The MILF Next Door…

Kinky Phone Sex Belle5I get my mail at the same time everyday. Sometimes my neighbor is outside, she’s what they would call a MILF. You would think she has her eyes on the mail man… Wrong, she always looking  at me. Kinda like she is undressing me with her eyes.. you know? How you guys always look at girls.  I was beginning to like the way she looked at me because I would go back in the house and play with myself and fantasize about her between my legs.. Today I decided to test out that theory. I was out there in my sports bra and tiny running skirt trying to create the illusion that I was actually gonna work out. Ha! Its even funny to me. There she was staring at my ass as I did my sexy little walk down the drive way. I turned and looked at her seductively as I bent over  to pick up my morning paper off the ground. She nearly fell off the front step when she got a glance at my barely legal pussy getting some breeze. I walked back into my house and like clockwork she was ringing my doorbell. When I got back to the door I could see her mouth watering with anticipation. I was already naked, and ready. Her face was buried deep into my love muffin before the door could fully close. And they say I don’t service my community. This cupcake can cure everyone’s sweet tooth.

Kinky Phone Sex Belle6

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