Teacher’s Pet

Phone Sex Fetish KenyaWith all the young ones home at the same time, I’ve had to become very creative with ways to keep them entertained, safe and intellectually and sexually engaged.  One answer simple answer: play School!  Now, usually when students hear that word during their Summer break, a chorus of displeased groans ensue but my clan knows that playing School with Mommy always has a very fun twist – Teacher’s Pet!

I let them invite a few friends over sometimes, to make the game all the more exciting, but it works just fine with just the six of us.  The rules are simple, I ask each one basic school questions that I know they can answer, and whoever has the most correct answers after 10 questions gets to have “recess” with Mommy!  However, getting an answer wrong isn’t a bad deal either – the repercussion in having to service another classmate of Mommy’s choice in whichever sexual way that I pleases me to watch!

I always enjoy recess, when we all get to play, but only the Teacher’s Pet gets to come into Mommy’s bedroom for the best recess of all!

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