Brothers Fight Over My Pregnant Pussy

Pregnant slut


My Daddy is away, but I just took a pregnancy test and now I’m pregnant again. I have no idea who the father is. Is it my Daddy? One of my brothers? One of my uncles? A cousin? I’ve been passed around this family as the communal fuck doll for so long that it could be any of them. My older brothers happen to think that their seed is growing inside my belly. Luckily for me, they are willing to make sure  that I am having their baby by fucking the shit out of me endlessly. I can’t even go to sleep without one of them slipping under my covers, pulling my legs behind my head and pounding my pregnant pussy. They know they can only have this much fun when Daddy is gone because he loves for me to be his #1 slut. I enjoy having my brothers fight over me and fill up my pussy with their sweet baby batter. I hope one of them is the baby daddy this time. 

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