This Is Why…

…certain family members love to fuck me.  You see this pussy? Nice isn’t it? Too nice not to allow my favorite Uncle in the world to still play with it now and then.  Yes he is old, but I don’t care.  He was the one who introduced me to the whole world of fucking.  It would be seriously rude not to jump onto his cock every time we are alone, now wouldn’t it?

I still remember how he picked me up that first time.  I had to spend the weekend at his and my Aunt’s house because my parents were going away for the weekend.  That night when I was sleeping he came in, turned on the light, woke me up and got me out of bed.  I didn’t know what was going on.   He took me to the steps, put a finger to his lips; indicating that he wanted me to be quiet.  I could hear my Aunt talking to someone, and laughing.  Then it got sort of quiet, then other noises started.  My Uncle went down a few steps and looked through the banister.  He waved me down, so I walked down as quiet as I could and looked through the banister just like he was doing.

There was my Aunt, doing something with another man, and she was NAKED!  The man was sticking something into her and she was making this weird noise.  She looked like she was being hurt and I honestly started to get upset.  My Uncle looked at me, leaned down and whispered in my ear, “It’s okay, she likes it, it’s called Fucking, all the big girls do it.”  We watched them for a few more minutes, then my Uncle put me back into bed, gave me a kiss on the forehead and left the room.  I think it was my first ever “WTF just happened?” moment.

The next day, my Uncle took me outside and I was watching him weed the garden.  I sat there quietly, then after a little bit I asked him about what was going on with my Aunt?  Why did only ‘big girls’ do that, and what was it? That’s when he took me back into the house and him and my Aunt showed me exactly what it was, and I became their very own big girl that day.  He has been playing with my perfect pussy ever since.  Wouldn’t you?

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