Young voice phone sex with Andrea

Young voice phone sex

I know daddy loves young voice phone sex. Every time he hears his bratty little fuck toys voice his cock gets rock  hard. Daddy especially loves it when I spread my tight little slut holes open for him after hes had a long day at work. He would call me in and I would come in and assume the position on all fours with my mouth wide waiting for daddy to feed me his cock. He would grab my chin and kiss my forehead as he would motion for me to open my mouth wider. He would slide his cock into my mouth until every last inch was down my throat and i could feel him throbbing in the back of my throat. I dont have any tonsils so he slid in perfectly and I swallowed every bit. he would start off stroking my face slowly savoring the feeling of my warm mouth as progressively began to stroke faster and harder the more excited he got. He pounded my throat until he exploded. Making his cum leak out the sides of my mouth and my nose. I love being daddies little fuck toy!  

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