Under new Management


Incest phone sex with PatriciaMommy was feeling a bit under the weather lately. I was suppose to have a party for the little ones. But I just didn’t feel up to it. So I decided my oldest girl was old enough to run the show for one night! And she was very excited to prove to me what she could do! She organized party games. Like dick, dick goose. And ring around the cock. All fun games for the girls. But this time she did something Mommy had NEVER thought of. She offered a betting pool. To see who could win the games. The winner of the pool would get a blow job from the little one of their choice. Well needless to say it really started the fireworks off with a BANG! Everyone was so eager to lay there money down. I guess making it something they could win, made them want my little ones on their knees, sucking big fat cocks! The girls had a blast. The guys loved fucking my little angels AND… I made A LOT of money! Perhaps I should get sick more often.

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