The Old Hotel

KInky phone sex with Jolene

We entered this old hotel in up state new york just as the thunder storm hit. With our clothes soaking wet we quickly grabbed our bags and checked in. as we strolled down the large lobby, my boy friend said his parents stayed there and so did his grand parents. The desk clerk gave us our room key, and walked over to the old elevator and went up the 7th floor. My man was telling me about the view of the Hudson river when suddenly the power went out and the elevator stopped. I was so scared  I cried and threw my self into my mans arms. He held me stroked my hair and said it was ok. It was so soothing that I found my self kissing him with passion soon after that. He ran his hand up my thigh, and under my skirt feeling the lustful heat of my pussy. I unzipped his pants and with in seconds had his cock in my mouth, and sucked it deep. He moaned and fingered my pussy slipping two fingers inside and stroking me with them. I cooed and moaned as I sucked him using my tongue up and down his massive shaft. He played with my pussy until I was dripping wet with lust. “Give it me to me baby” I moaned. He laid me on the floor and drove his cock inside my pink and found his pace in seconds. We grinded on the elevator floor like wild animals in heat, and he made me cum hard in minutes. I then had him get off me, and as I stood up he pressed me against the elevator wall and slid back in as I wrapped my legs around him and buried my silky smooth tongue into his mouth. We humped like that for ten minutes and I climaxed all over his crotch. Soon after that he moaned that he was cumming. I started to grind my sexy smooth hole next to him and he blew his load up in me deep. We gasped so hard we didn’t notice the elevator was moving up. When doors opened we saw the 72 year old owner of the hotel standing there. He looked at us and said “ for pete’s sake mr. jeffree, every generation of your family has had sex in this damn elevator, so you had to carry on the family tradition didn’t ya”

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