We went to the park

incest phone sexI took my grands to the local park this morning and it was so much fun! We went just to play on the swings and slides and stuff but while we were playing I noticed this man watching us. He was there alone which was a little weird, most people had some brats with them. He couldn’t keep his eyes off my granddaughter, no matter where she went he stared at her like he was gonna die if he couldn’t touch her. So I went and sat with him and told him I knew what he wanted. He acted scared as hell like he was about to run away or something but I calmed him down and asked him if he would like my granddaughter to suck his hard cock. Well you should have seen the look on his face! He was shocked and excited and almost came in his pants just thinking about it. I pulled him behind a bush and and let the little one suck his dick and he filled her mouth with cum in mere moments. He’ll be by again later too, he’s willing to pay anything to get in that pussy so I can’t wait!

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