A Day At Nana’s

grandma phonesex camillaNana Camilla is all wet and ready! They are coming to spend the afternoon and night! All of them and Nana is in a kissing mood. I am going to kiss each of them from the top of their heads to the tips of their toes. One at a time. Biggest to smallest or maybe the other way around. And then they are going to kiss me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. There is nothing like a a good old fashioned kiss fest with all those little moist and wet mouths eager to please their Nana! Of course they will be spoiled rotten while here. We will play lots of games and stay up late into the night running around naked. But first things first. Kisses galore as we recite Nana’s kisses poem.

My Nana is as full of kisses

She kisses us in the morning,
She kisses us at night
She kisses all our boo boos
She loves us with all her might.
She kisses us at bath time,
She kisses us in bed
She covers us with kisses starting at our heads
We love our Nana’s special kisses for her boys and girls


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