The girls and I had so much fun!

sexy grandma picsOh I had the best time with my nieces this weekend, I really got to teach them a lot! See, these girls are something special, they have never been touched by a man, they’ve only ever been sexual with each other and I know for sure that is the way their dad wants to keep it. He doesn’t want them to end up abused or mistreated so he kinda trained them into being lesbians and he gets the benefits of being able to watch them when they fuck. He had me come in to teach them different fun ways to get each other off cus they were a little bored and I couldn’t be happier to help! We started off slow, just touching and exploring each others bodies and that was hot as fuck but when we moved on to strap on cocks, well that just really ramped it up a notch! Those young nubile bodies taking my big fat strap on cock was about the sexiest thing I had ever seen! I really hope that I will be fucking these girls a lot more often!

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