone sex is so hot especially when you have amazing relationships with your little ones. We are so close it is hard for most to imagine. They still wake me every morning by coming in and getting into bed with mommy to breast feed. The keep mommy’s breast nice and plump with milk because we breast feed everyday. We this morning when they came in they were hungry as always and I had one on each tit and this always makes my pussy dripping wet.

My little man has figured this out so it has become kind of a tradition that as soon as he has filled his little tummy with mommy’s breast milk he moves down to mommy’s pussy and sucks on her clit while my little princess moves back and forth between mommy’s breast. This always makes me so hot, I try to hold off on cumming to make the morning last as long as possible.  Tonight we have plans with friends and my little one’s are going to have so much fun, they really enjoy playing with my friends and making them cum too!

The Night I Met Molly

A friend called and invited us to the big city for a visit, but I was nervous and said we couldn’t make it.  However, he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so he came over and insisted we pack our things and go with him right then.  I reluctantly packed a bag for myself, but said the little ones will be with their Dad for the weekend.  He was disappointed because he likes to play with all of us, but was fine with it.  We got in his car and made the three hour drive to New York City.  WOW, we arrived at night and the city lights were intoxicating!  We went to this hotel and I couldn’t help but feel like royalty or some shit.  I felt so awkward and out of place, I mean I’m a small town trailer trashy Mommy who didn’t belong in the city, but he kept telling me it would be fine.

We go to our room, and get dressed for some party he was invited too.  I had no idea what an “underground” scene looked like until we walked in.  The room was dark and smokey, but you could see everyone was high or drunk and almost everyone was fucking someone.  I quickly realized these people are just as sexually free as I am, and I relaxed and started to talk to people.  Before I knew it somebody put a pill to my lips and said “Meet Molly.” I took the pill and swallowed it!  I had no clue fucking in the city could feel as good as it did that night!  It turns out the city isn’t much different than my small town as far as the activities go.  I must have fucked 4 people in that room, and I never knew anyone’s name.  I have to say New York City isn’t as scary as I thought it would be, and I can’t wait to go back!  Trying Molly for the first time certainly put a spin on the fun I had that night.

Sissy Blackmail

Blackmail phone sexSissy phone sex is fun for me because the sissy that calls me wants to play with Peyton too.  Peyton is a good sport about it, she is a little Princess, so she knows exactly how to handle miserable worthless fucks like him.  He wants to smell her panties and make panty soup and what not, but she has yet to give him anything.  She blackmails him into sending her money, but she hasn’t given him any panties, socks, nothing!  I am so proud of her!  Peyton is definitely turning into the perfect young lady, and she surely understands what men are willing to do for her

Peyton walked up to our sissy and let him smell her knee, then she told him she was going to tell his secretary that he gets into her gym bag when it’s left behind and he licks and smells all her clothes.  She pulled her pants down and stuck her ass in his face, but moved before he could lick her.  Peyton walked over to the couch, sat down and played with her tight little pussy while he stared at her.  She stuck her fingers in his mouth so he could taste her pretty young pussy juices.  Peyton has mastered the skill of sissy training with a small side of blackmail.  I am such a proud Auntie, even though she has a lot to learn, Peyton the little Princess is certainly off to a good start.

Our pretty little Princess Peyton can be found on our sister site YoungOnesPhoneSex.

Peyton’s Lesson # 2

2 girl call phone phonePeyton and I had the pleasure of torturing our sissy again last weekend.  He wants to lick her panties and suck her ass, and he even begs to buy her panties to make himself panty soup.  The first time we played with him Peyton did very well controlling him, and staying just out of reach so he would offer more and more money for her panties and bra.  The second time was perfection!  Peyton did a fantastic job of making sure this sissy faggot did as he was told and she tortured him with her pretty little pussy and ass.  She even let him lick a nipple just to drive him out of his mind.  By the time we were done working him over he was to bring her $300 for her panties and he was going to beg her for her dirty gym sock and yoga outfit.  Peyton said she would let him have it after she worked out, and I think her generosity of offering to work out for an extra fifteen minutes was very sweet of her.  I’m sure Peyton will grow from the Bratty Princess she is now to the perfect Bitch In Charge Mistress!  You can find Peyton on our sister site YoungOnesPhoneSex

Life In The Trailer Park

Incest Phone SexLife in the trailer is interesting because all the women seem to hate me. This doesn’t make any sense to me, is all I want to do is really enjoy life, and to do this I want to have as many orgasms as one can possibly have in a lifetime. Last week I had some bitch neighbor at my door screaming at me because one of my brats told her he was hungry and asked if he could breast feed.  When she learned this, she was so angry because she breast feeds too and thought we should all be doing sleepovers from time to time. Once I was able to calm her down we sat down and talked and we agreed to let my little brats one night a week stay at her trailer and hers would stay with me one night each week. Well I did the first one this weekend at my house and woke up to 4 little mouths and 8 little hands all over my body, Those brats made a game of how many times they could make Mommy cum and let me tell it was more than I could count.  Life in a trailer park can be quite interesting and but lots of fun!

A Hot Summer Night

2 girl call phone phoneSummer and I hang out sometimes because she is hot as hell, and I want to help her grow into a perfect young lady who knows how to use her body to get exactly what she wants.  Men will pay a pretty penny just to look at her pretty little body, so i want to make sure she isn’t just giving it away.  We went over to this pathetic losers house because he kept staring at her and trying to talk to her every day.  I had to make sure he knew she was not a piece of meat he could just enjoy whenever he wanted to.  He is to glance at the menu, but he had to buy whatever it is that he wanted.

He said he wanted her panties and socks and shoes, so I told him to get me $1,500 in cash and we will discuss what of hers, if anything, he may be able to buy.  He didn’t have that kind of money on him, so we left and we went to the bank.  He called me when he returned and I took the money.  I let him smell her ass and lick a toe, but that was it until this pathetic loser had more money.  You can find Summer on our sister site Young Ones Phone Sex.

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2 girl call phone sex with Peyton is so much fun!  I love showing off her hot little body and teasing all the married loser pricks of the world who want to come over and fuck her.  She is my bratty little cock tease and I have taught her well.   She calls me Aunty and we bring these men to their knees with desire for her tight little pussy and ass.  We had one guy give us over 5,000 for the honor and privilege of sucking her toes and fingering her little clit while I sat on his face.  So many people ask how I am able to maintain my house and my life without working, well I live in a trailer park and I pimp out the girls in our family.  Men pay me to fuck my little sweet Peyton, and several others related to me.  I love fucking and anyone who knows me appreciates that in one way or another.  Peyton can be found on our sister site Youngonesphonesex.

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