This Sexy Mommy is a Bad Mommy

sexy mommyThis sexy mommy went hunting with a friend at the pool yesterday. We put on our skimpiest bikinis to attract all the young boys. She is my best friend and accomplice in all things dirty. She has daughters, not sons, so over the years she has molested my boys with my support of course.  She likes them extremely young. My boys have essentially aged out for her, so I helped her hunt yesterday at the YMCA pool. It is full of summer boys from broken families that are easy prey for a dirty mommy. What young boy doesn’t need a loving and attentive mommy? I spotted a little black boy. So young, so tender, so fresh. I couldn’t help but wonder if even at his age if he had a big dick. I distracted the teen life guards with my big boobs while she escorted that little chocolate kiss into the family bathroom to play with his little black dicky. The lifeguards had no clue a boy on their watch had disappeared. A teen boy will forgot his own name in front of me in a bikini. She came back with a huge grin on her face. I could smell boy batter on her breath. The little boy had a glow and a smile that was missing from his face earlier. She told me he had the cutest hairless peter. Women are predators too. We love to molest and corrupt the young ones. No one ever suspects a mother as being a predator, however. That is why we make the perfect accomplices for P men. Imagine all the little girls we could molest together as a team? Especially now that it is summer and so many little ones are alone or under supervised at the pool, the park and the mall. Who wants to hunt for little slutkins with me?

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