I had the BEST visit with my grandparents this past weekend. We went down south to the keys where it was nice and warm, my grandparents always love to spoil their precious granddaughter rotten and I was excited when they surprised me by taking me to their vacation home instead of the hotel we normally stay at…Why so excited you might ask? The neighbors at our vacation home are smoking hot, and we all know how much fun I like to have. My grandparents had gotten even nicer to me since learning of my pregnancy… they think that the guy that knocked me up is some asshole ex-boyfriend who ditched me the minute I got pregnant. But we all know the truth is I have noooo clue who the Daddy is considering all the gangbangs and guys I’ve fucked. Even if I knew who the father was I wouldn’t tell him – I would never want him to try and take my little mini me from me! I want her to be raised to be a perfect whore just like me. I’m getting off topic… there were not one or two sexy neighbors but about six on both sides of the house and they all knew what kind of things I was into. I only had to tan in my bikini for 15 minutes before a couple of them came over to say hi and see what I was doing later. Of course they didn’t care about my big fat belly…in fact they seemed quite intrigued in my newly heightened tits. They asked me if I still liked to have fun with more than one guy at once and we all know what I answered! We were about half way through our fun when my grandparents BOTH walked in and saw every single one of my holes being fucked. And you WON’T BELIEVE what happened next.