Tell Mommy All About It

Kinky phone sex

Come here sweetie.  Nice and close to Mommy.  I can tell that something has been bothering you because you have been quiet all morning.  It is okay, you know you can tell Mommy anything at all.  I will love you no matter what sweetheart.  You just climb up on my lap and tell me all about it, whisper it in my ear.  Let me wrap my arms around you and hold you tightly.  Take your time, it must be something really big because you are sitting there with your head resting on my boobies not saying a word.

Just take a deep breath and tell me, I promise I won’t be mad.  Oh is that all it is? No honey Mommy isn’t mad at you at all!  As a matter of fact I already knew.  Do not look so shocked.  Mommy knows a lot of things, there is nothing you can hide from me really.  I notice things more than you realize.  How about you and Mommy go into my bedroom and you can show me exactly what you do.  Don’t be shy, it is very much alright, I just wish you would have asked first though.  Mommy has been going crazy looking for them.  Before we go into my room though, I want you to bring me all of what you have first, and we will go from there.

See I told you my dear one.  There is nothing to worry about.  Mommy always wants to hear about this type of thing.  You do not have to be embarrassed, it is more than okay.  Now get going and do as I asked and we will spend some time in Mommy’s bedroom together.


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