My teen daughter has such a young sounding voice that guys on the phone mistake her for her little sister all the time. That’s only an issue when my youngest girl gets ahold of her big sister’s phone and calls up all of the big cocked boys in her contact list. I think my oldest girl might get more dick courtesy of her little sister than she does on her own, but I can’t be too sure.
My littlest loves to play with her sister’s cell, she jacks it from her every chance she gets. She sends dirty voice memos in every guy’s text thread she can and then waits for them to call back. Once they do, she has sexy phone time with them and plays with her tight little near-hairless pussy. Her sisters always catch her but she just laughs and runs away. Sometimes she has a little too much phone fun, though.
When school started up again, there was a group of guys who told my senior that they had some sort of information about her that she doesn’t want to get around to the other students. She didn’t even want to tell me what it is, she just said that now she has to do everything they tell her to do all year long or they’ll spread it all over the school. She’s certain that the only way they could’ve learned of it is through her sister but she can’t really prove it. She’s probably right, though.
So, thanks to my daughter’s really young sounding voice and her little sister’s lust for teen phone sex, she’s been banged by this group of upper and middle classmen since classes started again. Not only that, but she has to physically humiliate herself whenever they tell her to. Whatever they have on her must be pretty big if she’s willing to show the whole school her ass and pussy upon command rather than let the cat out of the bag. I hope she knows that, if she’s pregnant, she can just tell me…