Nana Has A Brand New Game

videosI remember when the little ones got their first Atari game and how they spent hours playing even getting me into it. Then they graduated from that black screen with two little whit lines and a white ball bouncing back and forth to a Nintendo with a colored screen and we spent hours playing Donkey Kong and Pac-Man.
We always made a game of the one with the highest score getting to “score” which made it extra fun.
I was out yard saleing and saw one of these older game systems with all our favorite games and decided to buy it, remembering all the fun we used to have.
I got to talking to the young gentleman having the sale and it seems he was divorcing his wife and clearing everything out to start over. So i decided why not invite him over for dinner. After a hard day of working the yard sale he could come hang with Nana and the little ones, eat a good meal, have a few drinks and just relax.
Well Nana got a BOGO. He came over, we had a wonderful dinner, a few drinks and then sat the little ones down to play their new games.
they were so involved and having so much fun they didn’t notice that Nana slipped off to play a game of her own called Carpenter.grandma phonesex camilla

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