What Turns Mommy on

mommy phone sex

You want to know what turns this mommy on? Well, different things, but my favorite is P men. See since my princess was a little tike I have been attracted to her. Her soft smooth boy, that little slit between her legs and round chubby ass just did something to me. I couldn’t even explain it myself back then. My body came alive when my fingers started exploring her. I was never satisfied with my husbands dick, oh his mouth is amazing and he gives me beautiful brats somehow. But the jury is out whether they are his or one of my family members. But that is a blog for another day. And masturbating with her little body between my legs became my obsession.

Yep, I would squirt all over my tot and not feel bad about it all all. I began to wonder about men and if they liked little girls and boys. I would bait my husband and use dating sites under assumed names just to see what men would do when I told them I liked playing with my daughter. I was intrigued by my husband telling me that he wished I was younger when My princess got a little older. He said he bet is cock would be good for a little hole since it couldn’t please me. And that is all it took. I decided to show him how my princess and I played while he was making his living. My life has never been the same after. And now I know what turns me on the most. Men being with their daughters just like my daddy used me. I cant help to think how life would have been if my mommy had stayed around to enjoy my fathers P cock. I bet I know some P Men who would love to fuck my princess, wink, wink!

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